The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

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Wick Stick

Well-known member
Is his point really limited only to flat-earthers?

Not at all. I am reminded of the small group that questions whether there ever was an actual Jesus that ever walked the earth. They constantly come back to an argument of physical evidence. But, to quote this article...

In the more everyday contexts that we care about, we can rely on testimony.

It just so happens that the most printed book in the history of books, is an anthology of testimonies about the life and death of Jesus Christ.

It's only in an oddball context of skepticism that is set aside.


Well-known member
Not at all. I am reminded of the small group that questions whether there ever was an actual Jesus that ever walked the earth. They constantly come back to an argument of physical evidence. But, to quote this article...

It just so happens that the most printed book in the history of books, is an anthology of testimonies about the life and death of Jesus Christ.

It's only in an oddball context of skepticism that is set aside.

The same texts that include that anthology of testimony includes claims of a special status or even divinity for Jesus. So within the context of reasonable evidence- does that make those claims likely true? If so- we should accept the claims of Muslims about Mohammed being a prophet, and so on.

I was thinking in terms of other things. Like an Old Earth, for example. Or Evolution, for that matter. What kind of demand of evidence or proof is reasonable to demand for those?

patrick jane

Hah !!! Only chumps fall for the Flat Earth Society and all of the organized controlled opposition. Thanks for this!

Once it infiltrates pop culture this way, I tend to get skeptical. They had a flat Earth conference in North Carolina I believe a few months back. I wouldn't be caught dead there. Selling tshirts and coffee mugs is tacky and quite frankly would most likely cause Jesus to flip over all the merchandise tables in anger and with good reason.

Who organizes these 'conferences'? Who stands to profit from them? Why a corporate controlled conference? Where are the grass roots? It begs the much more important question, why can't we as a people organize organically anymore?

I also feel this is controlled opposition to keep this truth in a nice and shiny proverbial box where it is easier for the opposition to manipulate through counter intelligence ops with the likes of the Dubay's of the world.

patrick jane

From a conversation - used with permission
Gleason :
Hi NDG, I'm a total newbie here and you seem like a decent guy but I have to respectfully disagree with your entire premise. It's ok, we ALL believed, the same as you, until the truth was both learned and revealed.

To begin, cosmology does not meet the definition of science, intentionally. Observations are no longer direct, immediately invalidating the scientific method and thus the 'science' supporting ANY cosmological claim. Rather observations are ALWAYS relative (you can thank Einstein for letting relativity destroy direct observation in any 'science' that can get away with it) today. PS-you can replace cosmology with any of the space sciences since the initial premise is based on a relative inference vs a direct observation. In other words friend you are simply parroting second hand, unverified lies whenever the proverbial "you" attempts to support ANY "space science".

Furthermore, as someone MUCH more intelligent than me asked;
'evolution' ?? What's that...? Define evolution...?

a. Post the Scientific Theory of evolution...?
b. Post just TWO Formal Scientific Hypotheses then Experiments that concretized it into a *REAL* Scientific Theory...?
c. Post the Null Hypotheses that were Rejected/Falsified for each...?
d. Highlight The Independent Variables used in Each TEST...?

These questions ^^^^^^^^ can not/will not EVER be answered folks because "evolution" DOESN'T and NEVER EXISTED.

It's a Joke!! In fact, that's insulting to Actual least Jokes have some substance.

Finally, your space x launch and a beer. Sorry I'm pushing my way in here but, for the rocket to really go to 'outer space' the Earth would have to be an open system, which you currently believe because the entire body of your current belief system needs this fact for the rest to be true. BUT, we have a true scientific problem if we do easily accept this 'fact' of the open system (unfettered access to 'space'). See, you can't have air pressure, at all, in any way, in an open system. Pressure is formally defined in relation to it's container. That leaves us with one conclusion, as usual let God be true and every man a liar.

Now you COULD reply and say the magic of "gravity" is what keeps air pressure in an open system and i would have to reply with a few inspired questions:
1.Why do helium balloons ignore 'gravity'?
2.Why does a rock sink but a tennis ball float if you throw them in a pool together?

