The Heretics Message to the World:Be Baptized to be Saved! (HOF thread)


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I believe I made my case rather clear.

What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about--but not before God.What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.

Justification is a legal term meaning "made right"- As the scripture points out: However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. Justification (being made right with God) comes not by water, my friend, but by trust(faith).


New member
Jay, as I said above, justification and the application of salvation to individuals are two different topics. You are confusing the two.

Regardless as to what justification is and how salvation is applied Jesus did tell us one must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God. Then Jesus went into Judea where he spent time with the disciples baptizing.

Will you at least address what Jesus said and did here?

God Bless,



New member
Originally posted by Francisco
Jay, as I said above, justification and the application of salvation to individuals are two different topics. You are confusing the two.

Regardless as to what justification is and how salvation is applied Jesus did tell us one must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God. Then Jesus went into Judea where he spent time with the disciples baptizing.

Will you at least address what Jesus said and did here?

God Bless,

Justification and salvation occur at the same time. When we are justified by faith (Romans 5:1) we are saved (Acts 16:31).

"Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and will shall be saved."

Jesus in John 3 was speaking of two different births. One was physical, the other spiritual. You were born physcially (of water)- then one must be spiritually re-born (of spirit). Spiritual re-birth occurs when one places their faith and faith alone in Christ (John 1:12). Then as a symbolic way of expressing ones new life in Christ one should be water baptized.


New member
Then as a symbolic way of expressing ones new life in Christ one should be water baptized.
If baptism is symbolic, why does Paaul say it truly has effect, forgiving sins and joining us to Christ in His death and resurrection whereby we will have a share in his resurrection as well:

3 Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.(Romans 6:3-5)

Paul clearly tells us that it is by our being buried with Christ in baptism that we are united to Christ. Paul says nothing about those who just believe being united to Christ. And through our baptismal union with Christ we share in his resurrection.

6 We know that our old man was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing, so that we would no longer be enslaved to sin. 7 For one who has died has been justified from sin. (Romans 6:6-7)

Here we see Paul telling us that one who has died (sharing Jesus death through baptism) has been justified from sin. Is Paul contradicting himself? In Rom 5:1 he clearly say 'justification is by faith', and here he says justification is through unification to Jesus' death. So how can you reconcile that Jay?

Baptism is not merely a symbol, it is a profession of our FAITH and a renouncement of sin and a recieving of the 'gift of the Holy Spirit by which we are regenerated or 'born again' in water and Spirit uniting us to Jesus by sharing in His death, and therefore we share in His resurrection. Baptism is no mere symbol, it's an act of faith Jesus commanded.

Do you remember what happened to Jesus when he was baptized as an example to us? The Spirit descended upon him. And that's what happens with us in baptism. We receive the 'gift of the Holy Spirit' just like Peter told the crowd at Pentecost:

And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38)

And we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, the washing away of our sins, through baptism.

God Bless,



New member

what do you think about the teaching on Salvation is by Unamended Grace?

What is false about this teaching , and what do you agree with in the teaching on Salvation is by Unamended Grace Kevin??

There's nothing false about the fact that we are saved by grace. Nothing.

I was surprised there was no feed back like last time, specially when the person said about putting "BUT" after grace or salvation.

First off, I didn't read the entire article word for word, but I did read a decent amount of it. Secondly, I'm not adding a "BUT" at all. I've already explained how we are saved by grace through faith.

We are saved by grace through faith, but if that faith doesn't produce obedience to His commandments, then we are NOT in Christ (1 John 2:3-5). Again, the faith that saves is the faith that obeys, which fulfills the verse that says we are saved by grace through faith. There is no "but" in there. Where you and I disagree is what kind of faith is being spoken of in Ephesians 2:8. I believe that it's the faith leads to obedience, you believe it's faith only, which I have shown is dead, and you didn't even attempt to address it.

But we are already in Christ when we recieve HIM and HE is in us when we let HIM in by repentance

Wrong. Show me one verse where the verb used to denote HOW on get into Christ is "repentance". I've shown you two verses that show that baptism is HOW we become in Christ:

Gal 3:27
27) For as many as were baptized into Christ, you put on Christ.

Rom 6:3
3) Do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into His death?

