the church


Purgatory is not too far fetched, for there is a prison/Hell that the unsaved have gone and can still live in their spirits according to Jesus.


here is a good place to start
-Church History (Eusebius)
How many times have you heard..."If you only knew what the Catholic church would have never left"....Really????.
So 35 plus years wasn't enough to know what the RCC teaches???...I do know...that's why I left.....Reading the Word of God was the eye opener...looking for all the teachings of the Catholic church and finding very few....Reading the Bible completely 3 times a year for 7 years has brought me to the Reformed Faith....The more I read God's Word the less Catholic I become....I want the pure milk and meat of the Word of God...not Baloney doctrines from Baloney Popes.... is by Grace Alone...In Christ Alone...through Faith Scripture Alone...for the Glory of God Alone....because all these I find in God's Word.....The Reformers got it right....Freedom in freedom from Rome.... Amen.

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
How many times have you heard..."If you only knew what the Catholic church would have never left"....Really????.
So 35 plus years wasn't enough to know what the RCC teaches???...I do know...that's why I left.....Reading the Word of God was the eye opener...looking for all the teachings of the Catholic church and finding very few....Reading the Bible completely 3 times a year for 7 years has brought me to the Reformed Faith....The more I read God's Word the less Catholic I become....I want the pure milk and meat of the Word of God...not Baloney doctrines from Baloney Popes.... is by Grace Alone...In Christ Alone...through Faith Scripture Alone...for the Glory of God Alone....because all these I find in God's Word.....The Reformers got it right....Freedom in freedom from Rome.... Amen.

PTL that you got out of that wicked religious system.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Note, the picture above looks like Hera, not a Hebrew woman. The Church of the Middle-Ages was very antisemitic.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
-the church teaches the gospel
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it
-it is right there in your bible
-you might be saved
-you have to walk the talk

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it

2 Tim 1
8 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;

9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

God's Truth

New member
-the church teaches the gospel
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it
-it is right there in your bible
-you might be saved
-you have to walk the talk

Who would even join the Catholic denomination if the Catholics cannot even tell anyone how to be saved?

God's Truth

New member
-the church teaches the gospel
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it
-it is right there in your bible
-you might be saved
-you have to walk the talk

Your denomination is evil, for your own "Saints" are not saved until they are dug up from the grave and canonized by a sinful man who calls himself "Pope".

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
-the church teaches the gospel
-the gospel is the good news
-that you might be saved
-even paul says it
-it is right there in your bible
-you might be saved
-you have to walk the talk

Can I skip all of that by ordering a brown scapular from Amazon?
Mother Mary said I would be safe from hell fire.


The gospel continued right into the protestants
I don't understand what this means. :idunno:
while you say rome alone
Rome doesn't even say "Rome alone." :dizzy:
and we say scripture alone.
Yes, about that. What is your take on whatever the Church did before the New Testament was even penned? Galatians or 1st Thessalonians wasn't even written until around AD 50, which is some 17 years after the Church was born on Pentecost AD 33, so, what did the Church do, if it was based on Scripture alone? All Scripture before ~ AD 50 was written to Israel, not to the Church.
The bible is always right
and rome is epic fail

Right Divider

Body part
I don't understand what this means. :idunno:
Rome doesn't even say "Rome alone." :dizzy:
Yes, about that. What is your take on whatever the Church did before the New Testament was even penned? Galatians or 1st Thessalonians wasn't even written until around AD 50, which is some 17 years after the Church was born on Pentecost AD 33, so, what did the Church do, if it was based on Scripture alone? All Scripture before ~ AD 50 was written to Israel, not to the Church.
If you understood what the Bible says, you wouldn't make false statements like that one.


If you understood what the Bible says, you wouldn't make false statements like that one.
Why don't you tell us when the Church was born then, if not on the day that the Holy Spirit filled the Apostles and gifted them with tongues, and brought about the conversion of 3,000 on that day? Keeping in mind, that the Church is the temple of the Holy Spirit of course.