See, "gravity" is neither supported via the scientific method nor common sense, rather it and ALL of what you parrot as science is actually faith. Scientism is the current term, but truthfully it should be spelled PSY-IENTISM because it's an attack on your mind and a contradiction of all direct observational evidence... Oh yeah and every word of the Holy Spirit inspired Truth (see Genesis, Job, Isaiah et Al.) , written for us and given to us, even though we don't deserve one bit of His Salvation.

Take care friend, you seem kind. I hope my instinct isn't wrong and please don't view the above as some attempt to convince you of anything. Like all of us, if you are a sincere hearted seeker of truth, God willing, you too will know the truth and no longer have to 'believe' or 'have faith' in any man's claims.

You say you don't want to discuss the math and I totally relate to that but I thought I could add to this comprehensive truth reveal by enlightening a little on the (satanically inspired) math of globull Earth. Of course the most simple refutation of the globe via math is our tried and true curvature formula.....8 inches per mile squared. Unfortunately, in our reality, there is no such thing. It has been emprically demonstrated time after time, via a large swath of amateurs that where the curve "should be", it isn't.

Now to the math.....

8 inches per mile squared means as you add each mile to the formula, the curve gets steeper because it's allegedly a ball. So
1 mile=8 inches*(1 mile^2)=8 inch "downward sloping curve" 1 mile out, or let's say we want to express that value in feet. 8 inches/12 inches (one foot)=0.666 feet
10 miles=8 inches*(10^2)=800 inches or 66.6 feet
100 miles=8 inches*(100^2)=80,000 inches or 6,666 feet

But true videographed evidence, our language (horizon), and water (ALWAYS level) all truthfully deny "the curve" that is only supported via (satanic) mathematics.

Fun math related fact readers. I learned that the distance to the Moon, currently alleged to be about 230,000 miles away requires a special "curvature variable" in the trig formula to conclude this ridiculous value. When you apply the directly observed values to the trigonometry formula, surprise the Moon is about 3,000 miles away. I can revisit my source and lay the formula out here if requested, but it could take some time.

Now to Eratosthenes. His stick experiment "works" because you must assume large and far away sun. If you assume local smaller (think 3,000 miles away, same as moon, as also depicted by the Masons) sun and flat Earth, his experiment yields the same results.

I'm not good at posting videos but if anyone wanted a quick, honest and frankly awakening introduction to this truth, may I recommend a 16 minute video by YouTube user "scrawny2brawny". If you want a more intellectual discussion and proof set, review the television interviews with British intellectual David Murphy. YouTube has a 53 minute interview with him on a British tv show that is fantastic.

God bless everyone and thank you again Patrick for all you are doing to express God's truth to a deceived world.

patrick jane

Conversation with Gleason and me used with permission :

Matthew 18:3*-‬4
3 and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

This is much harder than it sounds. I personally believe this is the biggest challenge of flat Earth Truth. As you've started previously Patrick, to separate from EVERYTHING we learned in primary and typically secondary education, all media and popular culture seems to be an insurmountable feat (however it's more of a co-mingling vs separation of discerned academic knowledge and direct observation).

This is why we will never "convince" anyone and they must come to the realization themselves (guided by the Holy Sprit).

To be clear, I don't think the above reference to Matthew ONLY applies to flat Earth but I do believe it's of paramount importance in realizing the truth.

One last thing, if this IS the great delusion, so great that even the very elect could be deceived, if it were possible, then we are relegated to always be a relatively (there's that word again) silent minority, and that's OK. I've resigned myself to the fact that there are certain people that will only see this truth on the other side of the firmament, even people I'm very very close to. I do however fear for those who openly contradict the Bible today because they buy into the satanic deception that the people from ALL biblical times weren't as 'smart' or 'knowledgeable' as we are "now". Those people may have to answer why they felt so superior as to apply today's worldly interpretations of his Word with their flawed, human, sinful minds. But there's ALWAYS hope. Remember the passage about the workers in the field, the ones who showed up at the end of the day (I'm guessing up to and including the judgement throne when doubting Thomas' will get their direct view) were paid the same wage as the ones who worked all day, and we can't judge the equity of this situation because it's not our situation. So hopefully, in time, we will ALL understand, just might not be in the here and now.