Notice that baptism is the verb found in the Bible that shows how one gets "into Christ". The verses apply to whom? "As many as were baptized".

Now, show me just ONE verse that says we "repent into Christ". Just one. I can back what I say with scripture, now where's yours?

THE BLOOD OF JESUS makes us instantly white as snow, and nothing else can take the place of the blood of Jesus Kevin, also baptism can`t take the place of the blood of Jesus , that forgive us

I've never said that baptism would take the place of Christ's blood! That's crazy. Here is what I said:

"Christ commanded baptism. Baptism in His name is for the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38). Doing something that is commanded by God for the remission of sins is certainly required for salvation. Sure, God sent His Son to die, and His blood covers all our sins. But when God commands us to do something FOR the remission of sins BY Christ's blood, you want to say that it's not required for salvation."

There's a difference between FOR and BY. When we are baptized into Christ FOR the remission of sins, we are cleansed BY His blood. The Bible says baptism is FOR the remission of sins, not that the waters of baptism actually forgives our sins! So, we know that baptism is FOR the remission of sins, but BY what is our sins actually forgiven? His blood. We know that it is the blood of Christ that forgives us of our sins, but that blood won't do anybody any good unless that person does what Christ commanded FOR the remission of sins - baptism in His name (Acts 2:38)!

If you pay a dollar FOR a candy bar that will fill your hunger, did that dollar actually fill your hunger? NO! You paid a dollar FOR the candy bar, and it is BY the candy bar that you hunger is filled! But unless you pay the dollar FOR that candy bar, your hunder will not be filled BY the candy bar. Can't you see the difference between "FOR" and "BY here? Think about it.

And I noticed you didn't touch my simple challenge. Why not? If you take it, you will see that your doctrine is not right. Take the challenge, C.Moore, because if you really are in search of the truth, you should be able answer this simple challenge. Here it is again:

To be with Christ, one needs to be reborn (John 3:5). Take this challenge, C.Moore:

John: 3:3
3) Jesus answered and said to him, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

From this we can clearly see that one has to be born again to make it to heaven. Now, in order for one to be born "again", a death must occur. Why? Because:

  • Logic demands it. Can one be born again into the Spirit while still living in his previous life of sin? Impossible. A death must occur so that a new life can begin.
  • We must die with Christ in order to live with Christ (2 Tim. 2:11)

So this bring us to the question of how one dies with Christ. The Bible speaks clearly on this matter:

Romans 6:3-4
3) Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?
4) Therefore we were buried with Him through BAPTISM into death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

There is but ONE way to die with Christ, and I even took the liberty of underlining it: BAPTISM. That's how we die with Christ.

I challenge you, or anyone else to show me another Biblical way that we die with Christ. Please back it with scripture, as I have.

And to reiterate 2 Tim. 2:11: For faithful is the Word, for if we died with Him, we shall also live with Him.

This makes it quite clear that we must die with Him in order to live with Him. To live with Christ is to be saved. I've already shown, from the Bible, how we die with Christ - Baptism. Show me another Biblical passage that speaks of any other method by which we die with Christ. Take the challenge.
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New member
Thanks s-o-C! It's nice to be appreciated. But I only take credit for putting the words down in a coherent manner. All the real credit belongs to the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Word of God.

God Bless,



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"Freak" -

You said that in John 3 Jesus was speaking of 2 births, the physical and spiritual births, with water being connected to the physical birth.

This is incorrect! I've seen this argument for many years but it does not stand the test when you look carefully at the text of John 3:

The subject of Jesus' discourse in John 3 is the NEW birth, or being born AGAIN. And it is under that heading that Jesus says one must be "born of water and the Spirit" (v. 5). When Jesus said one must be "born of water and the Spirit," He was still speaking of the subject He had just introduced - being born AGAIN.


All life springs forth from seed. And it is no different in the case of us being born of the Spirit. Watch:

Referring to the kingdom, Jesus said, "the seed is the word of God" (Lk. 8:11). Peter, speaking by inspiration of God confirms the Lord's words: "You have been born again, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding WORD OF GOD" (1 Pet. 1:23).

An actual, "word-picture" of this taking place is seen in Acts 2, where you have the Holy Spirit delivering, through the apostle Peter, the first gospel message ever. At the conclusion of the message, with the multitude having been told they were guilty of murdering the Christ, they cried out, "Brothers, what shall we do?" This is the SEED of GOD'S WORD germinating in their hearts, melting down the callousness of their hearts and beginning the TRANSFORMATION process of the NEW BIRTH. This is an actual example of people being "born of the Spirit" - by the WORD that came from Him, the "SEED" of the kingdom, being planted in these people's hearts.


Next comes the "water" part of the new birth event. The Holy Spirit commanded the multitude to "Repent [lit. change] and be BAPTIZED, every one of you...."

When a person is baptized with the baptism of Jesus Christ, he then enters "into Christ" and he has "put on Christ." (Gal. 3:27)


"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come" (2 Cor. 5:17).

Thus, BAPTISM is the "water" that Jesus spoke of in being "born again"! And all of the above explains how one is "born of water and the Spirit."


New member
A shallow mind cannot take the water !!

A shallow mind cannot take the water !!


I usually scare you off. I see you have found at least a little courage to stick around this time. You said...
I notice you didn't deal with the large amount of Scripture I posted to prove justification is by faith ALONE.
Too funny! You did not even respond to one thing I did say!! You wouldn't even respond to ONE or two questions, so do you expect me to think that you would respond at all to the other ?????

Here it is again...

“Could Jesus have healed the blind man in John 9 without water?”
Can Jesus SAVE using WATER if He so choses??

Did I miss your response Freaky-boy??

BTW, the man did testify that the water healed him but rather that Jesus healed him.
Yes, Jesus DID heal the blind man.

What you have no courage to accept and no courage to respond to is that Jesus used WATER as the means to heal!! Ask Naaman !!

Jesus uses WATER as teh means today to SAVE !!! Got an answer?? Nah, I did not think so !!!!

Quick reply: As far as Abraham goes, you should take notice that by believeing God and taking action on that belief, Abraham's FAITH (belief plus action) was reckoned for righteousness!!
(For more examples of "faith", that is those who believed God and acted upon that belief, see Hebrews 11).

The Bible no where at any time tells us that "faith only" (meaning belief only to you) saves anyone !!

Water baptism is the means chosen by God through which man appropriates the salvation offered by God by His grace.


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He who has an ear... let him hear!

He who has an ear... let him hear!

Freak says:

"I notice you didn't deal with the large amount of Scripture I posted to prove justification is by faith ALONE"

The Word of God says:

Jam 2:24
You see then how a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

No comment necessary. :)


New member
Salvation By Faith...

Rom. 5:1 is sometimes cited to show that a person is justified by faith alone: "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (By the way, that verse does not mention repentance or confession, does this mean that they are not necessary for our justification?!)

But the words of that verse were delivered within the much broader context of Paul's words in the outset of that letter to the Romans. In 1:1, Paul establishes his credentials as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Then, in 1:5-6, he states the PURPOSE and the OBJECTIVE of his apostleship - an objective that UNDERLIES ALL of his writings: watch closely...

"through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, INCLUDING YOU WHO ARE CALLED TO BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST."

Whenever the scriptures speak of our being justified by faith, or whenever faith is linked with salvation, it is implied that this means an obedient faith. It is significant that Rom. 5:1 does not say "faith alone," but just faith. It takes the reading of other verses of scripture to learn that the faith that saves is obedient faith.

To extract Rom. 5:1 from the N. T. and say that we are saved, or justified, by faith alone, is like extracting flour from the list of ingredients for baking a cake and declaring that it takes "flour alone " to bake a cake!


New member
Apollos, the resident salvation by water heretic asks:

Here it is again...

“Could Jesus have healed the blind man in John 9 without water?”
Can Jesus SAVE using WATER if He so choses??

Did I miss your response Freaky-boy??"

Jesus didn't use water in John 9 to heal (for it is eveident that the focus was on Jesus not water in that story). There is no power in water. Jesus did the healing (just take a glance at verse 3 where Jesus made it clear it was a work of God that the healing happened not water). Unless you can tell me there is some mystical power in H2o, then I believe I'll stick with Jesus.


New member
Originally posted by servantofChrist
Salvation By Faith...

