Sorry for that. It is a pity that VP W pass away without having the chance to know what I know about Christ pasion. Was him the founder of any denomination? Is him the "big name" in your denomination?
No problem, I became aware of his heart's work, that is to learn scripture without preconceived notions while still in 2nd or 3rd grade of parochial school.
I wanted that too.
He learned from as many outstanding Christians of his time that he could.
He simply wanted to know what God intended scripture to teach, without denominational or any other kind of bias whatsoever.
God worked in his heart and he founded The Way International.
I had reached some conclusions about scripture based on my learning and was rather humbled about how much more he added to my knowledge and conclusions. He dedicated his life to rightly divide the word of truth. II Timothy 2:15
Yet his works were always a work in progress, for God's word is so rich that we cannot learn all that is available to learn from it.
He spent decades with the help of many sources and resources to write his books, books that are truly landmarks in Biblical research, yet he would have been the first to admit how much he learned from others.
He left behind much.