Take Down the Bird Feeder!


Well-known member
You do know that manual labor is not necessarily the hardest work AlateOne?
Your prejudice is showing again. The study went purely based on HOURS worked, not type.

You spent this entire post arguing how mental work is actually harder, because apparently you couldn't dream that blacks and hispanics would do any work that's not manual labor.

By the way, do you still consider me to be a racist? If so, then why?
Yes, this post was a case in point. I mean were you TRYING to be racist in it? :dizzy:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

By the way, Sam Walton did more for the poor than any politician, ever.
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Palin is just upset that she has no position in Trump's new administration.

Unlike the Trump lemmings in this thread, Palin is honest enough to admit that Donald Trump is a socialist.

Why are you such a bottom feeder?

With the Trump inauguration coming up, I haven't seen you and Grosnick Marowbe this excited since SCOTUS ruled on Obergefell v Hodges.


New member
Your prejudice is showing again. The study went purely based on HOURS worked, not type.

You spent this entire post arguing how mental work is actually harder, because apparently you couldn't dream that blacks and hispanics would do any work that's not manual labor.

Yes, this post was a case in point. I mean were you TRYING to be racist in it? :dizzy:

How was it racist? Where did I say I could not dream that blacks and Hispanics were capable of anything but manual labor? That's your anti white or rather conservative white racism showing. You assume I think that way.

Historically, blacks and Hispanics engage in manual labor at a far greater rate than whites. It may have lessened some over the years. I am just a realist.

I did not pay close enough attention to the fact the study was based on hours worked. I just paid attention to the racist conclusion of the study that blacks and Hispanics worked harder than whites. I had no idea how the study was conducted. Knowing traditionally , blacks and Hispanics are involved in manual labor jobs more than White's are, I could see how a study would come to that conclusion.

Somehow, liberalism must infect the brain to such a extent, that is sees racism in its own race but only for those who don't think like you do.

I'm further from a racist than you will ever know. Your hatred for those who refuse to think like you is showing. Some kind of final solution for white Americans who don't think like you would be accepted by you at some point in the future because you can be encouraged to think that we are the only ones standing in the way of a progressive utopia.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yes, it is work to actually harvest the grain, but they did not till the ground or purchase or sow the grain. It's about as much of a handout as could be expected at the time.

not sure why you say this - tithing was expected - it would have been easy to link support for the poor with that

but it wasn't

i'll try to come back to your other points tonight


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What if you can't, and you have nobody else to take care of you? Should we just let natural selection take its course?
Hunger is a very strong motivator, and it's not like in today's society there isn't something one could do to earn money. I could point to a couple examples of people who are disabled, but still make a living. For example, the woman who has no arms who paints using her feet, another woman who paints using her mouth to hold the brush. If someone has a sound mind, they should be able to work.

The verse is very clear. If a man will not work, then he shall not eat.

If a man wants to work, then could you not offer him a job where he could do something to earn money? Even if it's just unloading a trailer of wood and then loading it back up again, it's far better than handouts.

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What if you can't, and you have nobody else to take care of you? Should we just let natural selection take its course?

Hunger is a very strong motivator, and it's not like in today's society there isn't something one could do to earn money. I could point to a couple examples of people who are disabled, but still make a living. For example, the woman who has no arms who paints using her feet, another woman who paints using her mouth to hold the brush. If someone has a sound mind, they should be able to work.

The verse is very clear. If a man will not work, then he shall not eat.

If a man wants to work, then could you not offer him a job where he could do something to earn money? Even if it's just unloading a trailer of wood and then loading it back up again, it's far better than handouts.

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In other words, you let natural processes run their course, and allow hunger to be the motivator to work.

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In other words, you let natural processes run their course, and allow hunger to be the motivator to work.

Or steal your stuff while your away patronizing the disabled by offering them unsteady, unstable employment... filling the back of your truck with wood. (or alternately, adorning your walls with no-armed paintings by purchasing art work from no-armed painters.)

What a pretentious, patronizing attitude you possess JR!


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Or steal your stuff while your away patronizing the disabled by offering them unsteady, unstable employment... filling the back of your truck with wood. (or alternately, adorning your walls with no-armed paintings by purchasing art work from no-armed painters.)

What a pretentious, patronizing attitude you possess JR!

So while working, he becomes a thief? You realize that the Bible lays out appropriate punishments for crimes, right?


If they cannot pay restitution, they become indebted to whoever they stole from, and become indentured servants. This is just.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Hunger is a very strong motivator, and it's not like in today's society there isn't something one could do to earn money. I could point to a couple examples of people who are disabled, but still make a living. For example, the woman who has no arms who paints using her feet, another woman who paints using her mouth to hold the brush. If someone has a sound mind, they should be able to work.

