Creation works according to this simple formula: What will be will be.
And what will be, depends upon what we sow; we will reap what we grow.
We will grow what we sow, and what we protect from birds who eat seeds before they sprout.
If we remove rocks so the soil is deep, and remove the thorns and tares that choke out the crop, then we will grow and reap bountifully.
If the birds eat the seed before it sprouts, the harvest will be nil, and if we sow seeds in rocky soil, or if the crop is choked out by thorns and tares, then the harvest will be slight.
So the Law is: Sow seeds of blessings bountifully, drive away the birds that would eat them before they sprout, remove the rocks so the soil is deep, and remove any thorns and tares, so that your harvest of blessings will be bountiful.
And: Sow seeds of destruction sparingly or not at all. If you do sow seeds of destruction, invite the birds to come and eat them before they sprout, sow them in rocky soil, or sow them among thorns and tares, to minimize your harvest of destruction.