ECT The Broken Record of MAD


Well-known member
No obssession, bro.

No more than when she points out some thing or other to me that she believes I am off on.

Personally, I don't mind having such things pointed out to me.

None of us should.

And we MADs might all do well to both practice that towards, and welcome same, of one another.

Those who take such things personal are merely showing their gospel of grace could stand to allow said grace to dictate what it is they are taking personal.

I and other MADs I know have gone hours over a time in such iron sharpeneth iron, without taking any personal offense whatsoever.

And I continue to find that sometimes I find I was off on one or another understanding; sometimes someone else was; sometimes I or they or both of us end up at an even finer distinction, and so on.

Other times, such times have been only a one time discussion with some, as they were obviously not only too much about their view alone, but a bit overly sensitive about having anyone pointing anything out to them and or voicing a different understanding.

And these are ever the types one always finds one's having to explain one's actions and or intent to...

Don't tell them that, though - they'll take that wrong as well :chuckle:

Goes to show that of the various camps within MAD, they all end up basically boiling down to two camps - MAD and Grace Based MAD.

In short, as....

"Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend" Proverbs 27:17.

Having two camps like that sort of shows the nonsense of it.


New member
Having two camps like that sort of shows the nonsense of it.

Like the Full Preterist, the Partial Preterist, and your version of Preterism; right?


This is exactly why there is no reasoning with your kind.

You are simply to obtuse to your double-standard :crackup:


Well-known member
Like the Full Preterist, the Partial Preterist, and your version of Preterism; right?


This is exactly why there is no reasoning with your kind.

You are simply to obtuse to your double-standard :crackup:

When it comes to grace there is no point in finding a 'moment' in Acts when it started; that is obtuse to me. It is a pointless pursuit, pursuing a pointless question. It thinks there was a switch from one P to another (kingdom offer to 'church'), because it is obtuse to the mission, which is as far back in Genesis as you can go.


New member
When it comes to grace there is no point in finding a 'moment' in Acts when it started; that is obtuse to me. It is a pointless pursuit, pursuing a pointless question. It thinks there was a switch from one P to another (kingdom offer to 'church'), because it is obtuse to the mission, which is as far back in Genesis as you can go.

Nope; there is the issue of that other fall. The one previous to Adam's fall.

The Body has to do with that issue; not with the one having to do with the Earth.


New member
Nope; there is the issue of that other fall. The one previous to Adam's fall.

The Body has to do with that issue; not with the one having to do with the Earth.

You referring to when Satan got kicked out of heaven for rebellion ?


TOL Subscriber
There you go - reading into a thing.

I did not say I disagreed with his take on the KOH being a subset within the KOG.

When I disagree, I say so. You know that.

It's what rattles you so. You are used to being told you are o so right all the time :crackup:

That same, but different, that I mentioned...went right past you.

Go back and reread my post to jamie in agreement with yours to her.

Reread it...slowly :chuckle:
With you playing both sides of the fence so much, the read can be a bit of a challenge. On the one hand, you agree with what I said to jamie and on the other deny that technically, the kingdom preached in M, M, L and J is the kingdom of heaven and that Paul was not preaching the kingdom of heaven. And then you mock for not understanding what you say. :rolleyes:


New member
...and that Paul was not preaching the kingdom of heaven.

In Acts 20:25 KJV Paul said, "And now, behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, shall see my face no more."


New member
The broken record of dodge and Interplanner - what a joke

PJ, you do know you don't have to read either of our posts right ?

Seems many Madist believe it is a joke to actually believe the scripture unless of course it is written by Paul.


New member
Seems many Madist believe it is a joke to actually believe the scripture unless of course it is written by Paul.

The irony is that Paul taught from the Hebrew scriptures which means that he really added nothing to the message of salvation that wasn't already there.

Because he was a Jewish rabbi he was a competent theologian and provided some good stuff to explain the Hebrew scriptures.


New member
jamie;4849443]The irony is that Paul taught from the Hebrew scriptures which means that he really added nothing to the message of salvation that wasn't already there.


Because he was a Jewish rabbi he was a competent theologian and provided some good stuff to explain the Hebrew scriptures.

Many theologians believe Paul wrote Hebrews.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
With you playing both sides of the fence so much, the read can be a bit of a challenge. On the one hand, you agree with what I said to jamie and on the other deny that technically, the kingdom preached in M, M, L and J is the kingdom of heaven and that Paul was not preaching the kingdom of heaven. And then you mock for not understanding what you say. :rolleyes:

To my way of thinking, Danoh is a waste of time and energy, therefore, I placed him on "Permanent Ignore.""
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