The Late Great Urantia Revelation

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Eclectic Theosophist
The truth on UFO connections......

The truth on UFO connections......

It's more difficult for a cult to pull the wool over people's eyes
today! The reason? All one has to do is Google any given subject,
and a wealth of information is at their disposal! Obviously, your
particular cult attracts certain individuals who are prone to be
interested in 'UFOs, and supposed alien beings from other

Scientology is based on such! The transportation of an alien
being from one place to another, and the volcano non-sense!
I've perused information about your cult and its suggestion
that, it's some kind of 'addition' to the Bible! The Kellogg
connection, etc.! Anyone interested in finding out about this
cult, need only Google, urantia papers, urantia, urantia cult,
and they'll find enough information to know that, urantia
(another name for earth) is just another cult!

The Bible is our ONLY word of God (In print) Not, the book of
Mormon, not Scientology writings, and certainly not the urantia

Your piece-meal apologetic response proves my point. Also we see you didn't even bother to answer my question. Since you haven't even read the first 12 papers which lays down the theological foundation of the entire corpus, your 'assumptions' above are ignorant and misinformed opinions.

The UB has no UFO connection in the popularized sense of the word, neither does it speak of alien craft, space-ships or other concepts usually depicted in sci-fi novels. Any 'vehicles' used by angels or other spiritual beings are more or less spiritual in nature, - whether other elements and substances may make-up a transport 'vehicle' such as we see in the wheels of Ezekiel, 'chariots of fire' and the various Seraphim (depicted in the Bible and apocryphal works) we can only speculate (that's a whole nother subject in itself).


What is the UFO Phenomena?

Are UFO's real or false?

The revelators present themselves as 'celestials', not 'aliens' (as conceived in the minds of modern pop-culture). 'Celestials' are spiritual beings, much like 'angels' and 'sons of God'. There are myriad orders of angelic like beings, and beings beyond our ordinary power to even imagine.

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Eclectic Theosophist
troll spray.......

troll spray.......


Very funny Caino. However, I suspect posting the troll funnies adds to the 'feeding', since some have not taken a serious or informed approach on the subject here, let alone at least taking the points of 'theology' contained therein as a 'springboard' from some constructive dialogue. Artistic endeavor is a rare commodity these days, let alone the free spirit of investigation and sense of real adventure.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Your piece-meal apologetic response proves my point. Also we see you didn't even bother to answer my question. Since you haven't even read the first 12 papers which lays down the theological foundation of the entire corpus, your 'assumptions' above are ignorant and misinformed opinions.

The UB has no UFO connection in the popularized sense of the word, neither does it speak of alien craft, space-ships or other concepts usually depicted in sci-fi novels. Any 'vehicles' used by angels or other spiritual beings are more or less spiritual in nature, - whether other elements and substances may make-up a transport 'vehicle' such as we see in the wheels of Ezekiel, 'chariots of fire' and the various Seraphim (depicted in the Bible and apocryphal works) we can only speculate (that's a whole nother subject in itself).


What is the UFO Phenomena?

Are UFO's real or false?

The revelators present themselves as 'celestials', not 'aliens' (as conceived in the minds of modern pop-culture). 'Celestials' are spiritual beings, much like 'angels' and 'sons of God'. There are myriad orders of angelic like beings, and beings beyond our ordinary power to even imagine.


So, you're saying that ALL the information on the Internet doesn't
give an accurate account of your, chosen cult? There's one guy on
this forum that claims to be the anti-Christ! Another claims to be
visited by Spiritual beings (on occasion) And the same guy who
claims he's the anti-Christ talks about meetings with 'extraterrestrials!'
That's just on this forum! Look at all the oddballs
out in this world of ours who make grandiose claims of visits
from spirits, ghosts, little green men, mother ships, out of body
occurrences, time travelers, telekinesis, soul travel, shadow people,
etc., etc.!

Where did Joseph Smith get his information? How about L Ron Hubbard?
Or, any other number of cults, and false doctrines?

The urantia papers were published in the mid-fifties! This cult doesn't
have a huge following! Do you really think you'll be able to convince
true believers (Christians) to give up their, "Bible only" stance, and
buy into supposed 'celestial's' who suddenly materialized several
written accounts of historical (spiritual) significance?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

Very funny Caino. However, I suspect posting the troll funnies adds to the 'feeding', since some have not taken a serious or informed approach on the subject here, let alone at least taking the points of 'theology' contained therein as a 'springboard' from some constructive dialogue. Artistic endeavor is a rare commodity these days, let alone the free spirit of investigation and sense of real adventure.