Rom. 5:1 is sometimes cited to show that a person is justified by faith alone: "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (By the way, that verse does not mention repentance or confession, does this mean that they are not necessary for our justification?!)

But the words of that verse were delivered within the much broader context of Paul's words in the outset of that letter to the Romans. In 1:1, Paul establishes his credentials as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Then, in 1:5-6, he states the PURPOSE and the OBJECTIVE of his apostleship - an objective that UNDERLIES ALL of his writings: watch closely...

"through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, INCLUDING YOU WHO ARE CALLED TO BELONG TO JESUS CHRIST."

Whenever the scriptures speak of our being justified by faith, or whenever faith is linked with salvation, it is implied that this means an obedient faith. It is significant that Rom. 5:1 does not say "faith alone," but just faith. It takes the reading of other verses of scripture to learn that the faith that saves is obedient faith.

To extract Rom. 5:1 from the N. T. and say that we are saved, or justified, by faith alone, is like extracting flour from the list of ingredients for baking a cake and declaring that it takes "flour alone " to bake a cake!


It's amazing you are blinded to the clarity of God's Word:

What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about--but not before God.What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.

Justification is a legal term meaning "made right"- As the scripture points out: However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. Justification (being made right with God) comes not by water, my friend, but by trust(faith). Romans 5:1 is clear-Having been justified by faith. Case close!


New member
Re: He who has an ear... let him hear!

Re: He who has an ear... let him hear!

Originally posted by Kevin
Freak says:

"I notice you didn't deal with the large amount of Scripture I posted to prove justification is by faith ALONE"

The Word of God says:

Jam 2:24
You see then how a man is justified by works, and not by faith only.

No comment necessary. :)


Your understanding of James is lacking. As a result of saving faith there is an evidence of good works. This shows to all you have been justified. Works doesn't save (see below) but brings the evidence to your salvation. As, you read throughout the New Testament you see this:

What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about--but not before God.What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness.


New member
Jesus didn't use water in John 9 to heal (for it is eveident that the focus was on Jesus not water in that story). There is no power in water. Jesus did the healing (just take a glance at verse 3 where Jesus made it clear it was a work of God that the healing happened not water). Unless you can tell me there is some mystical power in H2o, then I believe I'll stick with Jesus.
If the blind man had decided NOT to wash the mud from his eyes in the pool at Siloam as directed by Jesus, say he found a jug of water and washed them or just wiped them clean with his shirt tail, do you think he would have been cure? I don't.

Without any doubt it was Jesus who cured the blind man, but He used water to do it.

Justification is a legal term meaning "made right"- As the scripture points out: However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. Justification (being made right with God) comes not by water, my friend, but by trust(faith). Romans 5:1 is clear-Having been justified by faith. Case close!
Justification is a legal term, but it is also more than a legal term. When God justifies us He doesn't just declare us justified, he also MAKES us justified, by the removal of our sin as well as the forgiveness.

Jay, you want to hold up a handful of verses that show only one aspect of justification. How do you reconcile Romans 5:1 which you hold up as the end-all verse saying justification is by faith with Romans 6:4-7?:

4 We were buried therefore with him through baptism unto death: that like as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life. 5 For if we have become united with him in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection; 6 knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, that so we should no longer be in bondage to sin; 7 for he that hath died is justified from sin.

So Paul tells us we're justified by faith in 5:1 and in 6:4-7 he tells us we're justified through baptism. Can you reconcile these verses using your justifification is by faith ALONE method? No.

But they can be easily reconciled when you realize 'justification' is more than just a legal term, but also a term describing effect just as it is here in Romans 6:7. Again, faith is involved because baptism isn't just getting wet to show other men your faith, but it is also a cleansing of sin through an act of faith, and that act is one Jesus commanded.

Your understanding of James is lacking. As a result of saving faith there is an evidence of good works. This shows to all you have been justified. Works doesn't save (see below) but brings the evidence to your salvation. As, you read throughout the New Testament you see this:

What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather, discovered in this matter? If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about--but not before God.What does the Scripture say? "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness."Now when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift, but as an obligation. However, to the man who does not work but trusts God who justifies the wicked, his faith is credited as righteousness. (Romans 4:1-4)
You surely can't be serious? You are going to say Kevin doesn't understand the book of James, yet you quote Romans 4 as your explanation? Shouldn't you be quoting James as the context by which you will explain how Kevin is wrong???

