The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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TOL Subscriber
We all start out in dualism,

No. Many may perceive and operate according to Dualism, but there isn't any Dualism.

And you're still a Dualist from what I've read.

the veil is the literal

Of course it is. I'm beyond the veil and looking at you. I see you, just as I see freelight and others. The veil hasn't been pierced for you. You don't actually even see the veil, thinking you're beyond it.

The TRUE Esotericism IS the Christian faith. NOT the mainstream mumbo jumbo and hoo-doo of indoctrination and dogma, and NOT all the quackery labeled as Esotericism.

You're still in-slaved, yet pointing to others (who are also still in-slaved). And it's not even a near-miss. It's completely tangential.

and seeing you still think Jesus had to die for your sins

Nope. You're thinking of hamartema from hamartano. The issue is singular and plural hamartia. You don't know what sin is.

You don't know what Rhema and Logos are, or Pneuma and Psuche, or Hypostasis, Ousia, and Prosopon. And you're mistaking some form of Gnosis for Epignosis and Oida.

for that dualism your kidding yourself if you think you have entered the beloved.

Incorrect. I see you. You don't even know what the veil is. It's right before you, and I'm literally looking at you from beyond it right now via oida/eido. You're in non-eido without oida. Non-eido is a-eido, with a silent h and the appropriate from of eido which is des. Silent (h) and non-/not (a) eido (des). Hades. You're in hades. Right now. You love that darkness more than light. You're in the subtraction, not the addition.

There's no true underlying substantial reality of existence for you. No hypostasis. Just a false prosopon. You're stuck on the landing of the first flight of stairs, thinking it's the penthouse destination. You've not made the ascent. You can't. And it's actually a slide into the basement.

Maybe you shouldn't look at all the trappings of mainstream Christianity and the in-slaved state of mind for the prevailing majority. You're still confined to a limbic false reality of existence. Slumbering, thinking you're awake. It was a descent into REM sleep, not an ascent to awaken. You can't tell the difference from there, and it's the opposite for you and many others.


TOL Subscriber
The Bible is more like blacks law, it is coded and the literal grasp of the words (historical myth) that you may think means one thing really mean something else, like currant or birthed in law are shipping terms but not literally etc.............being born again is when you awaken to the fraud your born into without full disclosure or consent.

The literal God outside yourself is based on fear (mantal chitter chatter), and is a deceiver like OZ, everything you need is within you and no matter what someone else tells you they are just part of the props of the stage in the illusion of time.

Ego needs impressed and all kinds of proof, and majors in the literal realm and mocks the spiritual.

But you don't even know the distinction between soul/soulical and spirit/spiritual, being blind to the latter and presuming it to be the former.

I see you. You can't see me. I'm beyond the veil you don't know of.


Literal lunatic
Most likely, exegetically this is more appropriately "the seven-fold spirit" of God.

There was a language "mechanism" of usage that represented a numerical plurality for omnipresence or all-pervading presence.

With eight points on a compass (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW), seven-fold was the manner of expressing omnidirectionality by including the "seven-fold" of all the other points on the compass when referring to any one point.

It wasn't a cardinal number reference. It was a linguistic "device" as a built-in figure of speech to express omnidirectionality to indicate omnipresence.

The plurality was more qualitative than quantitative, though we do see "facets" of that same spirit delineated. Spirit of power and might. Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

It's more about presence and distribution of God's inherent attributes by and as the Holy Spirit. It indicates God's multi-omni nature with one representation of qualitative intensity and immensity by a quantitative expression.

Any one point on a compass includes all 7 other points on the compass.

Actually for me, the seven spirits of God are represented in 2nd Peter 1.


If we are to add these things in order as Peter states, virtue to faith, knowledge to virtue, etc., then NE is not SW.

These my friend are the keys to the kingdom.

The kingdom I am entering is not some evolutionary flight through universes that dont exist.

Next stop after this world is the party. :party: :)

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Bible is more like blacks law, it is coded and the literal grasp of the words (historical myth) that you may think means one thing really mean something else, like currant or birthed in law are shipping terms but not literally etc.............being born again is when you awaken to the fraud your born into without full disclosure or consent.

The literal God outside yourself is based on fear (mantal chitter chatter), and is a deceiver like OZ, everything you need is within you and no matter what someone else tells you they are just part of the props of the stage in the illusion of time.

Ego needs impressed and all kinds of proof, and majors in the literal realm and mocks the spiritual.

Yikes, listen to you? You sound like like Rod Serling introducing
one of his 'Twilight Zone' episodes!! What a genius, you aren't!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
We all start out in dualism, the veil is the literal and seeing you still think Jesus had to die for your sins for that dualism your kidding yourself if you think you have entered the beloved.

