Riots in Ferguson MO. USA

Fiat Tenebris

New member
How do the wages compare to dog walking?

It's a pedigree earning, I'll tell you. But it ain't no gravy train.

Welcome to TOL. :wave:

I am happy to give a new atheist his first neg rep. :)

May your generous continue into the far future!

Or you could keep your apology,
and grow up enough to realize
there is a difference between a
non married person talking about
what they are attracted to and
a married person drooling over
someone other than her husband? :idunno:

I'm convinced there is a difference - it's a shame for the husband or wife, but since I am neither it's one that doesn't bother me.

So then I'd only have to adapt my question and ask if he treated married men the same way? Is that something you want to hinge your argument on? I can picture the foundations crumbling as we speak.

Fiat Tenebris

New member
Don't much care for your choice of car though. My sister had a Fiat and it was nasty. LOL (just kidding)
I'm a little rusty with my latin....let there be light?

Your latin isn't bad but my adaptation struck out the "lux" that stood for light and I replaced it with darkness.

It means "Let There Be Darkness" as Biblical satire, I'm also mocking the book "When It Was Dark" which I believe is one of the worst books ever written.

Finally, I like to let people think their stereotypes are true. Let them deceive themselves for all I care.

- - - -

Did I notice you were a "Messianic Jew?" (Now that I've started replying I can't see your profile, I'm sure I recall it true). I wish you the best of luck with that. You know what they say, third time's the charm.

Or once, twice... three times a divine lady?

P.s. I don't know what a "sock" account is. Though, knowing my luck that's exactly the kind of thing a sock account would say.


New member
Hall of Fame
It worked on people to get them to vote for obama, so i guess they think it will work here. Remember racism only goes one way, and only whites commit it.

Right, the only white people who voted for Obama did so out of guilt.:rotfl: (You guys just can't stand the fact that he won. Twice. Clean.)

Why is it that whenever white racism is pointed out the knee jerk reaction of some folks seems to be: "Yeah, but..."

Christ's Word

New member
Sit Rep - Police now pointing guns at peaceful civilians on the street. Protesters now doing stupid things to taunt the police, lots of new faces last night that were not there last week, many people traveling to the area for various purposes, and hundreds of media folks now present, and more than several being arrested for no reason. It appears things escalated last night.


TOL Subscriber
Right, the only white people who voted for Obama did so out of guilt.:rotfl: (You guys just can't stand the fact that he won. Twice. Clean.)

Why is it that whenever white racism is pointed out the knee jerk reaction of some folks seems to be: "Yeah, but..."

What?! Gasp! I thought white racism was the only kind.

You mean..... there are other ethnicities that are racist? Say it isn't so. My bubble has been burst.

I can't believe this WHOLE time... that I thought only whites were racist; and now you're implying there may be others who are racist?

Shattered. My world is shattered. Surely you must be mistaken, and only whites are racist.




New member
Hall of Fame
What?! Gasp! I thought white racism was the only kind.

You mean..... there are other ethnicities that are racist? Say it isn't so. My bubble has been burst.

I can't believe this WHOLE time... that I thought only whites were racist; and now you're implying there may be others who are racist?

Shattered. My world is shattered. Surely you must be mistaken, and only whites are racist.



No offense, but what the hell are you going on about?


Well-known member
Sit Rep -

"Sit Rep?" :chuckle: Take it easy there, big boy. I mean take it easy, SIR!

Police now pointing guns at peaceful civilians on the street. Protesters now doing stupid things to taunt the police, lots of new faces last night that were not there last week, many people traveling to the area for various purposes, and hundreds of media folks now present, and more than several being arrested for no reason. It appears things escalated last night.

Wait a sec ... You must know my friend, The Internet?


TOL Subscriber
No offense, but what the hell are you going on about?

It was a little sarcastic levity.

White racism is the epicenter of focus. No other racism gets any attention whatsoever, regardless how prolific and heinous it is.

It's all part of the race-baiting.

I just thought it was sadly funny for you or anyone else to do that same thing, but also thought some inane humor might be appropriate rather than an intense comment.


New member
Hall of Fame
It was a little sarcastic levity.

White racism is the epicenter of focus. No other racism gets any attention whatsoever, regardless how prolific and heinous it is.

It's all part of the race-baiting.

I just thought it was sadly funny for you or anyone else to do that same thing, but also thought some inane humor might be appropriate rather than an intense comment.

Given the numbers involved, it deserves to be.

Christ's Word

New member
"Sit Rep?" :chuckle: Take it easy there, big boy. I mean take it easy, SIR!

Wait a sec ... You must know my friend, The Internet?

My son has been there for several days, and my husband went up to look around last night. It helps to get confirmation of things from eye witnesses, to see if the media and the alternative media are being reasonable/responsible in their reporting, which the big national media is not. I live here moron, just a few mile southwest of Ferguson. And it is Mam to you. Here is something you won't find on the internet, Oathkeepers is looking at moving an operation to Ferguson, and will have a letter to the Governor out and may be providing armed security to some of the business owners. Ok queue the nutters like IMJ and TH........
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Well-known member
My son has been there for several days, and my husband went up to look around last night. It helps to get confirmation of things from eye witnesses, to see if the media and the alternative media are being reasonable/responsible in their reporting, which the big national media is not. I live here moron, just a few mile south of Ferguson.

