toldailytopic: How many children is too many? Do you think it is wrong for couples to

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I don't think our planet's resources are infinite and it's obvious that as a species we're capable of doing a lot of reckless harm to this rock.
There are a lot more renewable resources than what we're casually using now.
That sounds marvelous. And what kind of quality of life do you think you'd get with twenty-five square feet somewhere? Why don't we try it this way for a while--but how about you go first.
It wasn't a living arrangement suggestion, merely a mental picture of how un-over-crowded this planet really is. If we build smarter, thinking of resources and keeping the future in mind instead of maximum profits, the world would be a much better place than we've made of it. I wonder how many square feet of paved road there is on this planet per person, and what it would look like with all of it gone and all of us flying personal solar-powered pollution-free briefcase-cars like George Jetson had. I think living in a building in the clouds would be cool.


Well-known member
just curious here... do you think that evolution has been debunked too?
No, it's merely and un-proven theory.
Overpopulation is not just about having a space 5 ft x 5 ft to stand on.
If we are over-populated, then how come CNN doesn't have any news stories about people falling into the sea and drowning, from being elbowed off the ground? Why do I look out my window and see forest, and not people standing elbow-to-elbow? :duh:
Are you familiar with the concepts like carrying capacity, maximum sustained yield, desertification, etc, and some notion of how they might apply to human populations?
Just as familiar as I am with concepts like: "fiction, overblown, nonsense and hogwash."
Do you think about things like these while saying that there is "room to grow"?
Irresponsible over-taxing of the land by mega-farms and overly massive corporations doesn't have to continue.
my question earlier was about an end point. The earth's population is growing, and will continue to until some end point is reached.
Obviously you haven't seen coherent data:
We can impose it on ourselves, or have it imposed in some very harsh way.
Population isn't out-of-control, it's in crisis, people just don't have sense enough to realize it yet.
I think I already did. :squint:


New member
No, it's merely and un-proven theory

"Merely" a theory that has a vast body of data, and you, who doesnt grasps that no theory is ever proven.

.If we are over-populated, then how come CNN doesn't have any news stories about people falling into the sea and drowning, from being elbowed off the ground? Why do I look out my window and see forest, and not people standing elbow-to-elbow? :duh

Well, that is a "duh' all right,, and will stand for the quality of the rest of what you have to say.

:Just as familiar as I am with concepts like: "fiction, overblown, nonsense and hogwash."Irresponsible over-taxing of the land by mega-farms and overly massive corporations doesn't have to continue.Obviously you haven't seen coherent data: isn't out-of-control, it's in crisis, people just don't have sense enough to realize it yet.I think I already did. :squint:


Well-known member
"Merely" a theory that has a vast body of data, and you, who doesnt grasps that no theory is ever proven.
Data that suggests, what, in your estimation? Oh, and I agree that scientists 'know' nothing. They have theories and guesses, but no knowledge. I recognize that the theory of evolution isn't substantiated or even anywhere near it. Pretending that it is, is disingenuous at best. What you need to get a grasp on is far more substantial: reality. Realities such as the earth being immovable, and God having created the earth and its inhabitants. Placing one's faith in one's own understanding is as wise as the criminal who defends himself: both have a fool for a client.

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.


New member
Data that suggests, what, in your estimation? Oh, and I agree that scientists 'know' nothing.

that is not at all what i said and its far from true.

They have theories and guesses, but no knowledge. I recognize that the theory of evolution isn't substantiated or even anywhere near it. Pretending that it is, is disingenuous at best.

spoken as by one who knows nothing but his talking snake book

What you need to get a grasp on is far more substantial: reality.

We recommend you follow your own advice.

Realities such as the earth being immovable,

immovable. wow. you have not caught up with the dark ages yet.

and God having created the earth and its inhabitants. Placing one's faith in one's own understanding is as wise as the criminal who defends himself: both have a fool for a client.

but faith in a talking snake book now you really have something

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

The BOM also has some sayings.


Well-known member
Obviously, you have nothing to offer but half-witted sarcasm, instead of a substantive defense of your 'science' and your faith in the status quo. Do you have a mouse in your pocket?


New member

Hi Aimel.

I dont think i want to have this kind of interaction with you.

You probably have some good ideas. Religion isnt really one of my areas of knowledge or much interest, and science doesnt seem to be one of yours.

If I say something about religion that is clearly wrong, i welcome being corrected, tho i may still not agree for any of several possible reasons.
Or maybe i will take it in and stand corrected, i dont have a problem with being wrong or learning something new.

If you are inclined the same way, you could likely learn some things from me. If not lets just leave it here.



New member
Hall of Fame
I really love being a parent, and I love the joy that my two children bring me every day. God has blessed me with them!

My wife and I wish that we were able to have more children. I think that I would very much enjoy to have a whole passel of little ones running around.


New member
Hall of Fame
I just hope parents start doing some parenting, whether they have 1 or 10.

But the government doesn't want you to parent! They would much rather take over and do that for you. :duh: What makes you think that you can parent better than they can?! You silly, responsible, logical free thinker you.


Well-known member
But the government doesn't want you to parent! They would much rather take over and do that for you. :duh: What makes you think that you can parent better than they can?! You silly, responsible, logical free thinker you.
Um not really. The problem is a lot of parents EXPECT government to parent their children, government doesn't actually want to do any parenting.


New member
Hall of Fame
Um not really. The problem is a lot of parents EXPECT government to parent their children, government doesn't actually want to do any parenting.

Is that right?

And when the First Lady (who is supported by her husband and other law makers) wishes to tell me what food and/or toys my children can or play with? Is that not the government poking its fingers into my responsibility as a parent to parent?

And when the First Lady and others wish to weigh my children in school to see if they are obese...?

Just a few examples...

I wish you were right. I really do. I wish the government didn't want anything to do with parenting. This is not the direction I see it going, however.


Well-known member
Is that right?

And when the First Lady (who is supported by her husband and other law makers) wishes to tell me what food and/or toys my children can or play with? Is that not the government poking its fingers into my responsibility as a parent to parent?
They're giving you advice, not taking your role away. You can choose to follow the advice or not. Part of government's role is giving information on how to keep healthy in general, this is informed by science. Don't believe them? Go out and look up the scientific information for yourself.

And when the First Lady and others wish to weigh my children in school to see if they are obese...?
When did they send government officials to weigh your children? Local school officials may check your children for health problems but this is no different than the scoliosis screening or vision testing etc.


New member
Hall of Fame
They're giving you advice, not taking your role away. You can choose to follow the advice or not.

When I want advice from the Federal Government, I will ask for it. I hope you are right, but don't be surprised when it is required of you to follow their "advice."

Part of government's role is giving information on how to keep healthy in general, this is informed by science.

Since when?? Show me anywhere in the Constitution of this Fine Nation where it is their business at all to tell me how to raise my children.

Don't believe them? Go out and look up the scientific information for yourself.

This has nothing to do with anything. I believe the science. Do I want my children to be overweight? Of course not. Do I believe that being overweight is bad for their overall health and wellbeing? Absolutely. Is it the place of the Federal Government to tell me that or even give advice to that effect? No. Never.

When did they send government officials to weigh your children?

Ask Sister's coming.

Local school officials may check your children for health problems but this is no different than the scoliosis screening or vision testing etc.

Also none of their business. I, as a responsible, loving parent, will have them tested myself.
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