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New member
So, you who are in that category, explain to me, why I shouldn't consider you to be a fool?
You are welcome to call me a fool, and if you like add sinner, and hell-bound and whatever else you like. None of those labels are relevant to my life because I am not a member of the christian club that invented that language to describe its out group.


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Everything in our Universe had to come from somewhere. To the sane mind, nothing can exist without first being created by something else and if you keep going back far enough, you're bound to come to a dead end. In other words, that SOMETHING that started it all, where did it originate? One cannot just say; "Well, certain things were just there, in order to allow other things to occur." However, where did those THINGS that were 'just there,' come from? It boggles the mind if you try and replace a 'Creator' and replace that 'Creator' with happenstance.

God's Truth

New member
I can't prove anything. All I can do is show you how compelling the evidence is, and then sit back while you come up with evidence that disproves it. Of course, to have credibility you would need to have a more detailed explanation that is a better fit for the evidence.

Do you have one of those?


You can't prove any of it.


New member
Everything in our Universe had to come from somewhere. To the sane mind, nothing can exist without first being created by something else and if you keep going back far enough, you're bound to come to a dead end. In other words, that SOMETHING that started it all, where did it originate? One cannot just say; "Well, certain things were just there, in order to allow other things to occur." However, where did those THINGS that were 'just there,' come from? It boggles the mind if you try and replace a 'Creator' and replace that 'Creator' with happenstance.
All good questions. But, as Stephen Hawking would probably ask, why do you insist on a 'creator'? Are you open to the possibility that the concept of a creator is not necessary to completely explain the appearance of the universe as we know it? With something as strange as the universe, maybe the mind will have to boggle.



New member
No more so than yesterday or the day before.

Actually, he is dead. That means his brain is no longer processing inputs and his spirit has returned to God who gave it.

In other words, the man is not conscious of anything.

The next instance in his life will be the resurrection, the primary opportunity for eternal life.

Eternal life is a gift.

It's not a certainty that once dead we are conscious of nothing. For instance Revelation 6:8-10 has it that the souls under the altar cry out "How long..." It is my belief that these souls are all the dead in Christ because it is the true Christian who sacrifices his earthly life in favor of his spiritual life. Also we are beheaded, figuratively, in that all true believers have no head of their own, only Christ.


New member
God made the universe.
Not sure what you mean by that. Were the planets made by accretion of dust and gas, as can be seen in the fusing of particles seen in asteroids, and the fact that all the planets and asteroids orbit in the same plane? How does 'god made the universe' work, exactly?


God's Truth

New member
Not sure what you mean by that. Were the planets made by accretion of dust and gas, as can be seen in the fusing of particles seen in asteroids, and the fact that all the planets and asteroids orbit in the same plane? How does 'god made the universe' work, exactly?


God spoke and then it came into existence.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Stuu, Unfortunately for you, when it comes to a 'War of words,' you are stymied by your total lack of imagination when it comes to witty banter and the ability to articulate, not even, a minuscule amount of literary fortitude. Your attempt to sound as if you're, somehow, in the upper echelon of the intelligentsia, is, remarkably ineffectual and uninspiring. It appears, the harder you TRY the less you accomplish? That, of course, is not a good sign. In fact, it reveals you as a person who tries to establish credibility while at the same time, defending the indefensible. I'm not without empathy regarding other people's shortcomings, which permits me to show a certain amount of patience when it comes to someone with an opposite opinion, then my own. I find people who readily use 'name calling' as a FIRST resort to be the worst kind of bore. In fact, if one's ONLY 'verbal/written, weapon of choice' is, name-calling, they've already lost the debate.

Oh, you were without any empathy from the get go, your OP confirmed that, your subsequent back peddling notwithstanding. I see you're back to the passive aggressive tactics of vicarious insult along with the self impressed diatribes. Nobody can compete with your intelligence Gros even if they wanted to. I'll await your latest neg with the usual indifference.



New member
God spoke and then it came into existence.
So when Stephen Hawking said that the appearance of the universe according to laws of science was compatible with the existence of a god, but did not require the existence of a god, he could be right.

There is a story, possibly apocryphal, that Richard Nixon always felt cold on board Air Force One, and so the engineers installed a control knob in his airborne office. The knob wasn't connected to anything, but Nixon could turn the knob and feel satisfied that he had controlled the temperature according to his needs.

Your god could be like that, maybe. While the laws of science take care of the creation of the universe, the god could be pulling levers connected to nothing, and be feeling that something is really being done.

The way creationists talk here, that's exactly how it seems.


God's Truth

New member
So when Stephen Hawking said that the appearance of the universe according to laws of science was compatible with the existence of a god, but did not require the existence of a god, he could be right.

Nope. God had to call it into existence.
There is a story, possibly apocryphal, that Richard Nixon always felt cold on board Air Force One, and so the engineers installed a control knob in his airborne office. The knob wasn't connected to anything, but Nixon could turn the knob and feel satisfied that he had controlled the temperature according to his needs.

Really? hahahaha

Your god could be like that, maybe.


While the laws of science take care of the creation of the universe, the god could be pulling levers connected to nothing, and be feeling that something is really being done.


That is a worthless man thing to say and do.

The way creationists talk here, that's exactly how it seems.


I understand why you would say that.


New member
Lucky Mr. Peabody, who gets to be capitalised...

I am a grammar pedant, so you won't get away with it I'm afraid. Those greengrocers and their apostrophes...don't get me started (is that a correct use of an elipsis?).

peabody got caps cause i couldnt remember that little dogs name so i had to google>copy>paste.

i get that but i treat these msg boards the way i would talk to my friends around a truck bed. its not a spelling contest or a doctoral thesis.

you may be a grammer pedant but im a common sense pedant. when im deep in a discussion about a physicist name hawkin and i say hawkins, i expect the guy to have the common sense to know we are referring to hawkin the scientist (the one the discussion has been going on about for three days) and not hawkins the guy that runs the hardware store done the road.


New member
I understand why you would say that.
Yes, I've been engaging with Stripe and others on the hydroplate idea that they use to 'explain' the supposed flood. I thought the point of the story was that humans were to be drowned deliberately, but the hydroplate idea has the flood all ready to go, to be set off by random events happening in the earth's crust. Not sure what happened to Genesis there...



New member
peabody got caps cause i couldnt remember that little dogs name so i had to google>copy>paste.

i get that but i treat these msg boards the way i would talk to my friends around a truck bed. its not a spelling contest or a doctoral thesis.

you may be a grammer pedant but im a common sense pedant.
Hmmm, we might have to disagree on whether your religious beliefs involve 'common sense'.

when im deep in a discussion about a physicist name hawkin and i say hawkins, i expect the guy to have the common sense to know we are referring to hawkin the scientist (the one the discussion has been going on about for three days) and not hawkins the guy that runs the hardware store done the road.
Or indeed Hawking.


God's Truth

New member
Yes, I've been engaging with Stripe and others on the hydroplate idea that they use to 'explain' the supposed flood. I thought the point of the story was that humans were to be drowned deliberately, but the hydroplate idea has the flood all ready to go, to be set off by random events happening in the earth's crust. Not sure what happened to Genesis there...


Well Jesus can reveal things to you, but you would have to do what he says to get to that point.


New member
Well Jesus can reveal things to you, but you would have to do what he says to get to that point.
Yeah, even if I was into 'gods', I'm afraid that no matter what good they say about Jesus, a religion that insists on only one way through is totalitarian, and so unfit for humans with any sense of free will.

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