Why should one dabble, investigate, or otherwise, get involved with
false doctrine, the occult, cults, demons, etc.? The truth of God's
Word ought to be enough! One need not ADD to the Bible, anything!


TOL Subscriber
Why should one dabble, investigate, or otherwise, get involved with
false doctrine, the occult, cults, demons, etc.? The truth of God's
Word ought to be enough! One need not ADD to the Bible, anything!

Even though I've actually read the first 7 Urantia papers, and have thorough skimmed the next 5; I don't have to read everything to now it's false historical revision.

I also don't have to read x-rated novels to know they don't offer anything theologically valid.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Even though I've actually read the first 7 Urantia papers, and have thorough skimmed the next 5; I don't have to read everything to now it's false historical revision.

I also don't have to read x-rated novels to know they don't offer anything theologically valid.

Yep! These 'cultists' want posters to peruse their false teachings! This
can be a source of confusion for new believers, the weak brothers, and
those who don't have a complete knowledge of the Old and New
Testament! That's why it's very important to read and study the
Bible! (New and Old Testament) Then, when these 'charlatans come
along, they won't be confused or lead astray!


Freelight, You are dealing with people who have religion of the mind. Some of the Jews were like that, Jesus stated frankly that their father was the devil. As hard as it is to believe there are Jews on TOL who hope for the rebuilding of the Temple and the reestablishment of the laws of Moses. Institutional religion creates mental illness, who could see such retrogression in any other light? Orthodoxy is a form of fanatical OCD. Jesus ended up with a lot of learned educated religious people on ignore, people who knew the scripture quite well, yet they were moral cowards, they more or less knew the truth about the man made origins of the scripture but feared to tell the people.

(1999.2) 186:2.2 "Before the Sanhedrist court Jesus declined to make replies to the testimony of perjured witnesses. There was but one question which would always elicit an answer, whether asked by friend or foe, and that was the one concerning the nature and divinity of his mission on earth. When asked if he were the Son of God, he unfailingly made reply. He steadfastly refused to speak when in the presence of the curious and wicked Herod. Before Pilate he spoke only when he thought that Pilate or some other sincere person might be helped to a better knowledge of the truth by what he said. Jesus had taught his apostles the uselessness of casting their pearls before swine, and he now dared to practice what he had taught. His conduct at this time exemplified the patient submission of the human nature coupled with the majestic silence and solemn dignity of the divine nature. He was altogether willing to discuss with Pilate any question related to the political charges brought against him — any question which he recognized as belonging to the governor’s jurisdiction."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Caino, was that post above, meant to be humorous? The Scriptures were
inspired by God! It's true, they were written by men, however; inspired by God!
You just don't have the faith to believe that! You don't realize it but you're
not prepared for eternity! If you were to leave this earth now, you would
someday stand before God, in judgment! That's quite a daunting prospect!

Hopefully, before you leave this world, you'll receive God's Grace through
faith, and be positioned in Christ, and not have to face God without Christ!


Well-known member
Freelight, You are dealing with people who have religion of the mind.
I see those who are religious as enemies of God, since they think that their doctrine or their own knowledge 'about' God or Truth or whatever they worship is their god. He wants relationship, through His Son. Without Christ (which is what the UB teaches, since it teaches about Jebus who is NOT Christ) there is no hope at all. You have a false religion, one of your own mind and not God's Presence.
Some of the Jews were like that, Jesus stated frankly that their father was the devil.
Since a devil authored the UB, all you can ever lay any claim to even if you memorize the whole of the text and follow it to the letter all your life will be that you have a devil as a father. :duh:
Institutional religion creates mental illness...
It's okay, born again Christians deal with the likes of yourself and Freelight all the time: kooks who think they know Truth but are completely deceived and don't believe a single word of actual Truth.
Orthodoxy is a form of fanatical OCD.
I agree. I'm a slave to Wisdom. No longer do I live: but Christ lives in me, The Hope of Glory!!!
Jesus ended up with a lot of learned educated religious people on ignore, people who knew the scripture quite well, yet they were moral cowards, they more or less knew the truth about the man made origins of the scripture but feared to tell the people.
This is the biggest lie I have ever read on TOL. Scripture is inspired by God. It is the best wisdom we have and the ONLY roadmap to restore what was lost.