We don't need you to pretend you know anything more than you do. If you want to post your "facts that have been verified" to puff yourself up, like, "Several officers believe they saw one entry wound in the back of the deceased," or "The cashier called the Ferguson Police Department to report the incident," try providing a source besides "my husband, who has a truck with radar absorbing camo paint."

I'd tell you to get over yourself, but we all know that's not going to happen. So just stop acting like a pretentious blowhard.

And it is Mam to you.

Your massive adam's apple fooled me. Ma'am.
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TOL Subscriber
MY BROTHER'S KEEPER (Obama's Program)
“Earlier this year President Barack Obama launched a nationwide imitative called ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ to address the issues facing black men in America. That program isn’t just for black people to help black men. It’s for all people to help black men. It’s time for the white people who are in willful denial to break the cycle and become their black brother’s keeper.”

I intended to write an article today about the mess in Ferguson Missouri but let’s be honest here…brutally honest…I don’t know what happened when that punk kid got shot by the cop and neither do those who are rioting, looting, committing arson, shooting or going on the attack.

Jesse Jackson doesn’t know…Al Sharpton doesn’t know…Eric Holder doesn’t know…Obama doesn’t know and neither does the grand jury that’s been seated to railroad that cop into court.

NOBODY really knows what went down in that moment nor will they until the investigation is complete and when that is done, if charges are warranted, so be it. A trial will follow, a verdict will be rendered and whatever happens next will happen…but I guarantee you this…if there is no trial or the cop is found not guilty IN a trial…there WILL be more of what we’ve seen in Ferguson over the past 12 days and nights.

It won’t just be contained IN Ferguson either and there’s a reason for that…

Now I said I was going to be brutally honest and so…here goes…

There are good people in Ferguson…plenty of them from both sides of the political aisle and of all colors of skin but what we’re seeing there now is a direct result of idiots and fools.

Perhaps the most inane thing uttered in the wake of the shooting of that punk and while the riots continue came directly from the mouth of Don Lemon at CNN a few days ago…

“Earlier this year President Barack Obama launched a nationwide imitative called ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ to address the issues facing black men in America. That program isn’t just for black people to help black men. It’s for all people to help black men. It’s time for the white people who are in willful denial to break the cycle and become their black brother’s keeper.”


The last time WHITE people were their BLACK brother’s KEEPERS…YOU BLACK PEOPLE DIDN’T SEEM TO CARE FOR IT VERY MUCH…a war between the states was fought over it and by the END of it…the slaves were FREED…by a white man…a REPUBLICAN and the first BLACKS elected to CONGRESS were elected BY the Republicans.

Let me directly address the problems and those of the “black community” perpetrating the sort of violence we see in the streets of Ferguson and elsewhere from here on out.

Right now, there are far too many in what is termed the “black community” who think white people owe them something…EVERYTHING…for what ended 150 years ago but…I don’t owe the “black community” one damn thing. You want an apology for slavery? Go and demand it from those who kept the slaves if you can dig one up…maybe they’ll say “sorry.” I didn’t keep any slaves and neither did any white person alive in America today.

And while you’re sucking around for apologies…try digging up your OWN ancestors…the ones in Africa who SOLD your people INTO slavery to begin with. That’s just a matter of historical fact whether or not you choose to accept it. White people back then were far from blameless for black enslavement but white people didn’t do it alone.

And while we’re on the topic of Africa…that moniker…AFRICAN-American…BULLCRAP!!! If you emigrated from Africa and have become an American citizen…YOU’RE an AMERICAN and if you were BORN here…you’re an AMERICAN. Your ANCESTORS were African…YOU aren’t.

Same for others who insist on adding the hyphen…get over it…or go be the citizen of whatever you put in front of that hyphen.

The riots being perpetrated in Ferguson are the direct result of a few black thugs who claim they want justice and just THINK they know what their problem is.

You’re not seeking JUSTICE…you want REVENGE because you don’t like what you see in the mirror. You want FREE stuff…stuff YOU don’t have and somebody else does. Why? Because they have a business? A job? An earned living and respect? Destroying a business, stealing from it, only makes you a vandal and a thief and respect? Pointing a gun at someone, threatening them and pulling the trigger because they don’t “respect” your thugish ways only makes you a TERRORIST.

The problem is not being black…the PROBLEM is that BEING black is THE most important think in your life. First thing you think about in the morning…last thing you think about when you go to bed…it’s what you think about all day long and what you dream about when you’re asleep.

When you see a white person to whom the color of their skin is THE most important thing in THEIR day to day lives…you call THEM a racist.

Well just what in the hell make YOU any different than THEM???