PS-the music industry is infected as bad as hollyweird, all the same satanic control. Many, many souled out in the name of Fame and $$$, I love my classic rock too but I'm trending towards Christian rock, seemingly ALSO infected (just a friendly reminder, it's HIS-story), however, lyrically more inspiring at the very least.

I have also viewed what appears to be haphazard patterns in wind and water currents on a "globe" (ps-direct, physical evidence of the first actual globe model built was from the late 1400s, despite the fact "everyone" knew about it for thousands of years prior), yet when viewed from what scientists fancily call the azimuthal equidistant projection (we call it the flat Earth map, the UN calls it their flag, notice how your thoughts on the map change when someone uses the "azimuthal equidistant map" term vs "flat Earth map") those same wind and water current patterns appear as virtually perfectly rotating circles.

Magellan's East/West circumnavigation looks like a distorted mess on "globe" Earth, yet looks like a crude circle (like it should) on the Azimuthal equidistant aka flat Earth map.

That coincides with scripture as most all flat earth proofs do. God tells us everything we need to know about the seas, rivers, winds, earth, sun, moon, and stars etc. It amazes me how people resist the plain word of God AND the evidence while holding on tightly to their favorite planet and deep space.

People can blow it off by saying too many people would have to know. I can try explaining that away pretty convincingly but it's still a very weak area of the whole topic.

Gleason :
I just wanted to revisit this earlier quote because I think it's important to understand this superficially apparent valid counter argument (to non discerning eyes, I know Patrick is well aware of the following)..... Too many people would have to know. This logic applies to any 'conspiracy' that is deemed large. It's applied and applies to any and 9/11, Apollo hoax (same EXACT thing as flat Earth), Kennedy.... You pick 'em.

Ok, now visualize a pyramid, because that's how high level satanic deceptions function. The "too many people" claim refers to the bottom of the pyramid, the actual people that NEED to know are in the tiny little capstone at the top. ..... Pyramids, probably built by his fallen angels (pre or post flood? The answers I'm sure would take multiple pages themselves lol) hence the reason they've never been destroyed throughout His-story and the reason we can't figure out how they were built.

patrick jane

Gleason :
Hi Patrick, LOVE the maps you try to post at the top of each page. They get ignored all around because I've noticed, to put it simply, the truer the truth, the quieter the opposition.

We know all about admiral Richard Byrd on record, interviewed on a 50s television program, freely and easily available for review on YouTube, saying there is unexplored land as large as North America beyond the South Pole. He said it, not me lol. Love his choice of words to, "beyond", umm if it's the bottom bit of a ball that word wouldn't even make sense coming from our credible eye witness.

Just as important however, he explored the Arctic. This is what I BELIEVE to be Eden. coincidentally, not relatively, rather directly "above" the 'North Pole' or 'Eden' happens to be the North Star, and happens to be the only star that doesn't move, and may just be the same size as our other equally sized and local sun and moon. So as the sun completes it's annual almost spiral like 3 dimensional circuit, i'd imagine, at times it MAY happen to cross directly behind this 'different' star, and MAYBE cause a shadow to appear across the sun or moon (also explaining how sun and moon show up on video in the sky together during eclipses)? Haven't hammered out all the details there but I think you see where I'm heading and it fits the glorious framework we already recognize.

Now as for maps, Patrick knows I'm a big fan of the....GLEASON 1892 map and I'll explain why. The level of information contained in this map is far beyond what you thought. I viewed a few videos where people created poster sized versions of the map, laid it out on a table and showed all the little fine print pieces of information. You can basically recreate yourself by downloading a hi-res Gleason map image (free, always free) and zooming in with a decent monitor. I don't want to explain all the details there are too many so I will lastly mention, in the lower left and right corners of the map are 2 small images of how the sun circuits our flat Earth and how the light of the sun is dispersed on both December and June 21 of each year. And the North Star is prominently displayed at the top center of the map as well.

Another thought provoking map is the Dakota springs map, from memory also from the late 1800s, and definitely does a great job depicting the angels on the corners... EDIT TO ADD, and depicts the North Star as equally sized with sun/moon, if memory serves.

The professional claims against these maps always relate to: eclipses (theory above), sunrises/sunsets (we haven't dove into visual perception yet), and southern hemisphere distances (potential valid counter arguments and proofs DO exist). So those arguments are the current obstruction to accepting these maps as our reality.

