toldailytopic: Is general revival at all any longer possible in the western church?

Totton Linnet

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You know Totton, he is proof that one person, man or woman, willing to speak the truth and challenge the comfort level of any and all who think to rest on the laurels of their historic practices, can make a difference.
It is being willing to not only confront that which does not build up the Body of Christ, but to take revilement and isolation as the price for such words and deeds.
The honorable person earns his/her place in our hearts and minds as we turn to them for inspiration and support.
In the long run truth will win.
Thanks be to God!

That is one of the enduring [so far] lessons I have learned from Spurgeon...God's word does prevail.

Totton Linnet

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Now Evan Roberts is the man who gets most acclaim for the Welsh revival, I think he killed it but that is debatable.

Imma saying God is gentle and often He is working before people catch on. Florrie Evans was a 15 year old schoolgirl, she had thought her new Pastor had a godly face and so followed him home, being invited in she asked him the reason his face seemed to shine. He told her she must seek God for herself in prayer and bible study.

During the following week Florrie came into a saving experience.

Now this new pastor had introduced a new testimony sharing time into the Sunday service but embarrassingly nobody had a testimony to share and so the following Sunday when testimonies were asked for it was followed by a long painfully embarrassing silence. But tremblingly Florrie Evans stood to her feet and said "well if no-one else will I must say I love the Lord Jesus with all my heart"

The meeting immediately became charged. One after another the congregation rose to their feet to declare their love, or to give thanks many weeping...of course being Welsh soon the songs broke out....the Welsh revival had begun.

It spread to other chapels, soon it overflowed into the streets and shops and workplaces. The pubs had to close for lack of business, the churches and chapels were open every night and jam packed, people getting saved. It spread throughout Wales and into England.

The presence of God could be felt in the streets. The miner's pit ponies stood in confusion not knowing what to do for the men no longer beat them and yelled and cussed them.

The Welsh revival furnished Britain with many who would become leaders of the Pentecostal movement in Britain and Scandinavia.

But the German evangelical church denounced it as satanic..circa 1904

Totton Linnet

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D.L.Moody was a remarkable man, in many ways he is the architypal American, as soon as he saw something needed doing he would roll up his sleeves, oft times as he got stuck into a thing God caught up with him and showed him a better way.

When he first came to Chicago and saw the little children running wild on the sabbath he knew they should be in sunday school so he got himself appointed children rounder upper "there goes crazy Moody" the people would say, he'd do anything to get those kids in sunday school, riding through the streets on a donkey giving away apples...having got them and enrolling them [many testified when they were older] they dreaded missing a sunday school for they would get a visit, and Moody was so sad sorrowful, they could not bear it and would end up promising to never miss another class. And he would chase them.

But Moody never taught sunday school, he just rounded them up for others...he never thought children could get saved. He learned that when a teacher led the whole swarming bunch of them to the Lord. When he saw them kneeling and earnestly imploring God to save their friends it blew his mind. From thence on he started working towards their conversion. That was his start in evangelism.

But he was a redden hot hell fire preacher [in the way so beloved of Americans] not unsuccessful. But one week he had a frail looking soft spoken Lancashire lad to preach for him, Harry Moorhouse, and Harry preached every night on John 3.16. God so loved....that was his focus, the love of God for the sinner.

D.L.Moody had never thought that...alot of Americans today don't think that. But the people crowded in and got saved. Moody had always believed God HATES the sinner, he preached hellfire. Harry Moorhouse revolutionised Moody and he taught him the art of expository preaching. Instead of choosing a subject and throwing a few scripture supports Harry showed him how to take a portion of scripture and systematically expound it verse by verse.

Now Moody was becoming known and not unsuccessful but he had two elderly female admirers, and they felt a certain something was yet lacking in Moody...the unctioning Holy Spirit. And they pursued him. As you read Moody you see him as someone who pursues people...and God pursuing Moody, for he was first and foremost a DOER, a large hearted man. So God was pursuing him in the matter of the unction or the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And is often the way with God's dealings on a personal level it came to a crisis point when Moody had to cancel all engagements, all business and lock himself away...he had to get that unction, he knew it was real, he had witnessed it years before when visiting London had attended Spurgeon's Tabernacle, he had witnessed it in Harry Moorhouse and he had witnessed it in those two elderly matrons. He did seek the baptism and he did recieve it. Others call it the second blessing. The fact is God will give you what you believe Him for in accordance with His word.

But Moody recieved and it was from that time on that with Sankey he went and took America and Britain by storm bringing in the multitudes.
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Totton Linnet

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Men and communities of men will soon if left to their own devices sink to the level of Sodom and Gomorrah...Americans just have to think back 150 years to the years immediately following the civil war...society became hard and lawless.

Not long after George Whitefield got saved and he started to preach the new birth he soon found himself in trouble with fellow Church of England clergy men, he found church pulpits closed to him. It was in these circumstances George took a mad step.

While in Bristol he had heard of the mining town of Kingswood, a wicked place where no policeman ever dared to go, no church would accept Kingswood into it's parrish. It was totally lawless and violent, men did not expect to live beyond 45. Sodomy was rife.

With 2 others Whitefield set out to preach in the open air, an unheard of thing to do for an Anglican priest. He set up a table at about 100 yards from the mine entrance as the men started to come out after the dayshift and stood on it.

"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven...Matt. ch:5v3." he rang out as the men began to emerge.

The men, faces black with coal, gathered around this amazing sight, they did not know who Matthew was or what a chapter and verse could mean...they had never seen a Parson before and here was one stood on a table outside their mine. George Whitefield cracked a joke and made them laugh.