And you are adding words to the scriptures by saying works is just evidence of faith. I agree, works can be used as evidence of your faith, but James is saying works are more than just mere evidence. Why don't we look at the context of James and see exactly what James meant when he said man is justified by works, and not by faith alone:

21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Thou seest that faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect; 23 and the scripture was fulfilled which saith, And Abraham believed God, and it was reckoned unto him for righteousness; and he was called the friend of God. 24 Ye see that by works a man is justified, and not only by faith.

How interesting! So James is talking about justification of Abraham occurring after the justification Paul speaks of in Romans 4. That could be a very dangerous realization for your 'justification as only a legal term' theory. Yes if justification is a legal term, that would mean Abraham was justified the very first time and that was it. What this shows is there can be subsequent increases in justification. You can't increase a legal term Jay, but you can certainly increase an effect!

So James says Abraham was justified by his action of offering his only son. What James is saying is faith without action is dead, it is like a body without a spirit. You claim works is only 'evidence', a result of faith. That is like saying our intellect and even our faith, which comes from the spirit not the body, is just evidence we have a body. That doesn't make any sense at all. What does make sense is faith working through love, like the example of Abraham above, is what justifies us in the eyes of God.

Let's make sure Kevin really does understand James 2:

25 And in like manner was not also Rahab the harlot justified by works, in that she received the messengers, and sent them out another way? 26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead.

Wow, Rahab the prostitute was justified by works, by saving the messengers she knew would be killed if not sent out the other way. And the only faith she had was through realizing God had given their land to the Israelites.

So clearly James is saying justification is by faith AND works. This does not conflict with Paul when he says justification is by faith, because it certainly is by faith. And it doesn't conflict with Paul when he says justification is through baptism, because baptism is an act of faith. But all these verses do conflict with your idea that justification is merely a legal term.

Think about it my friend.

God Bless,



New member
Hydrophobic Phreak !!!

Hydrophobic Phreak !!!

Freak –

Why the hydrophobia?? I have asked you twice now – and I will ask a third time…

Can Jesus HEAL with water ???
If so, can Jesus save with water ??

Oh, what a dilemma !! Will you limit Jesus –or- will you admit the possiblilty of water being able to save if Jesus chose to do things that way ???

My guess is that you will not answer – for the third time !!! You have no courage !!!

Jesus didn't use water in John 9 to heal…
Let’s take a look at the scriptures…

John 9:7
– (Jesus said to the blind man) “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam (which is by interpretation, Sent). He went away therefore, and washed, and came seeing.”

11 – (The blind man soon said) “I went and washed, and I received sight.

Lol!! Too funny!! You are in denial ! You are just another one of many who will deny and ignore scripture to promote their own prejudices about religion !!

Of course the power is in Jesus, but the MEANS through which the blind man received the power/healing was the means Jesus chose – WATER !!!!!!!

You deceive yourself about the MEANS through which the power came to heal, just as you deceive yourself about the MEANS through which salvation comes today.

How do I know you deceive yourself? Because you will not answer the simple question I have put to you…

Can Jesus SAVE with water if He so chooses to do so ???

is the means through which man appropriates the salvation offered by God to man through His grace !!
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Re: Hydrophobic Phreak !!!

Re: Hydrophobic Phreak !!!

Originally posted by Apollos
Freak –

Of course the power is in Jesus

Finally you admit Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Good job!


New member
Finally you admit Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith. Good job!
Everyone on both sides of this argument has always confessed Jesus as 'author and finisher of our faith', as you put it. The disagreement lies in whether we actually have to do the things He commanded us, like baptism for instance.

You say all we have to do is believe, we say you have to believe AND follow his commands.

God Bless,



New member
Wanna talk about double speak:

Francisco says: Without any doubt it was Jesus who cured the blind man, but He used water to do it.

First, you acknowledge Jesus was the one who did the healing then you add "but He used water to do it."

Jesus is God-He is Healer. Water cannot heal. You guys are bordering on paganism--thinking somehow the created (in this case water) has some mystical powers. That's insane!

Jesus and Jesus alone.