The Trinity

The Trinity

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Right Divider

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It seems anyone who doesn't agree with your erroneous Christology is a Christ denier and a heretic.

:cow: No one can teach algebra to a cow.
No, jamie the juggler. I am NOT the standard by which anyone is judged and I do NOT judge based on me.

I go by God and His Word, which you trash constantly.

Right Divider

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And I am asserting that the resurrected Jesus is God. Not the Most High and not the Father, just one of us.

Why do you need for the Creator to have been created?
Please explain IN DETAIL, these claims.

Because, based on scripture, they appear to be completely heretical.


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Right Divider

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OK, let's start here: why do you believe the Word is a created being?
I do not. You must be confusing me with keypurr.

John 1:1 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:1) In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 (AKJV/PCE)
(1:14) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.


New member

:rotfl: I take it you didn't know the name "jehovah" was invented by Catholics.

About the 13th century the term "Jehovah" appeared when Christian scholars took the consonants of "Yahweh" and pronounced it with the vowels of "Adonai." This resulted in the sound "Yahowah," which has a Latinized spelling of "Jehovah." The first recorded use of this spelling was made by a Spanish Dominican monk, Raymundus Martini, in 1270.

Interestingly, this fact is admitted in much Jehovah's Witness literature, such as their Aid to Bible Understanding (p. 885). This is surprising because Jehovah's Witnesses loathe the Catholic Church and have done everything in their power to strip their church of traces of Catholicism. Despite this, their group's very name contains a Catholic "invention," the name "Jehovah."


New member
I do not. You must be confusing me with keypurr.

Not at all, you are the one accusing me of blasphemy without citing the basis for your accusation.

Is it just be cause you don't understand the NT?

It looks to me like you make accusations and negative comments about everyone who says something you don't understand or agree with.


New member
Please explain IN DETAIL, these claims.

Because, based on scripture, they appear to be completely heretical.

Is this one of those heretical scriptures?

Romans 8:16-17 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together.

Is the part about being glorified with our Brother blasphemous?

Right Divider

Body part
:rotfl: I take it you didn't know the name "jehovah" was invented by Catholics.
About the 13th century the term "Jehovah" appeared when Christian scholars took the consonants of "Yahweh" and pronounced it with the vowels of "Adonai." This resulted in the sound "Yahowah," which has a Latinized spelling of "Jehovah." The first recorded use of this spelling was made by a Spanish Dominican monk, Raymundus Martini, in 1270.

Interestingly, this fact is admitted in much Jehovah's Witness literature, such as their Aid to Bible Understanding (p. 885). This is surprising because Jehovah's Witnesses loathe the Catholic Church and have done everything in their power to strip their church of traces of Catholicism. Despite this, their group's very name contains a Catholic "invention," the name "Jehovah."
The organization named themselves. I don't care who invented half of the name.

Right Divider

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Not at all, you are the one accusing me of blasphemy without citing the basis for your accusation.

Is it just be cause you don't understand the NT?

It looks to me like you make accusations and negative comments about everyone who says something you don't understand or agree with.

OK, let's start here: why do you believe the Word is a created being?
Firstly, this does NOT apply to me as you are implying.

And I am asserting that the resurrected Jesus is God. Not the Most High and not the Father, just one of us.

Why do you need for the Creator to have been created?
Secondly, THIS is why I believe you to be a blasphemous heretic. If this is not correct, please explain the above.

Right Divider

Body part
Is this one of those heretical scriptures?

Romans 8:16-17 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ if indeed we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together.

Is the part about being glorified with our Brother blasphemous?
None of that is going to turn you into God.

That glorification is NOT the glory that God has!


New member
That glorification is NOT the glory that God has!

Well, of course not. We have go out and get our own glory, right?

Down to the glory store, away I go, just skipping along, singing my song.

But then on the other hand, Jesus said, "And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one." (John 17:22)


New member
Secondly, THIS is why I believe you to be a blasphemous heretic. If this is not correct, please explain the above.

OK, I'll try. There is no scripture that says Jesus is the Most High or that he is the Father.

Beats me as to how that is blasphemy.

Perhaps you should explain.


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OK, I'll try. There is no scripture that says Jesus is the Most High or that he is the Father.

Beats me as to how that is blasphemy.

Perhaps you should explain.
Remember that "Alpha and Omega" verse? The one where Jesus says that that's what He is? How could He possibly say that and not lie if He is not God? The Father is the Alpha and Omega, so why would Jesus say that He Himself is? Is Jesus a liar?

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OK, I'll try. There is no scripture that says Jesus is the Most High or that he is the Father.

Beats me as to how that is blasphemy.

Perhaps you should explain.
Also, How about in Isaiah where it lists what Jesus will be called, and one of those names is "Everlasting Father"?

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