Soon he was telling them about their eternal destiny, a pit blacker and harder than any they had known, he told them that this was not God's plan for them and that He had sent a Saviour from heaven, even His own Son...this Jesus loved them and desired to bring them out of their hard bondage and bring them at the last to heaven.

As he was preaching to these some fifty men something caught George's attention, yes there it was, that youth on his left. Where his face had been black with coal white streaks appeared from tears running down his face, and there in front a wizened old fella the same and amazingly more and more both young and old the tears began to run freely as he preached the love of God, repentance and the new birth.

The next day George Whitefield recieved a lad from Kingswood with a basket of apples and an earnest appeal from all the men of that place to please come back and preach and perhaps start a mission.


Well-known member
God is an Emotional Being. He is far more emotional than mere humans. When we have feelings for someone, we are merely being touched by God's feelings for them. We feel a little of what He feels for them. He loves every soul so much that He would have sent His Son for just one of us.

Totton Linnet

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yes, they must be appealing to people's emotions rather than their logic.....

The gospel should not appeal to either emotions or can such an ILlogical message appeal to logic. In the measure that it appeals to either it is weakened.

Here is a key to revival for you.

The gospel doesn't appeal to man AT ALL, oh the evangelist may but the gospel doesn't. The gospel makes it's appeal to God.

That shook you didn't it....?

Yes it is when the gospel message is preached in such way that God can honour it by sending the Holy Ghost down from heaven to confirm it that people get saved.

And there is nothing wrong with emotion see, if you want to blame someone for emotionalism in our holy religion blame the Jews.
They were a holy shouting, clapping, dancing, weeping people before you ever knew anything about it.

When the prodigal son comes home it's emotional, it always has been in church history.
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New member
i think the term General revival needs to be explained..

But my 1st thought is...

We need another Billy Graham (who, as in later years anyhow) didn't hate Catholics

but focused on ACCEPTING Christ...

if one accepts Christ, and is really serious about following Him wherever He leads... s/he will eventually want to know about the Original Christain Church


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With the character of the western church, general revival is impossible. The church no longer has any salt.


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Hall of Fame
the next revival will be the return of the antichrist which will happen before the second coming


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It has already started, but will not be localized... it will be a worldwide revival and will sweep millions into The Kingdom just before the end.


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He has revived His people and is reviving us and will continue to revive us until we are all imbued with His Life and His Love in His Presence. Until then He is speaking to us just as Ezekiel did to the dry bones: "Live!" We come to life due to His prophecies. He spoke Words over us before He even began creation... "My Body will live and they will prosper and bring salvation to millions." He is still prophesying over us today, if we will but hear His Voice. He speaks through His Body. Paul said that we ought to covet to prophesy. Most Christians don't even know what it means to prophesy, much less how to do so. We ought to be about our Father's business. We all need to do His Will.

Matthew 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.


New member
Matthew 7:21
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
"ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free" (to the few chosen, not the many called)
if you're ready --- billy has not obeyed nor done the will of "my Father which is in heaven" even though he made a BIG (whitewashed) show of ... well, you've almost all seen it. His son franklin? also...
b.g. was warned by men of Yhwh who did do the will of "my Father which is in heaven" back in 1947-49 that he was getting in bed (fornicating or in danger of) with the beast/deceiver)... and b.g. DID NOT REPENT -- he and his son both dived head long into hell's deception and PRAISED THE ENEMY OF CHRIST.

... well, that doesn't mean Yhwh won't have a restoration of truth to His People on earth now/soon/in the coming months/years. Just that it is not according to the world's and satan's and the flesh's false ways of deception and oppression and greed and power and so on.

, oh, btw, there IS a revival going on in a very unexpected place. one of the most oppressive countries on earth. but hardly can truth seekers let alone truth doers (doers of the word and not just hearedrs) be found in the usa. almost everyone is caught up in getting their own way, protecting their possessions or income or other physical/carnal/worldly desires. (mostly, not all)

Totton Linnet

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When people are busy analysing other servants of the Lord [God watches their mouths and listens closely] they are not doing what THEY supposed to be doing. Your words are not in accord with the spirit with which Paul spoke.

He said one day when he was in prison awaiting trial for his life.

But I wish ye should understand brethren that the things happened unto me have fallen out rather well unto the furtherance of the gospel

So that my bonds in Christ are manifest in all the palace and in all other places.

And many of the brethren in the Lord waxing confident by my bonds are much more bold to speak the word without fear. Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife and some also of good will.
The one preach Christ of contention not sincerely supposing to add affliction to my bonds. But the other of love knowing that I am set for the defence of the gospel.

What then? notwithstanding every way whether in pretence or in truth Christ is preached and therein I rejoice.

And I don't believe Billy Graham and his team have preached in pretence. America ought to be proud of him....Franklyn I don't know.


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No one on this earth is called to judge the Body of Christ. His Bride is His to chasten, as He sees fit. Backbiting should never be seen in His Body. We ought to be about edifying one another in love, not pulling one another apart due to perceived faults.

Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.


New member
if you enter the kingdom of heaven some day,
if you become a part of His set apart people on earth some day,
do you want (unrepentant) perverts and liars and thieves and child molestors with you. do you want those who make a market of souls with you?

once you enter, Yhwh willing, He will alert you or teach you or show you the authority you are under(not man's way) and you will realize why it is
written "those IN THE BODY WE JUDGE, those outside the body Yhwh judges".
and again it is written
"put out the wicked(unrepentant) from among you".
and again
"come out of her My people" (out of whatever is false and deceitful and deadly)
and once more
"then you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free".