Scientists baffled by a perfect example of Biblical kinds

Greg Jennings

New member
Perhaps you can answer the questions better than Greg's attempt?

6, I will answer any question you want if you just for once answer this one that I've been asking you and you've dodged every time for months:
Have you ever taken a college science course related to any of the stuff talked about in this thread?
Whether you dodge again or you answer, we'll all know the truth based what you do


New member
GregJennings said:
I got to your first point, which you incorrectly insinuated to be Tyrannosaurus rex covered in feathers.*

Oh my dear Greg..... you do try hard to defend your beliefs, but it would serve you better to do so honestly.

T-rex is a descendant of the Tyrannosaur (according to evolutionism) and here is what I said. "This article talks about a feathered tyrannosaur and its iconic descendants." The article reffered to them as wierd birds.

The whole belief system is psuedoscience to think a reptile could evolve the many different feather types that each bird has...and then 'morph' its anatomy and physiology then take to the air.*

The evidence best fits the explantion of a omnipotent designer.*

* *"In the beginning God created..."

Jose Fly

New member
If you wish to see detailed answers from geogists.....

Well, perhaps start with simple...

That's not at all helpful. It's just a re-stating of the original claim (marine fossils on mountains = global flood) with nothing more.

There are many articles from Christian scientists discussing / debating details of things such as heat 'problems'. Although they might disagree on some details, they agree that marine fossils everywhere on earth is evidence of the flood. Ex.

I read that page and there's nothing in there that answers the question I asked. So again, under this flood model how did clam fossils end up on Mt. Everest?

Jose Fly

New member
You don't care.

Sure I do...that's why I took the time to fully read through the links 6days posted.

This thread was about something. When you discovered that the clear, rational explanations from the other side were exposing your precious Darwinism to scrutiny, you desperately began driving the conversation down a rabbit trail.

By using my psychic powers to force 6days to introduce the concept of marine fossils on mountains = global flood?



New member
6: Any response to my question? Were the marine fossils on mountain tops formed before or during the Flood?

Fossilization is not a normal process. Often it is evidence of catastrophic burial preserving an organism...protecting it from scavengers and oxidation. (A dead dino laying out on the plains, or a whale on a beach, would not be fossilized). Billions of dead things preserved in sedimentary / water borne layers everywhere on earth is great evidence of the global flood and God's Word.


Fossilization is not a normal process. Often it is evidence of catastrophic burial preserving an organism...protecting it from scavengers and oxidation. (A dead dino laying out on the plains, or a whale on a beach, would not be fossilized). Billions of dead things preserved in sedimentary / water borne layers everywhere on earth is great evidence of the global flood and God's Word.

Not an answer to the specific question I asked. Were the marine fossils on the top of high mountains formed before or during the Flood?


Active member
6: Any response to my question? Were the marine fossils on mountain tops formed before or during the Flood?

Who is supposed to know? No one even knows the precise period of time when the flood actually occurred.

It remains a pure speculation to assume that it can be calculated from genealogy.

On the other hand, we don't know how ancient humans could possibly keep their genealogies. They may choose to skip generations (say, if they are infamous criminals), or to add generations (say, an adapted son who is a hero). Bible genealogies of Jesus only server the purpose as a human witnessing that Jesus is a descendant of David-Abraham-Adam. It's not for the purpose of year calculation.


Who is supposed to know? No one even knows the precise period of time when the flood actually occurred.

It remains a pure speculation to assume that it can be calculated from genealogy.

On the other hand, we don't know how ancient humans could possibly keep their genealogies. They may choose to skip generations (say, if they are infamous criminals), or to add generations (say, an adapted son who is a hero). Bible genealogies of Jesus only server the purpose as a human witnessing that Jesus is a descendant of David-Abraham-Adam. It's not for the purpose of year calculation.

Not sure 6 days or others here would agree with you.

But I'll wait to see if 6 can provide a more specific answer.


New member
Who is supposed to know? No one even knows the precise period of time when the flood actually occurred.
There is about 2500yrs of geneology from Noah to Christ.
It remains a pure speculation to assume that it can be calculated from genealogy. You don't trust the,? Or, do you think the geneaologies are meaningless?
On the other hand, we don't know how ancient humans could possibly keep their genealogies.
Did Got create Adam as an Intelligent being?

They may choose to skip generations (say, if they are infamous criminals), or to add generations (say, an adapted son who is a hero). Bible genealogies of Jesus only server the purpose as a human witnessing that Jesus is a descendant of David-Abraham-Adam. It's not for the purpose of year calculation.
So, we might as well rip those those pages from God's Word? Was God being silly with all the 'begats' and recording the years they lived? Of course God records the genealogies from first Adam to Last Adam for reasons.


