I have never seen convincing evidence.
What would convince you?
I have never seen convincing evidence.
There is none . . . :sigh:.
What would convince you?
A plausible explanation of how God came into existence.
A plausible explanation of how God came into existence.
What would convince you?
A plausible explanation of how God came into existence.
There are mysteries!
The human brain/mind can only go so far.
But with the help of AI we are progressing exponentially in our understanding of ourselves and the universe.
Why would GOD "need" to come into existence? HE'S ETERNAL...HE IS...THE SELF EXISTANT ONE
Very simple ... everything we *know* as human beings has a beginning and an end.
:liberals:except that god called you. Silent Hunter, is in fact saying: 'There have never been any so-called gods before ME,and neither shall there be any other after ME'
Very simple ... everything we *know* as human beings has a beginning and an end.
How convenient and sad an explanation for the theist . . .Why would GOD "need" to come into existence? HE'S ETERNAL...HE IS...THE SELF EXISTANT ONE
Fixed it for you . . .Alack ofbelief in God is an irrational position and amounts to belief in magic. The impossibility of the contrary is the best evidence against a god's exists.
It is convenient, but why is it sad? I like convenience, it makes me happy.How convenient and sad an explanation for the theist . . .
How convenient and sad an explanation for the theist . . .
I have never seen convincing evidence.
Knight said:In your opinion what are some of the most convincing peices of evidence that God exists?
Yeah..."everything we know". Now if there is a GOD,and HIGHER POWER than thus we are. Then surely HIS ways,and HIS thoughts are far far far beyond ours.
Isa 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.
Isa 55:9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
We also no that something does not come from nothing...yet here we are.
Though GOD'S invisibleness would be as something coming out of nothing when HE first brought matter into existence.
A rock can not create it self out of nothing.
For me, there are three strong arguments/evidences in favor of the existence of God.toldailytopic: In your opinion what are some of the most convincing peices of evidence that God exists?