The bible makes it really super clear that sin didn't enter through Eve but through Adam in spite of the fact that Eve sinned before Adam and so the question we should be asking isn't "whether" but "why".
IF the premise of our creation changed to believe that we were created before the creation of the physical universe (which we all saw, Job 38:7) and that before that creation some sinned needing to be redeemed and others sinned the unforgivable sin and only THEN was the physical universe was created and we were moved to Sheol in the centre of the earth,
IF, I say, all this was accepted, then the interpretation of WHY we are sinners at birth would be moot and all the verses used to to convince ourselves that we inherit Adam's sin would be fitted into our
a priori belief in our pre-earth creation...the same way we now force other verses to support our being created on earth as sinners, even though this is a blasphemy.
So, to use all the verses that depend upon our theology of being created on earth to shed the light on the question
why? is just another eisegesis of forcing the created on earth theory onto the verses about how it is all Adam's fault.
But please consider:
First, even if Adam's sin was our first sin and we are guilty and die for that sin (against
Ezek 18:20 The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent...) GOD is responsible of our being created sinners by Adam because 1. HE did not have to create us in solidarity with Adam, it was HIS choice and 2. HE did not have to force us to inherit Adam's sin which means all the arguments against GOD NOT being the creator or evil are bogus. Yet poisonous water does not flow from the well of life giving water and thorns do not grow on grape vines., No, it is not GOD who is poisonous but this evil doctrine.
Second, there is no reason, not even a bad reason, for HIM to create anyone evil but especially would HE never create HIS Bride evil in Adam. HE hates evil and it must be eradicated before HE can fulfill HIS purpose for our creation, HIS marriage to us in the heavenly state. Light cannot create dark because light destroys dark by its essence as light. Love cannot create evil as it destroys evil by its essence as love.
All suggestions HE creates evil is a blasphemy against HIS loving, righteous and just nature.
Third, if we do not choose evil by our free will then we cannot be held guilty for that evil. No one is guilty of a crime they are forced to do by another person whether the force is from Adam or GOD. To claim GOD makes us evil by making us inherit Adam's sin then killing us for that sinful thing we inherited for him is just too ugly and perverted to contemplate. It goes against everything GOD has revealed about HIS nature but it allows us to think we are created on earth which has been chosen as more important than that we should worship the GOD who hates evil and does not create it by any means, even Adam.