toldailytopic: Why do some people seem to hate Tim Tebow so much?

The Berean

Well-known member
My atheist friend announced last night that Tebow is super hot. I was not aware of this but anyway, his love for Jesus doesn't seem to bother her.
Maybe she might want to join this organization? :think:



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When anyone has success and attributes that success to their relationship with God, they will be despised by those who do not have the same experience. The perception is "what makes you better than me?' or "why does God favor you over me?".

I don't think Tim Tebow has created this perception intentionally. I don't believe he has stated that the reason he is successful is because he believes in Jesus, even though the fact that he does know Jesus is certainly a factor in his confidence and his ability to focus on the task at hand.


I identify as a Christian
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Why do people hate Tebow? It is two factors rolled into one.

1. "A lightning rod in America's intermittent culture war of believers vs. secularists."--as the article Knight pointed out puts it. His very existence flies in the face of what Godless America advocates. He is a living testimony against abortion. While his mother was pregnant with him she had a placental abruption. She was advised to have an abortion. She refused. Tim Tebow is the result of that refusal. He was featured in a Prolife commercial by Focus on the Family recounting his mother's refusal to have an abortion.

2. His generosity. One of the drums that Liberals often beat to criticize conservatives, of which Tebow is one, is feeding the poor and showing compassion. Tebow became well known for spending his Summers helping to poor and needy in the Philippines. His generosity even extended to young cancer patients visiting them and he's even taken one young lady with brain tumor as his 'date' to his awards ceremony.

In the eyes of the Liberal these two characteristics don't belong in the same person. Never the twain shall meet so to speak. Tebow is a impossibility in their eyes. He deflates their theories about the greedy Conservative. So he has become an object of their hatred.



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Hall of Fame
Interesting article: Here


But my favourite piece on Tebow comes from Doug Giles. He hits the nail on the head when it comes to the double standards of the PC crowd: “I wonder if the Tebow critics would be as mouthy about his faith if Tim’s name was Achmed and the god he praised after a TD was Allah. I doubt it. Why do I hesitate? Well, it’s principally because Christophobic toads are afraid to turn the verbal guns they use to berate Christians on Muslims, that’s why. Plus, they’d probably go to jail or get fired for ‘hate speech,’ but good Lord, you can certainly rag on Christians, now can’t ‘cha?


New member
He is hated so much, not just because he is a Christian, but because he is always talking about his faith.

Our culture has gone to great lengths to remove the presence and message of Christ from the schools, the government, the workplace, and from Christmas, and from public view, on mountaintops and buildings, etc.

Now comes this young man, who is ruining all of the efforts of the God haters. Just when they thought it was "safe to go outside again," or turn on the TV.......then here comes Timmy.

To much of America Christ belongs in a jail , and that jail is the confines of the four corners of a Church building. How devastating it must be to choose to watch football, because you love it, and be forced to here the name of Jesus, because you hate it. It is just not fair!!!!! Our culture has placed Jesus in jail, how did He get out. Don't let this guy play football, he is no good, that way we can put Jesus back in jail, where he belongs.

But even worse than that, he is not just a Christian, he is a pro-life Christian whose face appeared on an commercial during the High Holy Day of football......Super Bowl Sunday..........eeewwwww!

It is my personal guess that 80%of the jocks who hate Tim Tebow, payed for their girlfriend's abortion. Therefore they hate him because he represents the pro-life Christian message; at least in their minds.

Tim Tebow himself was almost aborted, and it reminds them of who their child could have been. They could have been someone good, like Tim Tebow, unlike the lies they were told to believe, that only bad things, or persons will result, if you have your baby.

King cobra

He is hated so much, not just because he is a Christian, but because he is always talking about his faith.

Our culture has gone to great lengths to remove the presence and message of Christ from the schools, the government, the workplace, and from Christmas, and from public view, on mountaintops and buildings, etc.

Now comes this young man, who is ruining all of the efforts of the God haters. Just when they thought it was "safe to go outside again," or turn on the TV.......then here comes Timmy.

To much of America Christ belongs in a jail , and that jail is the confines of the four corners of a Church building. How devastating it must be to choose to watch football, because you love it, and be forced to here the name of Jesus, because you hate it. It is just not fair!!!!! Our culture has placed Jesus in jail, how did He get out. Don't let this guy play football, he is no good, that way we can put Jesus back in jail, where he belongs.

