The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Well-known member
the problem is that you don't realize you are the deceiver, friend.

That's why Jesus says we know them by their fruit. Take a look at you mainstreamers' conduct, fruit. It is not of Jesus.

You've got a lot to learn. :(


Eclectic Theosophist
Yeah, never mind the fact that believers are to stand against those who preach a false gospel. If you want to admit you're a cult....a worldly religion that has nothing to do with Christianity, then I doubt anyone would care what you say. The problem is, you don't.

I suppose that doesn't interest or stimulate you, though, does it? Too boring, right? Shucks, can't please everyone, can we? :turbo:

You're free to prove what is false in the gospel of Jesus revealed in the UB, if you'd like to challenge it. I don't belong to any cult, but am free to study, explore and expound upon any number of religious schools or philosophies. If you want to debate the papers you have to educate yourself on what they are first. That's pretty basic to a discussion, an informed one anyways.



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Temp Banned

Its amazing some will go on a path of self-inflammation to the point of 'blow-out' or 'break-down', which shows something else is going on on a deeper level psychologically, which reflects in their religious views, opinions, beliefs and manners.

There are greater more harmful issues and under-currents going on in the world than the UB, which has no ill-will, intent or effect upon any open mind that happens to find the values, principles and meanings within it, to be good, positive and life-enhancing. There are dozens of other books as well that may be helpful to truth-seekers, the Bible included of course.

In the 'Religion' forum, any subject concerning religion may be discussed, it being only rightful and appropriate that a poster first learn the subject in order to intelligently discuss it. That's a basic prerequisite, instead of hurling assumptions, accusations, preconceptions and the like. Having a religious bias is fine, but by golly have some respect to learn the subject, all perspectives, so you can take full advantage of a fruitful dialogue.

Is a little sanity asking for too much?


Yeah, humanism is a fast growing religion, but we are in the last days and your times for speculation are fast coming to an end. Is it sanity to fiddle while Rome burns? Is it sanity to think such seeking is "life-enhancing" when you have no LIFE to enhance? I call it allowing a person to go speeding down a road where the bridge is out....don't say you haven't been warned.


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Temp Banned
You're free to prove what is false in the gospel of Jesus revealed in the UB, if you'd like to challenge it. I don't belong to any cult, but am free to study, explore and expound upon any number of religious schools or philosophies. If you want to debate the papers you have to educate yourself on what they are first. That's pretty basic to a discussion, an informed one anyways.


Ah, another gospel. :nono:

I don't have to sit under Charles Manson to know he is wrong. I don't have to read more than two of your paragraphs to know you are outside the faith and speak counter to Scripture. The last thing I want to do is educate myself on the philosophies of men. Ecclesiastes is God's record of man's arguments, and man is great at puffing himself up with "knowledge".

Ecclesiastes 12:12


Well-known member
Temp Banned
suit yourself slandering His servant and claiming to be true and saved and don't even honor Jesus' teachings.

You guys are hilarious.

what is showing is your perverted faith with rotten fruit. You don't take heed of Jesus' word. Your comments are just empty and lip service.

the problem is that you don't realize you are the deceiver, friend.

That's why Jesus says we know them by their fruit. Take a look at you mainstreamers' conduct, fruit. It is not of Jesus.

This from one who has NO Saviour. You actually fit in very well in this thread.

Until you confess Jesus is your Lord and God, you are no more than clanging symbols. The Lord our God is ONE LORD, and you, poor lost soul, don't even know it. :nono:


Well-known member
Yeah, humanism is a fast growing religion, but we are in the last days and your times for speculation are fast coming to an end. Is it sanity to fiddle while Rome burns? Is it sanity to think such seeking is "life-enhancing" when you have no LIFE to enhance? I call it allowing a person to go speeding down a road where the bridge is out....don't say you haven't been warned.

Yet the mirror is also awaiting your arrival, you spew the party line born in the dual propaganda that allows you to hate others, while feeling righteous for doing so, your no different than a nationalistic blind patriot who follows the leader and feels superior over those who don't agree with your exclusive club mentality, if anyone better awake it is the westernized brainwashed christian.

Your book was plagiarized and your to full of pride to even consider that possibility, so glad that pride humble me before I became a reprobated religious robot.


Eclectic Theosophist
All things in order......

All things in order......

Ah, another gospel.

Can you prove it is? You'll note Paul boasted in his own gospel, one quite different than the original apostles of Jesus based in Jerusalem. See here. The issue of Paul and his gospel has had its own threads.

I don't have to sit under Charles Manson to know he is wrong.

I find this 'comparison' unjustifiable and ridiculous. Again, if you can prove where Jesus is teaching anything false in the UB, specify the passages if you'd like to discuss those. Otherwise you just have a preconception, assumption, assertion.

Ecclesiastes 12:12
I don't have to read more than two of your paragraphs to know you are outside the faith and speak counter to Scripture.

