The Law Of Christ


Today is Revi'i, Fourth, Aviv 12, Evening and Morning, Night and Day.

The Bible says not to call anyone an idiot.

I am not an idiot.

And, I know the Bible.

I said
lol That is what makes you an idiot, because you think you know the bible. And you don't.


I said
lol That is what makes you an idiot, because you think you know the bible. And you don't.


Today is Revi'i, Aviv 12. It is Yom, Day.

Incorrect. I do know the Bible. I was sharing, preaching, and teaching God's Word before or without having become an elder or an apostle.





Today is Revi'i, Aviv 12. It is Yom, Day.

Incorrect. I do know the Bible. I was sharing, preaching, and teaching God's Word before or without having become an elder or an apostle.



I said
lol That is another reason your an idiot. The devil has had a lot of fun using you for years it looks like.


I said
lol That is another reason your an idiot. The devil has had a lot of fun using you for years it looks like.

Is that what YOU are doing? What is this supposed to mean? What are you trying to do? Did you know that everything that you say is supposed to be for edification?


Is that what YOU are doing? What is this supposed to mean? What are you trying to do? Did you know that everything that you say is supposed to be for edification?

I said
lol I have told you to judge yourself with scripture. I have told you the devil is deceiving you. Some of your replies are straight from your devil. Some of them are just to stupid to reply to.


I said
lol I have told you to judge yourself with scripture. I have told you the devil is deceiving you. Some of your replies are straight from your devil. Some of them are just to stupid to reply to.

You are communicating things that are not of or from God.


I said
lolol No proof, no evidence, just your little demon of denial. when are you going to grow up and get rid of him.


You do not know what you are saying. Or you do know and you are dead wrong. You think you know something and you communicate it but you are wrong. Now what does that say of or for what you say?



You do not know what you are saying. Or you do know and you are dead wrong. You think you know something and you communicate it but you are wrong. Now what does that say of or for what you say?

I said
You tell me I am suppose to edify others when I post. You have said nothing edifying, nothing of any help spiritually. Your opinion is worthless. Your either denying what I said or patting yourself on the back. You turn every conversation into a stupid conversation.
You are incorrect. You are incorrect in what you have said here. You are incorrect in what you say here. You are incorrect in saying that I was kicked out of Christianity as well. I was not.
It is possible to post a link to continue a conversation somewhere else after saying goodbye if someone did not want you on their thread anymore. It gives everyone the opportunity or option to continue the conversation elsewhere rather than separating dividing or otherwise breaking a bond the bond of unity that we have in the body of Christ.
I did post again, yes. I know what the truth is. I am not here to deceive you. You say and apparently you think that I am. You are wrong when you say that I am a pathological liar. I do not think that you know what a pathological liar is. Remember, you want me to say goodbye. And you want me to not have rules about posting. It is a service to you to not cut you off from learning and thereby injure the body of Christ sowing discord and creating disunity.
The best to you if you can continue.
Today is Shlishli, Aviv 11.
You have said this or something like this before. You are incorrect. That you would say such a thing demonstrates that you do not understand.
I am sorry but you are attempting to make a positive claim while rejecting what is true in so doing. You cannot shake me from Paul's words.
You are fighting against God and me, with Scripture.
My God is the God of Scripture not Scripture itself.
That is Scripture. Scripture is called the Word of God.
What you are talking about, what the Scripture says, is different from what we know that Scripture is.
I did not learn that the Bible is the Word of God from the Scriptures. But I have quoted the first verse from John Chapter One before.
If you haven't learned that the Bible is the Word of God yet it does not mean that you are deceived.
No. You can learn and know the truth of the gospel without having ever seen or heard of the Bible.
Today is Revi'i, Fourth, Aviv 12, Evening and Morning, Night and Day.
The Bible says not to call anyone an idiot.
I am not an idiot.
And, I know the Bible.
Today is Revi'i, Aviv 12. It is Yom, Day.
Incorrect. I do know the Bible. I was sharing, preaching, and teaching God's Word before or without having become an elder or an apostle.
Is that what YOU are doing? What is this supposed to mean? What are you trying to do? Did you know that everything that you say is supposed to be for edification?
You are communicating things that are not of or from God.
You do not know what you are saying. Or you do know and you are dead wrong. You think you know something and you communicate it but you are wrong. Now what does that say of or for what you say?


I said
You tell me I am suppose to edify others when I post. You have said nothing edifying, nothing of any help spiritually. Your opinion is worthless. Your either denying what I said or patting yourself on the back. You turn every conversation into a stupid conversation.

You have said that I can't help you. I can edify you.


I said
That is another lie. You have never edified me.

That is what you say, so it is probably true. For a person to be able to say they have been edified, edification had to have occurred or had to have taken place. Does a person need to know that they have been edified for it to be true that someone edified them?


That is what you say, so it is probably true. For a person to be able to say they have been edified, edification had to have occurred or had to have taken place. Does a person need to know that they have been edified for it to be true that someone edified them?

I said
lolol Do you even know what edification means?


I said
lolol Do you even know what edification means?

I did until you asked me.

Does a person need to feel edified in order to or for them to be edified?

Edification is when someone says or does something that benefits you or otherwise encourages you or brings you encouragement. However, edification and encouragement are not the same word.


I did until you asked me.

Does a person need to feel edified in order to or for them to be edified?

Edification is when someone says or does something that benefits you or otherwise encourages you or brings you encouragement. However, edification and encouragement are not the same word.

I said
Edification is when you give someone more verses that they didn't have. so they can fight against the wiles of the devil. You have NEVER edified me.

[Eph 6:12
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [hosts] of wickedness in the heavenly [places].


I said
Edification is when you give someone more verses that they didn't have. so they can fight against the wiles of the devil. You have NEVER edified me.

[Eph 6:12
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [hosts] of wickedness in the heavenly [places].

You can edify someone with scripture or without scripture. Some people can only be edified by scripture, or think that they can only be edified by scripture.


You can edify someone with scripture or without scripture. Some people can only be edified by scripture, or think that they can only be edified by scripture.

I said
lol Your an idiot. Encouragement is not edification. And by the way you have never encouraged me you have only tried to provoke me. lol Which cant be done anymore. You have done more damage to the body of Christ by what you believe than non believers that don't say anything. That is what makes you an antichrist.