But even worse than that, he is not just a Christian, he is a pro-life Christian whose face appeared on an commercial during the High Holy Day of football......Super Bowl Sunday..........eeewwwww!

It is my personal guess that 80%of the jocks who hate Tim Tebow, payed for their girlfriend's abortion. Therefore they hate him because he represents the pro-life Christian message; at least in their minds.

Tim Tebow himself was almost aborted, and it reminds them of who their child could have been. They could have been someone good, like Tim Tebow, unlike the lies they were told to believe, that only bad things, or persons will result, if you have your baby.

This! ........... :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why do people hate Tebow? It is two factors rolled into one.

1. "A lightning rod in America's intermittent culture war of believers vs. secularists."--as the article Knight pointed out puts it. His very existence flies in the face of what Godless America advocates. He is a living testimony against abortion. While his mother was pregnant with him she had a placental abruption. She was advised to have an abortion. She refused. Tim Tebow is the result of that refusal. He was featured in a Prolife commercial by Focus on the Family recounting his mother's refusal to have an abortion.

2. His generosity. One of the drums that Liberals often beat to criticize conservatives, of which Tebow is one, is feeding the poor and showing compassion. Tebow became well known for spending his Summers helping to poor and needy in the Philippines. His generosity even extended to young cancer patients visiting them and he's even taken one young lady with brain tumor as his 'date' to his awards ceremony.

In the eyes of the Liberal these two characteristics don't belong in the same person. Never the twain shall meet so to speak. Tebow is a impossibility in their eyes. He deflates their theories about the greedy Conservative. So he has become an object of their hatred.


Then how come plenty of other Christian sportsmen and women don't receive such flak? Trying to make this a 'liberals v conservatives' issue is simply disingenuine. When there's a baying crowd at a sports event it's nought to do with politics or abortion but simply stupid mentality IK, a bit like the scuffles and the 'thumbs up' from crowds that accompany ice hockey matches....don't try to make this into something it's not, at least not in general anyway.....

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How many of them are a living testimony against abortion? :idunno:

So you think the primary reason he gets flak is because he's a living testament against abortion? Aye SOD, that must be it.....crowds hurl abuse at sports players because they're all pro choice....:freak:

Get a grip, though 'nice' to see you've abandoned your cringe worthy attempts at faux "concern" for others spiritual well being and gone back down the standard trollish quote altering route et al. Stick to what ya 'good' at after all...the other certainly didn't do you any favours....


some other dude

New member
I have friends that literally HATE Tim Tebow with a passion. I don't think they hated Osama Bin Laden this passionately. While they might not like his style of play on the field how can they hate a kid that is such a good upstanding, caring individual such as Tim Tebow?

Read this article about Tim Tebow and tell me why some people seem to hate him so much.

Knight, according to our resident tard, "it's nought to do with politics or abortion but simply stupid mentality".

Isn't it nice to know that a moron from out of the country has all the answers? :chuckle:


New member
...this is exactly why i don't stair at television.

see, you don't need to. the info-gossip-tainment reaches your ears, reguardless of how hard you try to ignore it.

i read tiger woogs took a nine-iron to charlie sheem for fornicating with lindsy mohan during a GOP convention at OJ's place.


New member
Some hate the Broncos... so perhaps, because he is a Bronco, he is also hated? And "hate" in this case, is not really hate.

I haven't really been following the Tebow story, but I have to admit I do "hate" the Broncos...


The Dark Knight
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Conviction. Pure and simple. They don't like him because they feel convicted of their own rejection of the Lord of all creation when faced with someone like Tebow.


Well-known member
The dude got it right. Haters have to hate somebody, and it's lots easier to hate people we don't actually know. That way we can project all the characteristics we find most loathsome onto them, and justify hating them all the more. Some even raise their hatred to a level of 'holiness'. They think their hatred is 'Godlike'.

Plus, there are all kinds of people and institutions that play on people's hatred. They stir up the hatred of others for their own profit. Or to pursue their own agenda. It's easy to manipulate haters because they don't want to see the truth. They want to believe whatever nasty lie you tell them about whoever they've chosen to hate. So they'll virtually lie to themselves if you just give them a little fuel. All it takes is a few words out of context, or a nasty rumor, and they're off to the hater frenzy.

Ever watch pro-wrestling? It's the 'bad guys' that sell the tickets.


New member
Hall of Fame
He's not conventional and he makes a big deal of his faith. Those are the two biggest things. He also has a big bandwagon of fans and I think jealousy was partly behind the hostility Tebow's encountered in the media.