toldailytopic: Is Mitt Romney pro-life?


New member
If that's all you got then don't vote just like the rest of the useful idiots.
The point being that that is all Romney's got. YOu never know what he will say on a given day. Whatever he thinks will get him elected, is what he will say.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That mentality is only going to perpetuate more of the same as what we've had in the past--and more of what we have now. It won't be until Americans get some courage and actually vote their consciences (rather than vote for the sake of political expediency) that we will have any hope of real positive change in this country.

for real change the democratic party must be destroyed for their support of abortion
voting republican is the only way to do that


New member
Romney is the PERFECT candidate to elect for the next 4 years, and here is why...

If Obama is elected, Romney will run again, or someone like him, in 2016. Republicans, especially republican "conservatives" are naive, and they expect Romney to bring in "conservative" changes. When this does not happen, many will wake up to the fact, that Romney was a liar. This can and will produce a political shift. It will be the perfect opportunity to raise up a candidate who will champion a truly conservative platform. If Romney is elected now, that champion can be our next president in 2016. If Obama is elected, you will be looking at 2020 before it becomes a real possibility.

True conservatives, "constitutionalists", or whatever, blew it these last four years. They need to start their campaigning now, passionately and aggressively for 2016. That is, if they don't throw away their vote now and give Obama 4 more years.

Not only will putting Obama back in office diminish and prolong any hope for recovery, he may in fact take us to a place so far away from anything resembling what this country once was, we might never recover from it.
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New member
for real change the democratic party must be destroyed for their support of abortion
voting republican is the only way to do that

The Republican Party is NEVER going to destroy the Democratic Party. Ever. And with Republicans being the liars and hypocrites they are on abortion and other issues (Romney being Exhibit A), voting for them will never end that, either.


Well-known member
Romney is the PERFECT candidate to elect for the next 4 years, and here is why...

If Obama is elected, Romney will run again, or someone like him, in 2016. Republicans, especially republican "conservatives" are naive, and they expect Romney to bring in "conservative" changes. When this does not happen, many will wake up to the fact, that Romney was a liar. This can and will produce a political shift. It will be the perfect opportunity to raise up a candidate who will champion a truly conservative platform. If Romney is elected now, that champion can be our next president in 2016. If Obama is elected, you will be looking at 2020 before it becomes a real possibility.

True conservatives, "constitutionalists", or whatever, blew it these last four years. They need to start their campaigning now, passionately and aggressively for 2016. That is, if they don't throw away their vote now and give Obama 4 more years.

Not only will putting Obama back in office diminish and prolong any hope for recovery, he may in fact take us to a place so far away from anything resembling what this country once was, we might never recover from it.

Dave, I can really appreciate your optimism. But I do believe it is misplaced. So tell me, what happens when you realize YOU are wrong? Tell us all what will happen to you when you come to the realization that the Republicans will NEVER field another "conservative?" I mean proof is in the pudding so to speak. Everyone pretty much agrees Reagen was the great conservative. Although I think he was the most conservative since Goldwater, he was a far cry from actual conservatism, then came Bush I, a step down. Then the conservatives trotted out Dole, an even further step down, and then Bush II, even a further step down. Then McCain, and now Romney. Where is this proof that conservatives will trot out a "real" conservative? They haven't done so since you or I have been alive.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
The Republican Party is NEVER going to destroy the Democratic Party. Ever. And with Republicans being the liars and hypocrites they are on abortion and other issues (Romney being Exhibit A), voting for them will never end that, either.

do you agree that the democratic party supports abortion?


New member
are you not aware that the supreme court makes rulings?
What in my post made you ask this? Yes, the supreme court makes rulings. This is exactly what I brought up in my post.

Are you referring to actual rulings or hypothetical future rulings? Specifically, what ruling are you referring to?
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Well-known member
so you think supreme court rulings are meaningless?

No, quite the contrary. Their rulings have meaning for you and I everyday. I will say to you that the court is a source for abuse of epic proportions and are well beyond the states and the people. They side with the Federal Government over and over again over the rights of the people. The Republicans and Democrats such as yourself have no problem with this. And you should be ashamed of yourself.

And just for good measure:

Constitution Day
Posted by Laurence Vance on September 17, 2012 11:15 AM

Almost forgot it was Constitution Day. Five quick things. 1. The Constitution was violated soon after it was adopted. 2. The so-called Civil War destroyed the Constitution. 3. The Constitution has failed to limit the federal government. 4. Those who talk the most about the Constitution (Republicans) violate it every chance they get. 5. The Constitution only means what the Supreme Court says it means. The Antifederalists were right and right again.


Well-known member
do you agree with the way the republicans on the court rule?
do you agree with the democrats?

Neither as both parties seek to destroy the liberty you have. But that is not what you want, liberty so the supreme court is a ok in your book