Specify the paragraphs you speak of.

The last thing I want to do is educate myself on the philosophies of men.

Well,...that might be a bit difficult, since you cannot prove that some portions of the bible are not just that, subtle inflections of the philosophies of men, variously inspired to a lesser or greater degree. Since such variety exists in the Bible, it is subject to varied interpretation amid its various translations. It still holds that whatever principles of goodness, truth and beauty are found in a religious writing....those are essential....since the principles are eternal. This goes for any religious or philosophical teaching.

Ecclesiastes is God's record of man's arguments, and man is great at puffing himself up with "knowledge".

While an interesting book, I don't think the totality of truth is revealed in such a work, since its limited to its author, who definitely had his own views on life and death, a rather negative one, since "all is vanity" anyways,....with only finally the 'loyalty' to God's commandments being the one thing of ultimate value. This writer while perhaps revealing a subtle reflection of 'wisdom', was still limited to his own religious culture and capacity for illumination, since it was assumed by later religionists that newer insights of revelation were to follow.

We would also not be too haste to discount 'knowledge' since it is essential, since Jesus speaks of the religious leaders of his day keeping the keys of knowledge from the people, which would be for their spiritual liberation. Religion therefore can be a form of bondage, not a catalyst for freedom, when it is dogmatized or crystallized into a dead form or mechanical system, quenching the Spirit of God that alone gives life.

These things are expounded on exponentially in the papers. If you would discuss the subject, you'd have to learn what is in them, at least an adequate portion concerning whatever topic you'd like to engage.

For those interested I've recommended a read of at least the first 10 - 12 papers, as these lay the foundation of the book's theology. Index here. The first paper on the Universal Father is certainly foundational - here.



TOL Subscriber
Yet the mirror is also awaiting your arrival, you spew the party line born in the dual propaganda that allows you to hate others, while feeling righteous for doing so, your no different than a nationalistic blind patriot who follows the leader and feels superior over those who don't agree with your exclusive club mentality, if anyone better awake it is the westernized brainwashed christian.

Your book was plagiarized and your to full of pride to even consider that possibility, so glad that pride humble me before I became a reprobated religious robot.

At some point when all this yackity-yack subsides a bit, I'd like to hear your story about your experiences in churches and beyond.

You had evidently pursued quite a bit of study about Kabbalah and Zionism, and the Eschaton Agenda in regards to the whole world stage of events unfolding; and all that was while you were still "in the faith" (my general reference).

So how much of your awakenness came before or after your departure from Christianity? Was your exodus more abrupt or gradual? And at what point did you abandon the more Christian view related to "awakening", and what was the difference after being on the opposite side of the fence (again, just descriptors)?

Were you functioning devoid of your fictious legal name and all the rest while you were still professing Christianity? How did that whole timeline play out of leaving Christianity and embracing Esotericism relative to being aware of the false dialectic and duality of the System?

I've never heard you really address any of the transition, just the either/or of before/after. So if you get a chance and have any inclination to share that progression, let me know and I'll read along.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
Yet the mirror is also awaiting your arrival, you spew the party line born in the dual propaganda that allows you to hate others, while feeling righteous for doing so, your no different than a nationalistic blind patriot who follows the leader and feels superior over those who don't agree with your exclusive club mentality, if anyone better awake it is the westernized brainwashed christian.

Your book was plagiarized and your to full of pride to even consider that possibility, so glad that pride humble me before I became a reprobated religious robot.

Don't project your own feelings onto me. I don't hate you or anyone else. I feel very sorry for all those who can't see the Way the Truth and the Life. You won't find it where you're looking and you won't hear until you humble yourself. I can't do that for you.


Well-known member
If you claim to be a 'Christian', you'll take Jesus words and teaching to heart.
As would you, if His Words meant anything to you:

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

John 6:53


New member
Freelight does a marvelous job of articulating these concepts.

The revelation of the miraculous Christ created a lot of questions after he left. The monotheistic religion of Judaism didn't know God had a creator Son through whom the world was created. The UB reveals many new facts that we didn't know before that helps us to get to know our Lord.

The problem is that they aren't facts, just fabricated and made-up lies.


Eclectic Theosophist


As would you, if His Words meant anything to you:

Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

John 6:53

We've addressed the issue of 'blood-atonement' before:


Blood-free atonement

The Spirit alone is life

The endless loop-hole of blood-atonement

Atonement without blood


All that is required is a 're-turning' to 'God'. (repentance).

Let us also note your quote above is ONLY found in the later redacted gospel of John. Its 'symbolic'.



Eclectic Theosophist
Prove your claim.............

Prove your claim.............

The problem is that they aren't facts, just fabricated and made-up lies.

