Should governments execute murderers?

Should governments execute murderers?

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New member
I believe in the death penalty for murders.. however it has to be beyond the shadow of a doubt.


New member
Balder said:
The people who saw the most innocent man in history get strung up and brutally killed by a corrupt government and a selfish people, and who believe all human beings are hopelessly wicked and untrustworthy (meaning their social institutions are bound to be as well), ALSO want to reinstitute a system of swift execution!

Does the abuse or misuse of a principle negate the principle? :think:

Also, I believe the actual goal is swift justice.

(Hope all is well with you. We're plugging along here.)


New member
Redfin said:
Does the abuse or misuse of a principle negate the principle? :think:
Not necessarily, of course. But if the principle isn't very good, or maybe if you just don't like it very much, it's nice to be able to pull out famous abuses of it as further ammo against it! :D

Redfin said:
Also, I believe the actual goal is swift justice.
If the people who shout most loudly for it are also those who will be in charge of administering this "justice," I think we're all in trouble.

Redfin said:
Hope all is well with you. We're plugging along here.)
Yes, I'm doing well. It's nice to hear from you! I'd like to hear more news, when you have the chance.

Best wishes,



Formerly Shimei!
death2impiety said:
Don't forget
:sozo: rapists and homos get the death penalty too!

Hey homos have rights...
to a swift and sure trial!

Also, what do people think about those murderers and/or rapists who should be DEAD but instead are released from prison only to go out and murder and/or rape again?


Well-known member
I think if they had been put to death, as The Lord commanded, then those murdered or raped might be alive or un-molested. Thank God for the death penalty, and for those who live due to it being in place. :thumb:


New member
Hall of Fame
death2impiety said:
Granite, why is one form of swift death worse than another. I was thinking that they could dump a 2 ton payload of rocks on the convicted.

Stoning isn't swift, you damn well know it, and this is the same flippant attitude of yours that makes it real hard to take you seriously. This crap of dropping rocks is an idiotic distraction. If you think you're being funny, you can take your stand up routine on the road.

Stoning is backwards, sadistic, blood thirsty savagery born of nomadic sand dwellers.


Well-known member
death2impiety said:
I think it would be good to bring stoning back as a form of capital punishment. Anyone agree?
I do. It should also be televised. There are far more who would not commit murder from seeing the punishment of those who do, than those who might be put to death for it. I wish we had never done away with stocks in the town square. If those who run red lights were put in stocks for a few weeks, they'd probably never run another red light, and insurance rates would be a lot lower. Many crimes would no longer exist, due to having seen the punishment of those who've committed them.


Maximeee's Husband
The way I look at it, the more terrifying the method the better it will deter, which is the purpose of the death penalty no?

If the death penalty is gentle and easy you'll get people who want to die committing capital crimes to be whisked away to dream world. People do it currently for a lifetime meal ticket...


New member
Hall of Fame
I see stone age sadism is alive and well...

Anybody ever seen footage of a stoning? Look it up.

Anybody know who still uses stoning as capital punishment? Consider who you're agreeing with.

You people are beyond twisted. You're simply blood thirsty and hideously depraved if you honestly think this is a good idea.

Jesus wept indeed.


Maximeee's Husband
Granite said:
Stoning isn't swift, you damn well know it, and this is the same flippant attitude of yours that makes it real hard to take you seriously. This crap of dropping rocks is an idiotic distraction. If you think you're being funny, you can take your stand up routine on the road.

Stoning is backwards, sadistic, blood thirsty savagery born of nomadic sand dwellers.

Granite, I'm not trying to be funny at all. I'm trying to illicit responses from the peanut gallery to determine their views on the subject.


New member
Hall of Fame
death2impiety said:
Granite, I'm not trying to be funny at all. I'm trying to illicit responses from the peanut gallery to determine their views on the subject.

So you're not interested in a bona fide discussion, you just want the pot stirred. Nice attitude.

While we're on the subject of savagery how do you feel about Deuteronomy 25:11-12?

Nice freudian slip, incidently...


Maximeee's Husband
We seem to be generally in agreement (aside from Granite) that the more serious the sanction, the greater the deterrent.


New member
Hall of Fame
death2impiety said:
We seem to be generally in agreement (aside from Granite) that the more serious the sanction, the greater the deterrent.

Death is the greatest sanction, for crying out loud. Deliberate brutality degrades you and the victim.