ECT The Answer to the Problem of Unanswered Prayer


New member
I live at 150 meter from a church know for the hundred miracles they perform every week. I dont need to read your book. It seems that there is few very special christians who can perform (incoquing God) great miracles. Otherwise, there is few christians that fake miracles to desieve the public.

I dont need an iluminated and super-spiritual Christian with a special anointment of the Holy Spirit. I request a simple and regular Christian that in at least one time did pray to God and did have an answer.

People do not do miracles, even Jesus said it was not Him but His Father who was doing the miracles.

As James said it is the prayers of a righteous man that brings results but as Paul says there are none righteous

Therefore it is the righteousness of God within a person that moves God to act on behalf of the person submitting the prayer albeit God has mercy on those whom He choses to.

God heard the prayers of the Jews crying out under the persecution of the Egyptians but did not move on their behalf until a man named Moses prayed for them.

It is the same way today as God considers the prayers from those who worship Him in truth and not those whose hearts are filled with multiple false doctrines of raptures, Jesus returning to rule from a temple in Israel etc etc etc.

Whether you read the book or not is of no concern of mine, but it is the only place where the knowledge in it can be read in plain language


Well-known member
billons people that have never preay do have the dayly bread aswell.
That is not the point.

Fact is both God and Satan give people things.

Those who pray to the Father for their daily bread, get their daily bread from God. Those who do not pray to God but still get their daily bread, get it from Satan. . . . . No big Maths involved.

You asked for any real life example of an answered pray?"

I replied: I have my daily bread every day.

The point is that among the billions who get their daily bread, there are some who pray to God, for their daily bread and God answers their prays. . . . . because their pray request is legitimate in terms of what Jesus instructed that they could and should pray for. The others get it from Satan.

Fact is, although billions get their daily bread, it does not mean that they all got it from praying to God. Satan is a parallel provider. Satan also provides all kinds of things, including daily bread, to humans. Humans can also get things (including their daily bread) the Satan way.

For example generically engineered food is food from Satan. And billions get that food. This is how Satan feed the world. Satan is any human who is led into his works by his intellectual and modern scientific and physically oriented side of his make up. This is the side which urges humans to alter the God given way that things operate. Therefore their appraoch to generating and supplying the world with food, is though scientific method, like generic enhancement and the use of herbicide and pesticides etc. They are providing daily bread to billions.

However God's appraoch is that humans pray for their daily bread. As the number of people praying for food increases, the natural and spontaneous growth of food on the earth, increases geometrically (i.e. without any further intervention by humans). Humans perceives this to be a miracle. However it is simply the natural and spontaneous modes-operand of the spiritual realm when it is encouraged and empowered to rule on earth. It is encouraged and empowered to rule on earth, with respect to providing daily bread to humans, when humans pray to the Father for their daily bread. Pray makes it work and when more people pray this system works increasingly better and more bountifully, in a geometric progression.

It is by praying for food that the system through which God produces food is enable to meet the demand for food. God have given unaware humans one gift. This gift is the capacity to pray for their daily bread and have the omniscient capacity of the creation move into gear so as to provide their daily bread.

This is the limited blessing that the unaware have from God. If they ask for their daily bread they will have it. However they are not given to ask God for any things else.

However some of these billions of people who get their daily bread do not pray, at all. They do not recognize respect and/or believe in God's systems. They get their daily bread through another lame provider who is not at all God.

Therefore the billion who get their daily bread are not all getting it from God. Some are actually consuming slow poison which is not from God. God is our Father in heaven and He will not give his children slow or any kind of poison. However men on earth, in the form of Satan will routine do that and not bat an eye.

Fact is some among these billions do get their daily bread because they pray the Lord's pray regularly. Therefore their receipt of their daily bread is answer to their prays to God. The rest of those billions get their daily bread form Satan, because they have sold their souls to Satan. They have bought into the ruling status-quo, hook, line and sinker.

There are billion others who do not get their daily bread period. They do not get it from God or from Satan. They are not connected to either God or the ruling status-quo who are children of Satan, at this time on earth.

0scar, when you pointed out that people in church gatherings should not be making pray request from God, which are out side of asking for their daily bread, you have made a very good and enlightening point. I would recommend you for an Oscar, if I was sure that that is not simply another devise of Satan. Any way congratulations are in order.

[size=+2]So here is to you, Oscar: Congratulations!
You are a gem, continue your good work.[/size]

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:​
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Well-known member
People do not do miracles, even Jesus said it was not Him but His Father who was doing the miracles.

As James said it is the prayers of a righteous man that brings results but as Paul says there are none righteous

Therefore it is the righteousness of God within a person that moves God to act on behalf of the person submitting the prayer albeit God has mercy on those whom He choses to.