Luke 19:10
For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

"What was lost?" you may ask... relationship. When Adam and Eve sinned, they lost their relationship with God. Jesus came to restore that relationship; but it is only through His Blood one can have a perfect relationship with The Father. If you don't believe that then you have no life in you. You need salvation. You need to read The Bible and believe that It is Truth. Until then: you're lost.


Well-known member
Caino, was that post above, meant to be humorous? The Scriptures were
inspired by God! It's true, they were written by men, however; inspired by God!
You just don't have the faith to believe that! You don't realize it but you're
not prepared for eternity! If you were to leave this earth now, you would
someday stand before God, in judgment! That's quite a daunting prospect!

Hopefully, before you leave this world, you'll receive God's Grace through
faith, and be positioned in Christ, and not have to face God without Christ!
Amen. :thumb:


Eclectic Theosophist


You're clearly 'clueless' about what the Urantia Papers are about (most importantly the principles values and meanings it espouses), for starters, - all else you're spouting is spoon-fed apologetics and bibliolatry. But keep the good work up in keeping the thread in the 'hot-seat', where other readers can use the dialogue to think for themselves.

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Eclectic Theosophist
Back to blood sacrifices......

Back to blood sacrifices......

Freelight, You are dealing with people who have religion of the mind. Some of the Jews were like that, Jesus stated frankly that their father was the devil. As hard as it is to believe there are Jews on TOL who hope for the rebuilding of the Temple and the reestablishment of the laws of Moses. Institutional religion creates mental illness, who could see such retrogression in any other light? Orthodoxy is a form of fanatical OCD. Jesus ended up with a lot of learned educated religious people on ignore, people who knew the scripture quite well, yet they were moral cowards, they more or less knew the truth about the man made origins of the scripture but feared to tell the people.

The rebuilding of the temple will be interesting if it ever unfolds, as some see it as a 'key' feature in the end-time drama. This puts the 'atonement-doctrine' in a rather 'precarious' position as animals will be sacrificed to atone for 'sin' when things get up and running, with the belief that Jesus blood already atoned for all sin also existing, posing a 'conundrum'.



The rebuilding of the temple will be interesting if it ever unfolds, as some see it as a 'key' feature in the end-time drama. This puts the 'atonement-doctrine' in a rather 'precarious' position as animals will be sacrificed to atone for 'sin' when things get up and running, with the belief that Jesus blood already atoned for all sin also existing, posing a 'conundrum'.


If they rebuild the temple, on what is one of Islam's most sacred sites, that means we would have already had WWIII, an end time and starting over. And the man made Levitical laws would start again. Won't that be lovely!
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(1915.5) 176:2.8 Of all the discourses which the Master gave his apostles, none ever became so confused in their minds as this one, given this Tuesday evening on the Mount of Olives, regarding the twofold subject of the destruction of Jerusalem and his own second coming. There was, therefore, little agreement between the subsequent written accounts based on the memories of what the Master said on this extraordinary occasion. Consequently, when the records were left blank concerning much that was said that Tuesday evening, there grew up many traditions; and very early in the second century a Jewish apocalyptic about the Messiah written by one Selta, who was attached to the court of the Emperor Caligula, was bodily copied into the Matthew Gospel and subsequently added (in part) to the Mark and Luke records. It was in these writings of Selta that the parable of the ten virgins appeared. No part of the gospel record ever suffered such confusing misconstruction as this evening’s teaching. But the Apostle John never became thus confused."


(1916.2) 176:3.2 “And even you, Thomas, fail to comprehend what I have been saying. Have I not all this time taught you that your connection with the kingdom is spiritual and individual, wholly a matter of personal experience in the spirit by the faith-realization that you are a son of God? What more shall I say? The downfall of nations, the crash of empires, the destruction of the unbelieving Jews, the end of an age, even the end of the world, what have these things to do with one who believes this gospel, and who has hid his life in the surety of the eternal kingdom? You who are God-knowing and gospel-believing have already received the assurances of eternal life. Since your lives have been lived in the spirit and for the Father, nothing can be of serious concern to you. Kingdom builders, the accredited citizens of the heavenly worlds, are not to be disturbed by temporal upheavals or perturbed by terrestrial cataclysms. What does it matter to you who believe this gospel of the kingdom if nations overturn, the age ends, or all things visible crash, since you know that your life is the gift of the Son, and that it is eternally secure in the Father? Having lived the temporal life by faith and having yielded the fruits of the spirit as the righteousness of loving service for your fellows, you can confidently look forward to the next step in the eternal career with the same survival faith that has carried you through your first and earthly adventure in sonship with God.


