Star Wars in Non Fiction; Public School Teacher in...


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Star Wars in Non Fiction; Public School Teacher in...

This is the show from Tuesday October 15th, 2013

Forget about putting prayer into the public schools. That’s a catastrophe. That’s like saying you want to put prayer in a brothel. Do you want to put prayer in a brothel or do you want to close down the brothel?
Naturalistic origins is a complete deception. As though they've figured anything out. They don't even have a hypothesis. If they can't tell you how human consciousness arose, then they don't have a theory of origins. They don't even have a hypothesis. And believe me, they can't tell you. They don't even have a good rough algorithm of how consciousness might arise.


Just when the liberals thought it was safe to turn on the radio... we're back! Bob Enyart is back in the studio with a brand new mixer board and plenty of energy...

Bob reports on…

1 - a government high school reprimands girls for complaining that a boy entered their bathroom

2 - The 9-year-old boy who snuck onto a flight

3 - The recent controversial statements from the pope

4 - So-called “mercy killings” of unborn babies

5 - Regis University (which is a catholic university) has their class on abortion taught by Planned Parenthood


Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Forget about putting prayer into the public schools. That’s a catastrophe. That’s like saying you want to put prayer in a brothel. Do you want to put prayer in a brothel or do you want to close down the brothel?



Forget about putting prayer into the public schools. That’s a catastrophe. That’s like saying you want to put prayer in a brothel. Do you want to put prayer in a brothel or do you want to close down the brothel?

Wow, comparing public school teachers with whores.

How looooooowww can you go?

Brother Vinny

Active member
You can take the kid out of the gutter, but you can't take the gutter out of the kid.

I got it.

Get married bro, you can keep your pocket change for other things.

For the record, I am married, and have never engaged in carnal knowledge with a prostitute.

It was, at its core, just a joke.


Wow, comparing public school teachers with whores.
Public schools with brothels:

"Forget about putting prayer into the public schools. That’s a catastrophe. That’s like saying you want to put prayer in a brothel. Do you want to put prayer in a brothel or do you want to close down the brothel?" ~ Bob Enyart

Brother Vinny

Active member
I know that you don't get out much love, but women that are employed in brothels are...

I learned from The Plot, I believe, that analogies always break down--they're never 1-to-1 representations. Maybe being a public school teacher isn't as evil as being a whore, but both are cogs in evil machines, and are responsible for their roles as such.