Prove this wrong :

patrick jane

Great points and I explain the same thing a little different but you pyramid analogy works nicely. I tell folks that conspiracies happen and history proves this. They are happening now and have been since Gen 6 and certainly since the Garden. (We should study and discuss more about Eden being at or around the North Pole and the 4 rivers the way the ship captains described etc etc)

Conspiracies have levels of knowledge like a corporation, company or any organization. The leadership, those that know every detail of the deception are VERY few. Most people you would consider "involved" have no idea of the truth or even that there IS a conspiracy.

For instance, we can eliminate all pilots and airline employees because even NASA now says we would HAVE to be over 65 MILES high to start seeing curvature. We can eliminate satellite company employees and contractors because only a select few know the truth about satellites. We can eliminate EVERYONE who has never been out of low earth orbit (Nobody) or anyone that saw a real unaltered image. I'll repeat that again in this post.

Only the people that invented or control the components and specifications and the exact methods and operation of satellites. Everybody at satellite companies simply "help" with the launch, "help" with the calculations, specs and software etc. All of it created by somebody else. All they do is replace prefabricated parts or components. Any monkey could do that.

The "spherical" and flying spinning fake gravity ball calculations, equations and all maths work exactly the same in flat earth. Now satellite has ever circumnavigated a globe earth.

Furthermore, the ONLY and I mean ONLY people who KNOW or have EVER KNOWN are those that have been 100 miles high in space or higher and those that have seen an unaltered image if one even exists. Admiral Byrd knew and he died young, mysteriously and suspiciously.

Anybody that does some minimal serious research into this possibility and actually more than likely reality of a flat earth surrounded by frozen land and ice.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

If I measured the curvature of the Earth myself, with my own equipment, and the measurement came within a reasonable margin of error of that which would be expected if the Earth is a sphere 24,901 miles in circumstance, would that convince you that the Earth is not flat?

patrick jane

JR is reporting posts with text now too. Ban Everybody !!!! Seems like he can't dispute what I posted. Discussion. I can invite @Gleason92 here for you JR.
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Nathon Detroit

JR is reporting posts with text now too. Ban Everybody !!!! Seems like he can't dispute what I posted. Discussion. I can invite @Gleason92 here for you JR.
I agree with Judge Rightly. Who wants to read a conversation between you and somebody that's not even involved in this thread??

Patrick... the Flat Earth conspiracy has turned you into a strange person.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

If I measured the curvature of the Earth myself, with my own equipment, and the measurement came within a reasonable margin of error of that which would be expected if the Earth is a sphere 24,901 miles in circumstance, would that convince you that the Earth is not flat?

I'd love to see the results.

patrick jane


If I measured the curvature of the Earth myself, with my own equipment, and the measurement came within a reasonable margin of error of that which would be expected if the Earth is a sphere 24,901 miles in circumstance, would that convince you that the Earth is not flat?
I might but the fact is you'll be using Masonic math. Math that is "created" to fit the ball. The same math works in the flat enclosed earth and cosmos. The government knows we are enclosed under a dome. Just like the Bible says. I'm sorry guys but I truly believe it's the globe believers who are not accepting reality and not learning about how they nuked the dome, send signals and much more bouncing off the dome.

That's how the satellites work. I watched a whole youtube video :chuckle: Seriously, look into. You guys know if you're being honest with yourselves and searching both sides of the issue. I'll have much more to say here. The dome evidence is only a tiny fraction of reality. I'm not here to recruit flat earthers. I and real FEs are not connected in any way and we denounce these "conferences" and the Flat Earth Society. They are shills and there is organized controlled opposition to the facts of the shape and true nature of the very place we live.

Everybody just wakes up and goes to work for 50 years and doesn't care. The older people are the more they fight the idea. Polls show that young people are thinking about the real shape of the earth. It IS important it's God's creation and we are part of it. The Bible tells the truth about the earth, sun, moon, stars, heavenly bodies and the cosmos. Everything we need to know is written. To say that Old Testament folks were too dumb too "get it" yet until modern science came along is preposterous. God chooses the right words.

So do your tests Clete and show the math. I find it hard to believe that you think you can prove a globe earth when nobody else can. And I'm the cray one?
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