And, you're kidding yourself, if you think you're making sense!


Literal lunatic
But you don't even know the distinction between soul/soulical and spirit/spiritual, being blind to the latter and presuming it to be the former.

I see you. You can't see me. I'm beyond the veil you don't know of.

Lol, that's right.

Thanks for reminding me in an earlier post that the blood comes from marrow.

Good stuff.


TOL Subscriber
Actually for me, the seven spirits of God are represented in 2nd Peter 1.


If we are to add these things in order as Peter states, virtue to faith, knowledge to virtue, etc., then NE is not SW.

These my friend are the keys to the kingdom.

The kingdom I am entering is not some evolutionary flight through universes that dont exist.

Next stop after this world is the party. :party: :)

Yes, that was my point. By whatever inclusion, description, or application, it's not seven spirits. It's the seven-fold Spirit of God, represented by attributes that are distinct.

That's the whole "compass" speech mechanism. Same Spirit. Different facets. NE is not SW, but all directions are of the same omnidirectional and omnipresent Spirit.

God's singular seven-fold Spirit. :)


TOL Subscriber
Lol, that's right.

Thanks for reminding me in an earlier post that the blood comes from marrow.

Good stuff.

Yeppers. Joints and marrow is body and soul on the one edge of the Logos' piercing and dividing asunder soul and spirit on the other edge.

But.... The Rhema is the sword. Logos is the wielding of the sword.

It's ALL about God's Rhema.


Literal lunatic
Yes, that was my point. By whatever inclusion, description, or application, it's not seven spirits. It's the seven-fold Spirit of God, represented by attributes that are distinct.

That's the whole "compass" speech mechanism. Same Spirit. Different facets. NE is not SW, but all directions are of the same omnidirectional and omnipresent Spirit.

God's singular seven-fold Spirit. :)

Cool, I see where yer comin' from.

Which is what I meant by quoting Jesus talking about the more wicked 7 spirits.

We receive what we need by the one Holy Spirit.

I couldn't find the quote from urantia, but it was not about the master spirits.

It was about the supposed multitude of spirits, midwayers, adjusters, or whatever they were calling them.

Of which seven are to come on every individual.

So what I am saying is, they are right about them coming, but it is to attack not to help.

As we have the Holy Spirit of true light it exposes these imposter spirits.

Until one has the Light, they cannot even see these evil entities.

Urantia is a work of Satan, a very subtle and clever deception geared to deceive.

If it were possible, which it aint for the elect.


Well-known member
No. Many may perceive and operate according to Dualism, but there isn't any Dualism.

And you're still a Dualist from what I've read.

Of course it is. I'm beyond the veil and looking at you. I see you, just as I see freelight and others. The veil hasn't been pierced for you. You don't actually even see the veil, thinking you're beyond it.

The TRUE Esotericism IS the Christian faith. NOT the mainstream mumbo jumbo and hoo-doo of indoctrination and dogma, and NOT all the quackery labeled as Esotericism.

You're still in-slaved, yet pointing to others (who are also still in-slaved). And it's not even a near-miss. It's completely tangential.

Nope. You're thinking of hamartema from hamartano. The issue is singular and plural hamartia. You don't know what sin is.

You don't know what Rhema and Logos are, or Pneuma and Psuche, or Hypostasis, Ousia, and Prosopon. And you're mistaking some form of Gnosis for Epignosis and Oida.

Incorrect. I see you. You don't even know what the veil is. It's right before you, and I'm literally looking at you from beyond it right now via oida/eido. You're in non-eido without oida. Non-eido is a-eido, with a silent h and the appropriate from of eido which is des. Silent (h) and non-/not (a) eido (des). Hades. You're in hades. Right now. You love that darkness more than light. You're in the subtraction, not the addition.

There's no true underlying substantial reality of existence for you. No hypostasis. Just a false prosopon. You're stuck on the landing of the first flight of stairs, thinking it's the penthouse destination. You've not made the ascent. You can't. And it's actually a slide into the basement.

Maybe you shouldn't look at all the trappings of mainstream Christianity and the in-slaved state of mind for the prevailing majority. You're still confined to a limbic false reality of existence. Slumbering, thinking you're awake. It was a descent into REM sleep, not an ascent to awaken. You can't tell the difference from there, and it's the opposite for you and many others.

All that and the ego still has you trapped, the unconditional love aspect you still haven't grasped yet, labels are generic literal nonsense that have no real substance be it religion or esoteric, exoteric, the land of label still judges others which we all struggle with as this tread perfectly shows.