(1670.2) 149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom. The well-meant efforts of Jesus’ early followers to restate his teachings so as to make them the more acceptable to certain nations, races, and religions, only resulted in making such teachings the less acceptable to all other nations, races, and religions.

(1670.3) 149:2.2 The Apostle Paul, in his efforts to bring the teachings of Jesus to the favorable notice of certain groups in his day, wrote many letters of instruction and admonition. Other teachers of Jesus’ gospel did likewise, but none of them realized that some of these writings would subsequently be brought together by those who would set them forth as the embodiment of the teachings of Jesus. And so, while so-called Christianity does contain more of the Master’s gospel than any other religion, it does also contain much that Jesus did not teach. Aside from the incorporation of many teachings from the Persian mysteries and much of the Greek philosophy into early Christianity, two great mistakes were made:

(1670.4) 149:2.3 1. The effort to connect the gospel teaching directly onto the Jewish theology, as illustrated by the Christian doctrines of the atonement — the teaching that Jesus was the sacrificed Son who would satisfy the Father’s stern justice and appease the divine wrath. These teachings originated in a praiseworthy effort to make the gospel of the kingdom more acceptable to disbelieving Jews. Though these efforts failed as far as winning the Jews was concerned, they did not fail to confuse and alienate many honest souls in all subsequent generations.

(1670.5) 149:2.4 2. The second great blunder of the Master’s early followers, and one which all subsequent generations have persisted in perpetuating, was to organize the Christian teaching so completely about the person of Jesus. This overemphasis of the personality of Jesus in the theology of Christianity has worked to obscure his teachings, and all of this has made it increasingly difficult for Jews, Mohammedans, Hindus, and other Eastern religionists to accept the teachings of Jesus. We would not belittle the place of the person of Jesus in a religion which might bear his name, but we would not permit such consideration to eclipse his inspired life or to supplant his saving message: the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

(1670.6) 149:2.5 The teachers of the religion of Jesus should approach other religions with the recognition of the truths which are held in common (many of which come directly or indirectly from Jesus’ message) while they refrain from placing so much emphasis on the differences.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
(1670.2) 149:2.1 Jesus understood the minds of men. He knew what was in the heart of man, and had his teachings been left as he presented them, the only commentary being the inspired interpretation afforded by his earth life, all nations and all religions of the world would speedily have embraced the gospel of the kingdom. The well-meant efforts of Jesus’ early followers to restate his teachings so as to make them the more acceptable to certain nations, races, and religions, only resulted in making such teachings the less acceptable to all other nations, races, and religions.

(1670.3) 149:2.2 The Apostle Paul, in his efforts to bring the teachings of Jesus to the favorable notice of certain groups in his day, wrote many letters of instruction and admonition. Other teachers of Jesus’ gospel did likewise, but none of them realized that some of these writings would subsequently be brought together by those who would set them forth as the embodiment of the teachings of Jesus. And so, while so-called Christianity does contain more of the Master’s gospel than any other religion, it does also contain much that Jesus did not teach. Aside from the incorporation of many teachings from the Persian mysteries and much of the Greek philosophy into early Christianity, two great mistakes were made:

Please, don't be offended but I consider this non-sense, so much
hogwash! If you desire to 'fall' for it, that's fine, and perfectly okay
with me! There are some who have very little, if any discernment
of truth! In fact, they can't see the difference between truth and
untruth! I would consider that you, fall into this category!

I'm almost certain that you're not self-aware of this, even though
that doesn't change the conclusion! Evidently, you've chosen your
path, and logic, and reason won't change that!


(2061.6) 194:2.8 "Jesus lived a life which is a revelation of man submitted to the Father’s will, not an example for any man literally to attempt to follow. This life in the flesh, together with his death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, presently became a new gospel of the ransom which had thus been paid in order to purchase man back from the clutch of the evil one — from the condemnation of an offended God. Nevertheless, even though the gospel did become greatly distorted, it remains a fact that this new message about Jesus carried along with it many of the fundamental truths and teachings of his earlier gospel of the kingdom. And, sooner or later, these concealed truths of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of men will emerge to effectually transform the civilization of all mankind."
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