God heard the prayers of the Jews crying out under the persecution of the Egyptians but did not move on their behalf until a man named Moses prayed for them.

It is the same way today as God considers the prayers from those who worship Him in truth and not those whose hearts are filled with multiple false doctrines of raptures, Jesus returning to rule from a temple in Israel etc etc etc.

Whether you read the book or not is of no concern of mine, but it is the only place where the knowledge in it can be read in plain language

Your post has great substance and truth.

Many churches are doing faith healing and deliver the interpretations of the scriptures to their charges. To a very great extend these churches are in grave disservice to God and they are in grave sin. They are not using the written scriptures to serve its intended purpose which is: to have their charges dream of a life where miracles and magic bring them what they want. Also they do not realized that even if they have the first fruits of the Holy Spirit (which include gifts of the Spirit), they are sill in-firmed and do not know what to pray for, say and do. Therefore they practicing their gifts of Spirit 'willy-nilly out side the will of God. This is a serious sin.

Matthews: 7 KJV N.T.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23. And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

click the arrow for a very relevant and related post



New member
People do not do miracles, even Jesus said it was not Him but His Father who was doing the miracles.

And those miracles are not happening. There is not special christians with an special ointment that get God to do miracles. Simply, dosent hapens today.
As today, the prayers are not answered, not to the common Christian, nor to the special Christian.


New member
Hall of Fame
The pastor had to try to explain this failure, and told her that it must be that she did not have enough faith, or maybe there was some secret sin in her life, or maybe her husband wasn’t really a Christian. Obviously something was wrong.

Yes, something was wrong with that pastor. Sometimes God says no, and/or has a purpose that is unknown to us. That pastor is about like Job's friends.


New member

That is not the point.

Fact is both God and Satan give people things.

How can you distinguish who is recieving bread from God or from Satan?
I am a "good" Christian and despite you dont accept my points of view, I am strugling here (in TOL) to share with my brother the real doctrine as found in the Scriptures. I recieved the Lord as my Savour in 1972 and since, I never stop Reading and studying the Bible and preaching the Gospel. I only dont pray for my bread and dont pray at the table. Who is giving me my meals? Satan? Because I dont pray. I believe it is God giving me my bread despite I dont pray; and I believe that you are getting your bread from God independently of your praying.

But besides that... do you have ant pray (other tan meals)answered?


New member
Hall of Fame
I do cast pearls to swine, as I am replaying to you.

By the way, waht is post #68, a Pearl or a LIE?

I answered you. No need to answer you again.

Matthew 5:37 "But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes ' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil.


New member
I answered you. No need to answer you again.

Matthew 5:37 "But let your statement be, 'Yes, yes ' or 'No, no'; anything beyond these is of evil.

Your answer is that you dont have any answered pray that we want/can share with us.
It seems that nobody have.
Obviusly my position is correct: nobody have answered prays.


New member
Your answer is that you dont have any answered pray that you WON'T share with US.
It seems that nobody have.
Obviusly my position is correct: nobody have answered prays.


Well-known member
How can you distinguish who is recieving bread from God or from Satan?
I am a "good" Christian and despite you dont accept my points of view, I am strugling here (in TOL) to share with my brother the real doctrine as found in the Scriptures. I recieved the Lord as my Savour in 1972 and since, I never stop Reading and studying the Bible and preaching the Gospel. I only dont pray for my bread and dont pray at the table. Who is giving me my meals? Satan? Because I dont pray. I believe it is God giving me my bread despite I dont pray; and I believe that you are getting your bread from God independently of your praying.

But besides that... do you have ant pray (other tan meals)answered?

You asked:

1.) How can you distinguish who is recieving bread from God or from Satan?

2.) Who is giving me my meals? Satan?

3.) Where do I get my daily bread?

4.) Do I have any pray (other than daily bread) answered?

The answers to your questions are found within the written KJV N.T.

The KJV N.T. is misrepresented almost everywhere.

Therefore an accurate answer to your question can be had only by having an accurate discernment of the KJV N.T.

Before using the KJV N.T. one has to discern what one is seeking from the KJV N.T. The KJV N.T. offers different things to different seekers.

What are you seeking from the KJV N.T.?

This is not an evasive answer. Your answer can be the starting point of a very enlightening journey through the KJV N.T. A journey which we can take together.
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New member
my goal is for you to be enlighted. that is why a made those retorics question to which i know very well the answers.


New member
And those miracles are not happening. There is not special christians with an special ointment that get God to do miracles. Simply, dosent hapens today.
As today, the prayers are not answered, not to the common Christian, nor to the special Christian.

Your right, nothing special about me but I have seen the sick healed and dead raised to life.

What is different is I do not have the same church oriented doctrines of men that are from Satan and not from God separating me from the God as does most of the church.