Tam's vengence mood.

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Well-known member

You cannot have spiritual mind if your don't know what you need to be practicing as His followers.

Carnally minded are supersentive Christians.

You seem to be intimidated by bully Christians.

Your grandiose vocabulary will not make you spiritual minded.

You have already shown that you refuse to "put on the mind of Messiah" which can only be done by reading, consuming, digesting, and understanding his Testimony-Word-Logos-Reasoning and Doctrine. You therefore cannot have anything else but your own carnal mind and spirit of the world. That is precisely why you tried to say on the first page that war is only physical violence: for you are completely physically minded, and that is all you can see or imagine, and for the same reason you were offended by what I posted and quoted to you from the scripture because it refutes your carnal mindset and speaks in terms of spiritual warfare.

War actually involves physical violence:)

Your simpleton facade is nothing more than the Jebusite tactic of hiding behind the blind and lame, (and all seven of those heads have each their own evil attributes too, lol).


Well-known member
You sound so jealous of my simple faith.

Oh, are we going to express our opinions about each other some more? Okay, you seem fearful of wading any further into the River of the Water of Life and allowing yourself to become fully immersed; for you must know it is a rushing river that cannot be crossed by man, and thus one must be willing to go with the Living Water wheresoever He goes: but you refuse to relinquish what you believe to be some sort of control that you think you have. Perhaps when that one is finally put to death you will live: but you refuse to put him to death so that you may live. You therefore appear to choose Death over Life so that you can maintain some sort of semblance of control. Sorry to inform you but that is not faith. :)


Oh, are we going to express our opinions about each other some more? Okay, you seem fearful of wading any further into the River of the Water of Life and allowing yourself to become fully immersed; for you must know it is a rushing river that cannot be crossed by man, and thus one must be willing to go with the Living Water wheresoever He goes: but you refuse to relinquish what you believe to be some sort of control that you think you have. Perhaps when that one is finally put to death you will live: but you refuse to put him to death so that you may live. You therefore appear to choose Death over Life so that you can maintain some sort of semblance of control. Sorry to inform you but that is not faith. :)

thanks, good day, friend.


Well-known member
You got a lot of credit for speaking ill of me.

That's how it works for carnal Christian world.

People get credit around here for speaking the truth, and your attempts to change that fact is nothing but sour grapes. You aren't even able to tell when someone is actually angry or merely speaking the truth.

Truth.....you don't know the meaning of the word, which is why you're backwards.


Well-known member
You got a lot of credit for speaking ill of me.

That's how it works for carnal Christian world.

You really are a glutton for punishment, eh? The fact that you count "thank you's" only reveals where your mind is and how carnal minded you really are. If indeed it is "credit" then where can I spend it? However you yourself already bragged about how you spent so much money to become a lifetime member, all the while you run around claiming everyone should just "love Jesus", that is, until they disagree with you: then of course they are carnal Christians or not Christians at all in your book. And when you start flaming they end up neg-repping you, and then you retaliate by opening threads such as this one, now that you spent so many of those hard earned illuminati eye-of-horus greenbacks to become a member in hopes that you can get away with what you do without being permanently banned.

What a sad joke someone has played on you. :chuckle:


You really are a glutton for punishment, eh? The fact that you count "thank you's" only reveals where your mind is and how carnal minded you really are. If indeed it is "credit" then where can I spend it? However you yourself already bragged about how you spent so much money to become a lifetime member, all the while you run around claiming everyone should just "love Jesus", that is, until they disagree with you: then of course they are carnal Christians or not Christians at all in your book. And when you start flaming they end up neg-rep you, and then you retaliate by opening threads such as this one, now that you spent so many of those hard earned illuminati eye-of-horus greenbacks to become a member in hopes that you can get away with what you do without being permanently banned. What a sad, sad, joke someone has played on you. :chuckle:

you can run but your cannot hide, friend.

You need to know that narrow is the way to life.

If you are friend of worldly Christians you are in the narrow road.

You need to have courage to be in the wide road.
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