You think because you’re black…the world owes you something and if you can’t find willing idiots to give it to you, whatever it is at the moment, you’re entitled to just go and steal it.


Let me tell you something about those willing idiots and their free candy to the black folks…they’re nothing but con artists and you are the dumb dupes they’re taking advantage of.

50 years ago…LBJ signed into law the Civil Rights Act and ever since, you’ve be SO grateful to his political party that you just keep voting them into office. Why? Because they keep promising you that they will make your station in life better?

You were conned and you refuse to acknowledge it. Hell, for 50 years, you’ve been wallowing in it.

Upon signing the Civil Rights Act of 1964…LBJ said… “I’ll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One –

But that’s not ALL he said…later, he was quoted as spewing… “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ

Congratulations black democrat voting bloc…and that’s what you are rather than a “community…” a black democrat voting bloc…you’ve only got to keep it up for another 150 years to prove that old racist…LBJ…who never gave a rat’s *** about making your station in life one damn bit better…right.

You know who actually WROTE the Civil Rights Act…back in 1957??? A white REPUBLICAN by the name of Dwight Eisenhower…who fought like all hell to get it passed but had to settle for a watered down version without any real meaning to it and do you know who BLOCKED it??? A senator by the name of Lyndon Baines Johnson…until he became the president and saw what he could get out of it…not for YOU but for his political party…your votes for the next 200 years.

Speaking of watered down…

Racism is being watered down every time one of your “leaders” cries it out where no real racism can be found. Jesse Jackson shows up in Ferguson, cries RACISM and then asks your people on the street to donate THEIR money to HIS church. Sharpton shows up and cries RACISM and gets you all in a “NO JUSTICE…NO PEACE” frenzy.

THEY’RE con artists…making a LIVING off of YOUR perceived and self-sustaining misery.

Oh, you think because you’re in the minority, everything you don’t like is the result of “racism” but, you want to know who the minority really is when it comes to racism? REAL RACISTS, that’s who. Yes, they exist and they’re disgusting pieces of crap but all this FAKE racism you keep at the forefront is watering down the REAL racism to the point where nobody gives a damn about it anymore.

You say that white people perceive you differently? And you don’t like the way you’re perceived?


It starts in YOUR homes, not the white folks homes.

WHITE people don’t insist that your kids make heroes out of punks, thieves and gang members. WHITE people don’t insist that your kids were their pants below their butts and flash gang signs or commit crimes. WHITE people aren’t the cause of YOUR self-inflicted stereotypes…

You say that the number of black people being murdered in this country is too high? Okay, I’ll agree with you there, in fact, the number of murders in this country is too damn high regardless of who’s getting killed but don’t go blaming the white folks for the murders of black folks because, if not one more white person kills one more black person…that will only account for a drop in the statistics of 7%.

93% of black murder victims are killed by BLACK PEOPLE!!!


Last weekend alone, while the riots, lootings, arsons and shootings raged in Ferguson Missouri, all over one cop who shot and killed one black thug…Chicago recorded so many shootings that 29 people were wounded and 7 were killed. Are you black people doing on the streets of Chicago what you’re doing on the streets of Ferguson?


Did Jesse or Al have anything to say about what went down in Chicago last weekend?


Did Obama interrupt his vacation over the Chicago killings? Has Eric Holder launched a civil rights investigation or ordered up federal autopsies in Chicago?


Are the New Black Panthers or the NAACP demanding justice in Chicago?


But there you are, in Ferguson, letting the absolute WORST of your people act like rabid animals and be the spokespeople and role models that the rest of the country and the rest of the world see and hear. Why? Because WHITE people are to blame? A white cop shot and killed a black punk but make no mistake…black punks with no self-esteem, no self-respect and no guidance by the “leaders” of the “black community” are tearing Ferguson apart and burning it to the ground without any help from white folks.

I started this article with a quote from CNN’s Don Lemon so, let me close with it… “Earlier this year President Barack Obama launched a nationwide imitative called ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ to address the issues facing black men in America. That program isn’t just for black people to help black men. It’s for all people to help black men. It’s time for the white people who are in willful denial to break the cycle and become their black brother’s keeper.”

There are plenty of black people who have achieved great things in this country since the end of the civil war Mr. Lemon and more today than at any time in our history. From the political spectrum to the world of industry, from our military and space program to the fields of medicine and the arts…from the halls of our educational institutions to the walls of our financial institutions. Everywhere you care to look, you will find black success and they all have something in common.

They seized the opportunities afforded them because they are Americans….not because they relied on white people to give them their success. They have made the most of themselves, have risen to exceptional heights not because they’re a credit to their race but because, they’re a credit to the very fabric of this country. They never felt entitled to their success…they earned it and yet, YOU call THEM a bunch of “Uncle Toms” without even knowing what that term means.

Don’t go demanding the white man’s help while, in the same breath, you’re blaming the white man for your problems. It’s disingenuous and nobody’s holding you down but yourselves.

Speaking as a white guy…how you’re perceived by the rest of society isn’t up to me…it’s up to YOU.
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