Your a living soul, as micro type of sun walking around in a fractal of the Source, your labels and diatribes are ego centered know matter what you blinding spew out of that pie hole, the last to get it are people like you, well educated and intellectually proud of it............................................It's all BS to me. I wish you no harm in the literal but if the shoe fits let creation take it's coarse as they say.


Eclectic Theosophist


All that and the ego still has you trapped, the unconditional love aspect you still haven't grasped yet, labels are generic literal nonsense that have no real substance be it religion or esoteric, exoteric, the land of label still judges others which we all struggle with as this tread perfectly shows.

Your a living soul, as micro type of sun walking around in a fractal of the Source, your labels and diatribes are ego centered know matter what you blinding spew out of that pie hole, the last to get it are people like you, well educated and intellectually proud of it............................................It's all BS to me. I wish you no harm in the literal but if the shoe fits let creation take it's coarse as they say.


I haven't yet waded thru PPS response...but can see its the same ole may just let the smoke clear :) Will post a few more videos following the papers-series here...since some folks seem to forget what the subject here is.

There is nothing to fear in an honest investigation of the Urantia Papers and it's relationship to modern day Christianity. Truth stands on its own's own whatever language-context.

The UB and Christianity (essential articles)



New member
I find the "Urantia Book" and its adherers, not only to be
abhorrent but, worthy of my disgust, mocking, disdain, and

I readily admit; I rather enjoy taking aim at such a work
of fiction, and how the naive cling to such rubbish!

Perhaps someday, Freelight, Caino, and their fellow "Urantians"
will grow up and leave such non-sense behind them? However,
I have my doubts! I see similarities between "Urantia" adherents
and Scientologists sordid delusions!

The urantia book is an example of how some people will believe almost anything. The Holy Bible makes much more sense, but they dismiss the Holy Bible.


TOL Subscriber
All that and the ego still has you trapped, the unconditional love aspect you still haven't grasped yet, labels are generic literal nonsense that have no real substance be it religion or esoteric, exoteric, the land of label still judges others which we all struggle with as this tread perfectly shows.

Your a living soul, as micro type of sun walking around in a fractal of the Source, your labels and diatribes are ego centered know matter what you blinding spew out of that pie hole, the last to get it are people like you, well educated and intellectually proud of it............................................It's all BS to me. I wish you no harm in the literal but if the shoe fits let creation take it's coarse as they say.

As always, you represent a script flip in all things.

Your posts (and those of freelight and others) are pure Ego instead of love. That's because you haven't divested yourself of your own prosopon to understand what either actually is.

I still see you over there. You're still not beyond the veil, and cannot be. You're in-slaved. Might as well have kept your legal name.


Eclectic Theosophist
quite a difference in volume

quite a difference in volume

The urantia book is an example of how some people will believe almost anything. The Holy Bible makes much more sense, but they dismiss the Holy Bible.

Frankly there's no comparison as far as all that the papers cover while the bible is quite limited to its own religious/cultural context....books written by and for a particular community. The UB is over 2000 pages for starters.

Secondly, until you read enough of the papers objectively for yourself and learn what is revealed thru-out cannot make a truly informed or intelligent conclusion on the matter. The papers give a much more detailed and extensive account of all fields of knowledge especially the souls sojourn after death in worlds beyond...worlds so wonderful to be beyond description. Such is an honest observation if we are comparing the two.

The bible from a comparative view needs no dismissal as this is not a contest. Examine each upon their own contents and let them speak for themselves. Even these religious writings given in their own time periods are limited (relative and not absolute) since there is ever progressive revelation. The revelators freely share that in time new terms and conceptions of truth will come forth as man is ready for them...which means what has so far been given is not absolutely final. However it is said that the papers are good as a dispensational Grant to hold for a thousand years into the future

More could be said...but enough has been shared and made available on this thread to properly inform.



New member
And, you're kidding yourself, if you think you're making sense!

in Zekes defense he used to be more of a zealot for the WOG than you are!

boy you would have had a good time with some religious debates with him back then....:)

you two might have butted heads a bit tho, two strong bulls, but now I think he is just saying Toro!


Well-known member

I haven't yet waded thru PPS response...but can see its the same ole may just let the smoke clear :) Will post a few more videos following the papers-series here...since some folks seem to forget what the subject here is.

There is nothing to fear in an honest investigation of the Urantia Papers and it's relationship to modern day Christianity. Truth stands on its own's own whatever language-context.

The UB and Christianity (essential articles)


Yea I see the futile nature of these interchanges, the need to be superior or right is a bottomless pit, let them mock and spew their doctrinal dogma and pretend their above it.

Blessings their all yours, Zeke.