New member
Not an answer to the specific question I asked. Were the marine fossils on the top of high mountains formed before or during the Flood?
Jonah??? Uh.... I think you have been answered several times, so maybe I'm not understanding what you are getting at.
God's Word tells us that the earth which was before the flood was destroyed. The mountains are post flood features. Does that answer your question?


Jonah??? Uh.... I think you have been answered several times, so maybe I'm not understanding what you are getting at.
God's Word tells us that the earth which was before the flood was destroyed. The mountains are post flood features. Does that answer your question?
I understand your particular geology---the world's highest mountains---lets stick with Everest for example were created during/after The Flood within the last 10K years. The top of Everest is limestone from, according to main stream geology, the Ordovician---444-488 million years ago, give or take a couple of million years. Limestone contains fossils, fossils from marine environments so what is now rock was once under water. So my specific question is:
1. was that limestone formed in the few thousand years prior to The Flood?
2. was it formed during The Flood
3. there could be a third choice---your god created in the first week.


New member
I understand your particular geology---the world's highest mountains---lets stick with Everest for example were created during/after The Flood within the last 10K years. The top of Everest is limestone from, according to main stream geology, the Ordovician---444-488 million years ago, give or take a couple of million years. Limestone contains fossils, fossils from marine environments so what is now rock was once under water. So my specific question is:
1. was that limestone formed in the few thousand years prior to The Flood?
2. was it formed during The Flood
3. there could be a third choice---your god created in the first week.
Good questions... and I'm not sure of the answer because there are a few different working hypothesis by different scientists.
Here is one of several possible answers on the limestone.

Re. the mountains themselves....Geologist John Morris PhD says "Mt. Everest and the Himalayan range, along with the Alps, the Rockies, the Appalachians, the Andes, and most of the world's other mountains are composed of ocean-bottom sediments, full of marine fossils laid down by the Flood. Mt. Everest itself has clam fossils at its summit. These rock layers cover an extensive area, including much of Asia. They give every indication of resulting from cataclysmic water processes. These are the kinds of deposits we would expect to result from the worldwide, world-destroying Flood of Noah's day.

"At the end of the Flood, after thick sequences of sediments had accumulated, the Indian subcontinent evidently collided with Asia, crumpling the sediments into mountains. Today they stand as giants—folded and fractured layers of ocean-bottom sediments at high elevations. No, Noah's Flood didn't cover the Himalayas, it formed them!

"Thus we find the Biblical account not only possible, but also supported by the evidence. A pre-Flood world with lessened topographic extremes could have been covered by the Great Flood. That Flood caused today's high mountains and deep oceans making such a flood impossible to repeat. This is just as God promised, back in Genesis."


6 I don't read Brown's silliness, and your answer still does not answer my question, But I understand it is the best you can do.


New member
Good questions... and I'm not sure of the answer because there are a few different working hypothesis by different scientists.
Here is one of several possible answers on the limestone.

Re. the mountains themselves....Geologist John Morris PhD says "Mt. Everest and the Himalayan range,…"

Not wanting to be picky (heh, heh), but John Morris is not a geologist. Rather he is an engineer, like his father Henry, from whom he inherited the Presidency of the Institute for Creation Research. (He was assistant professor of geological engineering University of Oklahoma, and has never worked for an oil company, despite his claims)

If Morris isn't honest about his expertise and background, why do you find his assertions so convincing?

Jose Fly

New member
Good questions... and I'm not sure of the answer because there are a few different working hypothesis by different scientists.

Why? As you regularly recognize, creationism is a belief and not science. So why are these "different scientists" developing hypotheses about non-scientific beliefs?

Here is one of several possible answers on the limestone.

Re. the mountains themselves....Geologist John Morris PhD says "Mt. Everest and the Himalayan range, along with the Alps, the Rockies, the Appalachians, the Andes, and most of the world's other mountains are composed of ocean-bottom sediments, full of marine fossils laid down by the Flood. Mt. Everest itself has clam fossils at its summit. These rock layers cover an extensive area, including much of Asia. They give every indication of resulting from cataclysmic water processes. These are the kinds of deposits we would expect to result from the worldwide, world-destroying Flood of Noah's day.

"At the end of the Flood, after thick sequences of sediments had accumulated, the Indian subcontinent evidently collided with Asia, crumpling the sediments into mountains. Today they stand as giants—folded and fractured layers of ocean-bottom sediments at high elevations. No, Noah's Flood didn't cover the Himalayas, it formed them!

"Thus we find the Biblical account not only possible, but also supported by the evidence. A pre-Flood world with lessened topographic extremes could have been covered by the Great Flood. That Flood caused today's high mountains and deep oceans making such a flood impossible to repeat. This is just as God promised, back in Genesis."

So that all happened in less than a year? Do you have any idea what the consequences of that would be? Any at all?