The verse is very clear. If a man will not work, then he shall not eat.

So using two examples of artists who have overcome incredible obstacles and plied what they have into a craft equates to all those with physical disability being able if not required to work?

If a man wants to work, then could you not offer him a job where he could do something to earn money? Even if it's just unloading a trailer of wood and then loading it back up again, it's far better than handouts.

Okay, are you seriously for real here or just completely out of touch? What on earth makes you think that people are in a position to offer work? If you're making ends meet in a menial, low paid job then can you afford to pay someone to do a job?

Lazarus wasn't working so by your logic the rich man probably did the right thing...



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So using two examples of artists who have overcome incredible obstacles and plied what they have into a craft equates to all those with physical disability being able if not required to work?

There's a reason why I called them examples. It was to show that the so called "disabilities" many people come up with are usually merely excuses to not work. Again, the Bible says that if a man will not work, he shall not eat.

Okay, are you seriously for real here or just completely out of touch? What on earth makes you think that people are in a position to offer work? If you're making ends meet in a menial, low paid job then can you afford to pay someone to do a job?

If you're barely making ends meet in a menial, low paid job, then can you afford to be handing out money to strangers in the first place? I mean, if you can't afford to have them work for you, you probably can't afford to pay them for not working for you, right?

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There's a reason why I called them examples. It was to show that the so called "disabilities" many people come up with are usually merely excuses to not work. Again, the Bible says that if a man will not work, he shall not eat.

What do you mean "so called disabilities"? If you've lost limbs and/or suffer from a range of diseases then they are disabilities, and not everyone can paint with their feet...Have you any idea of just how patronizing and callous you sound? What the hell position are you in to determine that people on disability are using their ailments as an excuse not to work in general?

If you're barely making ends meet in a menial, low paid job, then can you afford to be handing out money to strangers in the first place? I mean, if you can't afford to have them work for you, you probably can't afford to pay them for not working for you, right?

You'd be paying taxes into a system that would cover you if you were ever out of or unable to work. Again, you're like the rich man denying Lazarus even some crumbs. He wasn't working and by your 'logic', despite his sores he was probably able to right?



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What do you mean "so called disabilities"? If you've lost limbs and/or suffer from a range of diseases then they are disabilities, and not everyone can paint with their feet...Have you any idea of just how patronizing and callous you sound? What the hell position are you in to determine that people on disability are using their ailments as an excuse not to work in general?

The examples I gave are extreme examples.

Do most people who are currently not working have a sound mind? If so, then they are able to work. They may not be able to do everything other people can do, but they can work. If they do not have a sound mind, then why is their family not taking care of them? Any exceptions to these scenarios are extremely unlikely.

You'd be paying taxes into a system that would cover you if you were ever out of or unable to work. Again, you're like the rich man denying Lazarus even some crumbs. He wasn't working and by your 'logic', despite his sores he was probably able to right?

If we had a good and just system, there wouldn't be a government run system to pay into. That's not the role of the government. The role of Government is to do two things: criminal justice/national defence, and infrastructure. The government should not take care of it's citizens from cradle to grave, like it tries to do currently.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The examples I gave are extreme examples.

Do most people who are currently not working have a sound mind? If so, then they are able to work. They may not be able to do everything other people can do, but they can work. If they do not have a sound mind, then why is their family not taking care of them? Any exceptions to these scenarios are extremely unlikely.

Was Lazarus a workshy bum in your opinion? He was a beggar after all so why was he begging for scraps of food? Why was he not looking for work and getting help that way so he could eat and get help for his sores and ailments? As much as you continually avoid answering the questions on this it's pertinent as your position is as callous (and further ignorant) as the rich mans. Newsflash also dude, not everyone has a loving family that's there to take care of them, a lot of the homeless for example. Get real.

If we had a good and just system, there wouldn't be a government run system to pay into. That's not the role of the government. The role of Government is to do two things: criminal justice/national defence, and infrastructure. The government should not take care of it's citizens from cradle to grave, like it tries to do currently.

I don't even want to know what your idea of a 'good and just system' is really...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is one thing that stands out about Trump I am pleasantly surprised at him being even more candid and not picking people for their political clout, but ability to do the job with competence. This is why the left hates him. This is why that commie Rusha is hiding since Trump one without a word to say. The child killing supporter than she is.

She isn't "hiding" you moron, she just got fed up of cesspools like you on this place among other things. She was also one of the most ardent anti abortion posters on this site as you darn well know you lying little tool.