Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

Should homosexuals be given the death penalty?

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On Fire

New member
eisenreich said:
OF, how many gays have you personally known that you thought to be loathsome, disgusting, twisted people? Please don't dodge this question, if we are actually going to get somewhere with this discussion, this kind of information is important.
#1. I don't think gays should be executed.

#2. I have personally known about 10 gay men and 5 lesbians. 3 or 4 of the gay men hit on me. I played dumb/ignored them.

#3. Gay and straight sex addicts lead a double life. The one they show in public isn't usually loathsome, disgusting, or twisted.

On Fire

New member
Gerald said:
Give it up, OF. I'm not taking the bait.

I might decide to Ignore you, though... :bannana:
I'm the only one here who worried about your abrupt, unexplained departure! :madmad:


The Dark Knight
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eisenreich said:
Give me facts, statistics, personal experiences as to how you came to these conclusions. Citing Just Tom does not count ;) This will need to be longer than, "I just know." Because right now you're just talking out of your ***.

"They attempt to seduce straight people" - they're gay! why muck about with straights when you can easily have sex with another gay much easier? Has one ever tried to seduce you?
My lanlord has admitted to me that he uses straight porn to get his straight friends horny, and then attempts to seduce them.

No one has ever tried to seduce me, because any homos I've actually known know I am a Christian.

"many of them molest children in order to "recruit." - source, please. where do you people come up with this garbage. there are just as many sick, twisted, straight pedeophiles as there are gay ones.
I have a friend who was molested. I knew a queer once who told me he was a queer because he was molested as a child.

"A majority of them spread STDs around, including deadly ones" - only to each other, and with the pill I posted about in an earlier thread, the transmission of AIDS will hopefully be able to be prevented in the near future.
No, not only to each other. Straights got AIDS because of backslidden homos.

"They parade their perversion in the streets, while naked." - ever hear of Mardi Gras? Topless women and all that..? Why don't you go castrate yourself, maybe you'll be less moody.. :cheers:
Did I ever say women flashing for beads was okay?

Yeah, didn't think so...


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Lighthouse said:
My lanlord has admitted to me that he uses straight porn to get his straight friends horny, and then attempts to seduce them.

No one has ever tried to seduce me, because any homos I've actually known know I am a Christian.

I have a friend who was molested. I knew a queer once who told me he was a queer because he was molested as a child.

No, not only to each other. Straights got AIDS because of backslidden homos.

Did I ever say women flashing for beads was okay?

Yeah, didn't think so...
I'm not sure you should use anecdotal evidence. Also, there are plenty of STDs that straights pass around too. I'm not sure you can pin AIDS on homos and say it should be a crime.


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Caledvwlch said:
I remember the day this thread began. Seems like a long time ago. I'm no less disgusted today than I was then.

Same here.

Sometimes I really wish they'd say this stuff in public and steal the thunder of Fred Phelps.

Real Sorceror

New member
Hey geuss what!? If someone molests a child, Id call them a "child molester", not a homosexual. If someone uses porn and/or drugs to try and have sex with someone, I'd call them a "sexual predator", not a homosexual. If someone forcefully has sex with someone against thier will, Id call them a "rapist", not a homosexual. And if a chick flashes me for plastic beads, Id call it "awsome". I support those homosexuals who have "normal", consensual relationships with people thier own age. These people should never be lumped with all the perverted bastards out there( the ones who should be put to death)