New member
Frankly there's no comparison as far as all that the papers cover while the bible is quite limited to its own religious/cultural context....books written by and for a particular community. The UB is over 2000 pages for starters.

Secondly, until you read enough of the papers objectively for yourself and learn what is revealed thru-out cannot make a truly informed or intelligent conclusion on the matter. The papers give a much more detailed and extensive account of all fields of knowledge especially the souls sojourn after death in worlds beyond...worlds so wonderful to be beyond description. Such is an honest observation if we are comparing the two.

The bible from a comparative view needs no dismissal as this is not a contest. Examine each upon their own contents and let them speak for themselves. Even these religious writings given in their own time periods are limited (relative and not absolute) since there is ever progressive revelation. The revelators freely share that in time new terms and conceptions of truth will come forth as man is ready for them...which means what has so far been given is not absolutely final. However it is said that the papers are good as a dispensational Grant to hold for a thousand years into the future

More could be said...but enough has been shared and made available on this thread to properly inform.


The urantia book is pure BALONEY, and I don't waste my time with BALONEY. The urantia book, at best, is a poorly written fiction novel. So, you're right in one regard, the urantia book is no comparison to the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is a masterpiece, and the urantia book isn't even in the ballpark.


Well-known member
As always, you represent a script flip in all things.

Your posts (and those of freelight and others) are pure Ego instead of love. That's because you haven't divested yourself of your own prosopon to understand what either actually is.

I still see you over there. You're still not beyond the veil, and cannot be. You're in-slaved. Might as well have kept your legal name.

Well your pretense that you are in a state of immunity to such things is your blind spot as well, your long nose gives you away no matter what you may try and claim to the world around you.

1Cor 13 isn't your strong suit, demanding, demeaning, over bearing religious zealot, my way our the lost highway, all seeing eye of RA etc....................................pretty small really when it comes to reconciliation with your fellow fractals.

And seeing you Know where I am, stop on by for some coffee, of coarse it might take awhile for you to get here seeing you ran off and hid.

Ego such a marvelous little program isn't it?


TOL Subscriber
Well your pretense that you are in a state of immunity to such things is your blind spot as well, your long nose gives you away no matter what you may try and claim to the world around you.

LOL. Is that all you have? A Pinocchio reference?

1Cor 13 isn't your strong suit,

Sure it is. You've just conceptualized "love" without knowing what agape actually is.

And love is ontological, not something that can be a "strong suit".

demanding, demeaning, over bearing religious zealot, my way our the lost highway, all seeing eye of RA etc....................................pretty small really when it comes to reconciliation with your fellow fractals.

I demand nothing and demean no one. That's your inference, not my implication. All-seeing eye of RA? LOL. No. That's just..... jacked up.

There are no "fractals". It's part of your illusion. It's the REM sleep you're in, presuming it to be awakenness.

And seeing you Know where I am, stop on by for some coffee,

I don't drink coffee, but thanks.

of coarse it might take awhile for you to get here seeing you ran off and hid.

You weren't paying attention. I've hidden nowhere. No need. I'm a freeman on the land.

Ego such a marvelous little program isn't it?

I wouldn't know. That's your bastion of false reality of existence. Just wake up instead of going deeper into sleep.

You're in limbic "freeze". Never-never land.


TOL Subscriber
Yea I see the futile nature of these interchanges, the need to be superior or right is a bottomless pit, let them mock and spew their doctrinal dogma and pretend their above it.

Blessings their all yours, Zeke.

But that's what freelight and you and others constantly are and do.

The very existence of this thread and all the bare assertion and declaration are damning evidence of that, including this post.

Freelight acts superior to everyone, as do you. You need to be right, which is why you can't stay away. And even if you do now, you've already made that demonstration ad infinitum.

You're the ones who have come mocking and spewing dogma. Freelight does nothing BUT quote and link to and adamantly declare dogma, even it seems like some dogmaless dogma to others who are hopelessly deluded.

You and all other Esotericists come here with modus operandi of being and doing everything you then accuse all others of being and doing if they don't acquiesce to all the vomitous spew and bare assertions of rhetoric from you and your ilk.

THAT's ego. That's NOT love. But then you go on to flip those scripts along with everything else.

It's a miasmic menagerie of script-flipping double standards and blind inequities.

Feel free to just leave in peace, presumably knowing that only you and your alleged fractals are all right and the universe is going to consume the rest of us.

You're in-slaved, just like many you rightly impugn as such. But you don't and can't help anyone. You just hide your delight at the false thought of others being devoured by the universe for recycling, etc.; pretending you're not glad about it.

You paragon of love and virtue and compassion, you. Go splash some water on your face and wake up, Dude. You're nearly comatose in that stuporous spiraling descent.
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