does it say giants are bad or this giants had an ego problem?allsmiles said:what i find interesting are the giants Joshua's spies found in Canaan.
is there a connection?
OlDove said:does it say giants are bad or this giants had an ego problem?
Maybe some sons of God are sons of bitches?allsmiles said:um... i, i don't know...:think:
I believe so, but for me it's basically an inference. I don't believe scripture actually makes any explicit connection.allsmiles said:what i find interesting are the giants Joshua's spies found in Canaan.
is there a connection?
Show me where Jesus quotes the Book of Enoch, and include a few other NT examples.thelaqachisnext said:The Book of Enoch is quoted extensively in the Scriiptures, in the Old and New Testaments. If you are familiar with it, then the mystery is removed of some of the quotes made by the men of old -Job, for instance.
Jesus Christ quoted extensively from Enoch, also, as did Peter and Paul, James, and Jude, and many more -even the demons quoted it when they were afraid Jesus would cast them "into the pit before the appointed time!". -Enoch was given the appointment time to tell them of. In fact; Enoch was written for the fallen angels and their offspring, in the main, who were the nephillim -from whom Goliath was descended as a son of Anak, who came of the nephillim.
kmoney said:I believe so, but for me it's basically an inference. I don't believe scripture actually makes any explicit connection.
allsmiles said:what i find interesting are the giants Joshua's spies found in Canaan.
is there a connection?
It wouldn't disprove anything. I'm not saying they survived the flood. I'm saying that it may have happened again after the flood.allsmiles said:it doesn't, and it would be impossible for it to do so without compromising the literal truth of the deluge account... of course the biblical deluge account is the only one on earth where there were no survivors except the heroes of the story... but once again in order for there to be a connection the biblical account would have to be...:shocked:... inaccurate!!!
Sometimes it's right there and I miss it! I just can't see for lookin :noid:Nineveh said:Genesis 6:4
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, ...
kmoney said:It wouldn't disprove anything. I'm not saying they survived the flood. I'm saying that it may have happened again after the flood.
Do you by chance know if the root word implies big size. or physical only size. I am not knowledge on this. Can anyone share please?Nineveh said:Genesis 6:4
There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, ...
Why must the bible explicitly say so again? Nineveh posted a verse saying that it happend later also. I guess the writer assumes the reader has a memory.allsmiles said:oh yes, i seebut the bible would reference it the first time and not the second? i don't know about that. the best guess is that there was no connection between the giants unless the flood story is compromised.
MEMORY?kmoney said:Why must the bible explicitly say so again? Nineveh posted a verse saying that it happend later also. I guess the writer assumes the reader has a memory.
kmoney said:Why must the bible explicitly say so again? Nineveh posted a verse saying that it happend later also. I guess the writer assumes the reader has a memory.
I already said that I think the giants mentioned in Gen 6:4 are connected to the giants you mentioned. I don't follow you when you say that the writer couldn't have been Moses.allsmiles said:well then, if the giants that happened afterwards had any connection with the giants of Canaan, then the writer of Genesis couldn't have been Moses... but i don't know if you believe he was the writer to begin with.
it's possible that it happened again. whether it happened at all is the more important question to me, but i won't go there.
What does the bible say about memory?OlDove said:MEMORY?
Can a person use that?
Better check the Bible.