The long nightmare has just begun: Inauguration of a fraud.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Others speculate that the best males of Germany, Britain and France were chosen to go into two generations worth of meat grinder. The nations that continue are not what they might have been otherwise. One wonders if we can see the result in Europe's slow motion conquest by Islam.

i've pondered that often

what's even scarier, when you head down that path, are the populations that are now emerging in russia and china

if the argument can be made that the effects of slavery can still be found in the failure of the black population in america some 150 years after the practice ended, then what hope have we for the young Chinese and Russians whose social structures were demolished under communism, whose best and brightest were deliberately destroyed by the likes of stalin and mao?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think it was more a class issue pretending to be a race issue. There was also much greed among the wealthy Germans who wished to use government control to force wealth into their hands.
I'd say class and financial strains from the first war, along with a simmering bias against the Jew that is historically hard to miss in their treatment across Europe over centuries made it easy to cast them in the villain's role. Look at the expression of it in our own country, from industrialists like Ford, to public heroes like Lindbergh, popular personalities on radio like Father Coughlin. By 38 around 60% of Americans were bigoted enough to feel comfortable polling that Jews were greedy, dishonest and pushy. And we were always mild by comparison with Europe.

In that same year a parade of Coughlin supporters marched in New York to protest giving Jews refuge here from Nazi persecution with chants like, "Send Jews back where they came from in leaky boats!" and "Wait until Hitler comes over here!"

The second world war did more to help swing public sentiment the other way, as most of the groups associated with anti-semitism became entangled with the Nazis, who often supported them in fact and funding before declarations of armed hostility, and lost support.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Patrick James,
Do not blow your top over simple oversights. Admit to errors and save face by being honest and forthcomming


New member
The attacker in London was an immigrant from where? Oh, Kent. Where exactly is that in the middle east?
He was still imported from the middle East through his father. Culturally, he never left the middle East, so the fact he was birthed in Kent is irrelevant. Geography is the only difference between him and the other animals who never migrated.

The social context in his birth and raising to adulthood are identical to those birthed in the middle East. They are called ghettos for a reason.
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
He was still imported from the middle East through his father. Culturally, he never left the middle East, so the fact he was birthed in Kent is irrelevant. Geography is the only difference between him and the other animals who never migrated.

The social context in his birth and raising to adulthood are identical to those birthed in the middle East. They are called ghettos for a reason.
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doesn't seem fair that the indigenous peoples of Kent have to put up with violent outsiders


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd say class and financial strains from the first war, along with a simmering bias against the Jew that is historically hard to miss in their treatment across Europe over centuries made it easy to cast them in the villain's role. Look at the expression of it in our own country, from industrialists like Ford, to public heroes like Lindbergh, popular personalities on radio like Father Coughlin. By 38 around 60% of Americans were bigoted enough to feel comfortable polling that Jews were greedy, dishonest and pushy. And we were always mild by comparison with Europe.

In that same year a parade of Coughlin supporters marched in New York to protest giving Jews refuge here from Nazi persecution with chants like, "Send Jews back where they came from in leaky boats!" and "Wait until Hitler comes over here!"

The second world war did more to help swing public sentiment the other way, as most of the groups associated with anti-semitism became entangled with the Nazis, who often supported them in fact and funding before declarations of armed hostility, and lost support.
Yes, Jews in banking and the culture of Christianity they remained outside.

Who did the most to make group oppression a concern? Adolf Hitler. He did it backwards:noway:


After WW1 the Jews became the designated "scapegoats" for all of Germany's problems - fast forward to 2017 where under the Trump Administration they have been replaced by the Muslims.

Given that "TheDonald" doesn't make mistakes, at least none he will admit to, he places the blame on

lyin' Ted,

little Marco,

cooked Hillary,

the fake news media,

the Nazi-like intelligence agencies,

sick Obama,

the so-called judges,


- and now the House Democrats!


Trump wall baby!

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Yea pressure blasted trumps name up on the wall at Tripler Army Base today hehe. Veterans came out for a salute!

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Well-known member
That's all we do here at TOL. Has one person changed their mind on any issue? No.

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yep, sad state of affairs. The current generations need to pass before later generations can learn from our mistakes. That is how America was formed. All the European church and political bloody wars woke up our founding fathers that this is not how to live. But humans still forget. I heard a report saying now that the Greatest Generation is dying off who went through Depression and World Wars were more open to seeking out compromise with neighbors (generally speaking). The boomer babies don't have those hard lessons, so we will repeat the same mistake, except with more powerful weapons. I heard Einstein say "I don't know how the next World War will be fought but the one after that will be with stones." Kind of puts the essential pettiness of our current in-fighting into perspective.

I don't know if you have to change you mind so much as be open to changing your mind.


New member
you know pence would be a better president than trump
Pence is at least a politician. Trump is not, he's a business man. Here's an example: no one likes lawyers, but would you want a plumber representing you in court? What makes the American people want a business man representing us in this world we live in, in the white house? It's like probably the biggest mistake in presidential history!

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