ECT Tet and IP: so what's the bottom line, really?


For some "Darby followers" :chuckle:

I do have to say, you're in a very small group here on TOL.

The only other MADist I can think of who wasn't allowed in "the club" with the rest of the MADists around here, was Jerry Shugart.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I do have to say, you're in a very small group here on TOL.

The only other MADist I can think of who wasn't allowed in "the club" with the rest of the MADists around here, was Jerry Shugart.

"All dispensationalists are Darby followers."-Craigie the wimp

All Preterists are closet Catholics/Jesuit followers, Josephus followers, Russell followers.

You are in denial.


New member
I do have to say, you're in a very small group here on TOL.

The only other MADist I can think of who wasn't allowed in "the club" with the rest of the MADists around here, was Jerry Shugart.

I was in the club...for a minute :chuckle:

I was kicked out for holding to the more standard Mad views.

And you well know that is a no no within any cult.

What is really tragic is that one of their sharpest recruits; an indiviual with a very sharp mind and great potential who was then still trying to sort some things out but was led astray by the same Almost 28er heir-ers, has ended up proving they fit right in with said club's cult like ways against anyone who does not assert their same heir-ers...

You should apply to their club, Tet - you'd fit right in :chuckle:


I was kicked out for holding to the more standard Mad views.

Jerry Shugart called them Neo-MAD's.

Yet, for some reason, you vehemently disagreed with Jerry, and took the side of the MAD cultists.

You crazy MADists :chuckle: