zippy and rex....
I don't mean to barge in but I just wanted to quickly throw in my two cents on something because I feel like you two might be talking past each other on one issue.
Rex, you asked zippy
"So lets have it straight. Do you agree, legally marriage is a contract?"
I think the difference might be how you see the government's role in the situation.
I think zippy, when he talks about a contract, is referring an agreement between the two persons getting married. Then, the government plays a 3rd party role and bestows various benefits into the marriage as well. Certain benefits that two people can't go to a lawyer on their own. They are unique to the government getting involved.
rex, you see this as all in the same contract and don't really separate the parts that relate to the couple and the parts that relate to the government.
It is the governments role that is "more than" a contract.
Earlier zippy said he doesn't care if a homosexual couple contracts, but it is "merely" (there's that word

) a contract between two people that they can go to a lawyer for.
I could be way off and if I am, just tell me and I'll go back into my corner and watch quietly.

I just think more progress could be made but the discussion is getting held up by some semantical things.