Prove it. This goes for any religious text. Furthermore, prove your preferred religious text has not been subject to human imperfections, translation errors, interpolations, creative doctoring, mythology, literary devices and the like. If you're going to condemn another religious text, your own is likewise under scrutiny. You would do well to first learn what you're critiquing to see the common universal truths therein, and be open to discuss differences, that is...if you're here to intelligently discuss anything beyond pontificating.



TOL Subscriber
Prove it. This goes for any religious text. Furthermore, prove your preferred religious text has not been subject to human imperfections, translation errors, interpolations, creative doctoring, mythology, literary devices and the like. If you're going to condemn another religious text, your own is likewise under scrutiny. You would do well to first learn what you're critiquing to see the common universal truths therein, and be open to discuss differences, that is...if you're here to intelligently discuss anything beyond pontificating.


What this demonstrates, though, is an utter lack of knowledge in the field of textual criticism. The Urantia Papers can't even begin to stand up to the rigorous scrutiny that the Christian canon has been subjected to, both from within and without the faith.

Higher (textual) criticism, as a formal segment in the field of study, may still deny veracity in many ways, but there are many caveats regarding inherent bias and methodology, etc. to return criticism. Higher criticism must begin with a negative predisposition and assertions demanding unreasonable alleged proofs.

Lower (textual) criticism, as the formal segment of that field of study, has proven quite consistent and concise in demonstrating all facets of consideration for validity according to UNrevised history on canonicity. Lower criticism begins with a neutral and unbiased examination that virtually universally yields unquestioned veracity for the existing canon and its rigorous processes.

The Urantia Book has no historical significance or veracity whatsoever. There can't even really BE a field of textual criticism regarding the Papers because they have NO precedent of the many factors that would be involved in any true and valid rigorous canonization process.

The entire thing is nothing BUT redaction of a variety of historical revisionist ways. To compare the "text" of the Urantia Book to the actual canon of Christian scripture is like apples and dumpsters, the latter being the UB.

You can't possibly be the remotest bit rational to even suggest such a comparison simply on the grounds that the UB refers to subject matter in the same general category. It's infinitely beyond laughable, and erodes your credibility to being negligible.

The Urantia Book has NO qualifications as a "sacred" writing. It could stand up to no more scrutiny than a series of novels compiled in aggregate. To even propose such a comparison based on genre alone is possibly the most overwhelmingly and overbearingly inane and outright stupid thing I may have ever heard come from a living human.

Even if the absolute worst case scenario of the greatest deluded and hate-mongering higher textual critics were true, it STILL lends NO veracity whatsoever to any such "canonicity" of the UB.

As bright as you are in your absolute delusion in certain ways, this exposes you as a simpering moron for even suggesting such a contrast of scripture to the UB for valid historicity. It's beyond plausibility to even suggest such a thing, and makes one want to ask how long you've been on such a high dosage of psychotropics.

Most. Epic. Fail. Ever. Get real. This is monumentally worse than your frustrated criticism of Christians not reading the Papers and still bashing the UB. You're not even an amateur yet in the field of textual criticism, much less an expert or professional.

Seriously? This deserves scathing ad hominem, though I don't need to employ it. Come on, PJ. Totally bogus. Marvel Comics have more historicity than the UB, fer cryin' out loud. And that's not me equivocating content, it's just to illustrate the silliness of your tact in attempting to toss out Christian scripture that YOU constantly quote selectively for your own purposes.

Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh!!!! Just stop with the circus portion. It should be beneath even you.


TOL Subscriber
We've addressed the issue of 'blood-atonement' before:


Blood-free atonement

The Spirit alone is life

The endless loop-hole of blood-atonement

Atonement without blood


All that is required is a 're-turning' to 'God'. (repentance).

Let us also note your quote above is ONLY found in the later redacted gospel of John. Its 'symbolic'.


And the problem is the same as it has always been with you, and that it will always be with you.

You don't know the difference between spirit and soul; and you don't know what rhema and logos are. Because of that, you don't and can't know the true ontological Gospel of Jesus Christ (and neither do the vast majority of professing Christians).

If you did, you'd know that the true Christian faith is THE true Esotericism that eclipses all other wannabes that you've spent so much time accessing and attempting to syncretize the Christian faith into.

You can't know the truth. You can't. And it's nobody's fault but your own.

And I'm not being the least bit snarky in these posts. PJ, you have no idea how far you are from the truth, thinking you have it in whatever manner or degree.

I don't know if you've bought into the Antithesis or the Synthesis, but you should have spent time to know the Thesis. Cuz Hegel's got you pinned for the win, and it's your very real loss.

Between all the sarcasm and other banter, I truly weep for you in my heart. I've never seen any single individual so hopelessly deluded as you, and yet thinking you're so enlightened.

The morning star you pursue is not the BRIGHT morning star. All that glitters is NOT gold. I mourn for you. You just have no idea. I can't even hate you for all the junk you spew. All I can do is grieve.
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