toldailytopic: Is the economy improving and now heading in the right direction?


Well-known member
Kind of a goldmine for COBOL programmers who were good at untangling code.

In my case it was RPG, COBOL and interfaces between TCP/IP networks (because I had learned a little more about micro-computers than your average mini/mainframe computer person) that were just taking hold in those years. But yes, I made very good money during those years. Though I was on call for 24 hours (and only got paid for hours worked) for a year starting four months before 2000. Because they ran their processing 24 hours back then.


New member
Possibly. There's a lot of unclenching going on in financial institutions across the country.

However, if Europe goes belly up this year, all bets are off.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
All indicators are still going down. Including unemployment with actual numbers near 20%. The statisticians call that underemployment, because unemployment is based on those taking benefits. And recently the two years came to an end, lowering the amount of people on it. They still don't have work though.

And the most important indicator is inflation, which is still through the roof.
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New member
Hall of Fame
From where I sit things have never been worse and seem to be sliding further and further away. I have never seen such a horrible post Christmas in all my years of doing the business that I do. In my business, I get to see a good snapshot of what consumers and advertisers are doing, if they have money to spend, and if they are spending that money.

My gut feel is that the media would love to "paint" the economy as in a recovery mode but the evidence tells me a dramatically different story.

Exactly, and that is the same condition around here. Tons of homes for sale, still sitting on the market and many of the same ones have been there for over a year, even on my street, 3 homes for sale, one has been on the market over a year and half now and the price dropped numerous times.

The Barbarian

Comes down to the sum of individual cases. And the numbers are slowly improving. Hence the alarm and attempts by republicans to shout it down.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The media is acting like things are clearly on the uptake. Job numbers, housing, etc. watching the news would make one think everything is getting better.

But what about in the real world?

What's your opinion of the state of our economy?

The media is an artist and wrapping dirt in Christmas paper, dipping it in chocolate or what ever they do to take something foul and try to make it look good.

I live out in the Midwest--typical real world. A house will stay out on the market, typically for three years now before it will sell. There are a lot of fore-closers out here. Many smaller businesses have gone under. One shop has changed hands three times in the past two years. My husband has been looking to change jobs and find one closer to home for a year and a half now. A year and a half. That is how depressed the economy out here is. Obamacare will kill more jobs.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
The economy is probably improving, slightly, but we haven't fixed any of the fundamental problems, so whatever improvement is occurring is subject to relapse at any time.


New member
Yes, the economy is getting better. More jobs are being created, and the unemployment rate is falling. The high foreclosure rate is falling too. Consumer spending is up, and is at record level in terms of actual numbers. This should be good for Obama's re-election, which would help keep at-least some further Republican mischief from happening that had ruined the economy in the first place.

This does not mean the structural, endemic problems in the economy have been solved. Health care, housing and education cost too much and keep the middle class down and poverty increasing. Free trade and outsourcing have reduced our industrial base to a small fraction of what it was. Climate change is causing billions in weather damage and failed crops here and abroad. Corporations are making people work longer hours for less pay in the name of automation and efficiency, and these hours need to be reduced so more people can be hired. Wages are too low for working people, and private-sector unions have been decimated. The budget deficit and debt are too high largely because of tax cuts and unfunded wars, and needed stimulus after the Bush depression, and this could lead to higher taxes down the road if interest rates rise. Private savings are also still too low, and private debt too high. Government pensions also contribute to budget deficits in many states and cities, and may need to be reduced. The economy will merely muddle along, and stay subject to further downturns, until these and other problems are addressed. They can't be addressed as long as people vote for dorky politicians whose only goal is to shut down the government and starve it of funds, rather than take action regarding some of these problems.

On the other hand, there is a good chance that a green third industrial revolution is going to take off, and innovation in this and in other high tech continues to be an engine of growth. People always have basic needs that people work and earn paychecks in order to fulfill, and economic cycles continue.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes, the economy is getting better. More jobs are being created, and the unemployment rate is falling. The high foreclosure rate is falling too.

Foreclosures Hit Lowest Point In Four Years, But Signs For 2012 Look Bad

The only reason foreclosures slowed was because judges ordered stops to clear up the robo signing mess.

They are about to explode this year when the backlog hits.


New member
Foreclosures Hit Lowest Point In Four Years, But Signs For 2012 Look Bad

The only reason foreclosures slowed was because judges ordered stops to clear up the robo signing mess.

They are about to explode this year when the backlog hits.

There's no reason to think they will suddenly speed up. Delay is necessary, and will continue. Action by the president made some homeowners eligible for help. More needs to be done. Banks need to be required to refinance more mortgages. Obama needs to get more cajones to make still-more of these things happen without the blockheads in congress.


New member
NO, it is not.

As long as big government politicians, Democrats, socialists, liberals and communists are working against the Constitution, the economy will continue to deteriorate as it is now doing.

God is bigger than all that, but believers must believe.

Your statements do not have the slightest connection to reality.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
actually the increase in employment is due to the political campaigns
Or due to a longer construction season because of the warmer weather. Or due to people spending a little more on Christmas this year. What difference does it make?

It wasn't a plot by the press and Obama.


New member
Hall of Fame
It only looks like the economy is getting better because there are less people on the unemployment rolls since its run out by now, and most companies have already let go of everyone they could get rid of.

The people who left without aren't being counted anymore so there is no true number.

Then you have Christmas was just here, people love Christmas (even Atheists although they don't like calling it that) so they are going to spend as much as they can even when its on credit - which accounts for a rise in consumer spending, I don't see that lasting though either.