RELIGION: An Indication of the Absence of Faith

Robert Pate

Well-known member
STOP IT. Seriously your use of the sword will get you killed.

Read it slowly ok?

“There is therefore now no CONDEMNATION to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”

In order to get to the condemnation part ya gotz to get through da whole trial...and then the ruling...that is the judgement...

Which of these is not included on Judgement Day?

Living by laws, rules and religion is living by the flesh. This is where you are at.

Living by the Spirit is living according to the Gospel. In the Gospel God sees us a perfect and complete in Jesus Christ, Colossians 2:10. "There is no condemnation for those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1. There is no condemnation because there is NO LAW.


Well-known member
You have a perverted faith. You have faith in a God that condemns people to hell. Not possible to have faith in that kind of a God.

You teach that sinners that Christ shed His Blood for are nevertheless lost and condemned. That makes the blood of Christ powerless to save !


Well-known member
Living by laws, rules and religion is living by the flesh. This is where you are at.

Living by the Spirit is living according to the Gospel. In the Gospel God sees us a perfect and complete in Jesus Christ, Colossians 2:10. "There is no condemnation for those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1. There is no condemnation because there is NO LAW.

You teach that man is saved by the power of the flesh. Since u believe sinners Christ died for are still lost.


New member
Living by laws, rules and religion is living by the flesh. This is where you are at.

Living by the Spirit is living according to the Gospel. In the Gospel God sees us a perfect and complete in Jesus Christ, Colossians 2:10. "There is no condemnation for those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1. There is no condemnation because there is NO LAW.
If you are practicing and teaching lawlessness, then you are not in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 7:22-23
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, lord, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name cast out demons? and in thy name done many mighty things?
23 and then I will acknowledge to them, that -- I never knew you, depart from me ye who are working lawlessness.​


Robert Pate

Well-known member
If you are practicing and teaching lawlessness, then you are not in Christ Jesus.

Matthew 7:22-23
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, lord, have we not in thy name prophesied? and in thy name cast out demons? and in thy name done many mighty things?
23 and then I will acknowledge to them, that -- I never knew you, depart from me ye who are working lawlessness.​

No one is teaching lawlessness. Living by the Spirit is a much higher way of living than living by laws, rules or religion. It is very obvious that the law promotes sin and hypocrisy. Paul said that the law made him sin, Romans 7:7-12. The law is what made the Pharisees hypocrites, they could not do it or keep it. The law is the very nature and character of God. Only Jesus Christ was able to do it and fulfill all of the demands of the law. He fulfilled the law for us, in our name and on our behalf. By his righteous sinless life he justified us, Romans 3:26.

Why anyone would try to keep a law that condemns them is a mystery to me. This is what the law will do, it will condemn you. It will not save you. This is why Paul said to the Galatians, "Tell me that you desire to be under the law, do you not hear the law?" Galatians 4:21. The law will damn you to hell.


New member
Living by laws, rules and religion is living by the flesh. This is where you are at.

Living by the Spirit is living according to the Gospel. In the Gospel God sees us a perfect and complete in Jesus Christ, Colossians 2:10. "There is no condemnation for those that are "In Christ" Romans 8:1. There is no condemnation because there is NO LAW.

If there were NO LAW you wouldn’t need to be IN HIM...since NO LAW = NO CONDEMNATION

Just like if there was no gravity when you tripped and fell you wouldn’t have to worry cuz there was no gravity to smack sense into you...

If there could be no law why not remove it before He had to be sacrificed?

You really wish to be that lawless dont you...accusing Him for testing...ruining paradise...

Blaming the law...

If the cops hadn’t caught me...

The doctor made me diabetic...

Patheticly juvenile...

Again you claim a change in Him from a life before and yet no answer as to why?...just sin as before and claim “Spirit made me do it!”

Robert Pate

Well-known member
If there were NO LAW you wouldn’t need to be IN HIM...since NO LAW = NO CONDEMNATION

Just like if there was no gravity when you tripped and fell you wouldn’t have to worry cuz there was no gravity to smack sense into you...

If there could be no law why not remove it before He had to be sacrificed?

You really wish to be that lawless dont you...accusing Him for testing...ruining paradise...

Blaming the law...

If the cops hadn’t caught me...

The doctor made me diabetic...

Patheticly juvenile...

Again you claim a change in Him from a life before and yet no answer as to why?...just sin as before and claim “Spirit made me do it!”

The Holy Spirit will not cause you to sin, but the law will, Romans 7:7-12. As long as you are under the law you will be subject to the law and will sin.

It is only when you are free from the law that you will be able to live a more righteous life.

The Gospel frees us from the law. Jesus fulfilled it and abolished it so that you can now live by the Spirit and not the law.


New member
The Holy Spirit will not cause you to sin, but the law will, Romans 7:7-12. As long as you are under the law you will be subject to the law and will sin.

It is only when you are free from the law that you will be able to live a more righteous life.

The Gospel frees us from the law. Jesus fulfilled it and abolished it so that you can now live by the Spirit and not the law.

You would not have known all that sugar you consume was bad for you if the doctor hadn’t told you that you have diabetes...stoopid doctor...gave me hoo

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You would not have known all that sugar you consume was bad for you if the doctor hadn’t told you that you have diabetes...stoopid doctor...gave me hoo

No doubt about it, you are in bondage to the law and are under a curse, Galatians 3:10.


New member
No doubt about it, you are in bondage to the law and are under a curse, Galatians 3:10.

Lol...cursed are they who do NOT continue in all things which are written in the book...“the man who does them shall live by them.”

His yoke is easy...His burden is light...keeps me His...let’s others know that...I work for Him and am well taken care of...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Lol...cursed are they who do NOT continue in all things which are written in the book...“the man who does them shall live by them.”

His yoke is easy...His burden is light...keeps me His...let’s others know that...I work for Him and am well taken care of...

And what's going to happen if you go bankrupt?


New member
God's work for us is that we become witnesses for Christ and his Gospel.

And how best to do it by exemplifying Him His life...that our works glorify Yah?

You expect to witness Christ just talking and not following Him His faith but rather your old lifestyle or the ways of the world and NOT Him/His faith path...

The just shall live by faith...indeed and obediently producing good works...

You are not of this world but a peculiar wish its promise and in Him by law of adoption and grafting you you wish to produce similar fruit...because of what was done by Law for you...

Even a biological law...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
And how best to do it by exemplifying Him His life...that our works glorify Yah?

You expect to witness Christ just talking and not following Him His faith but rather your old lifestyle or the ways of the world and NOT Him/His faith path...

The just shall live by faith...indeed and obediently producing good works...

You are not of this world but a peculiar wish its promise and in Him by law of adoption and grafting you you wish to produce similar fruit...because of what was done by Law for you...

Even a biological law...

If you don't have the message of the Gospel then people just think that you are just another religious nut case. A good witness for Christ has a life that will backup what he believes.

There are a lot of religious people that are hell bound because they don't have faith in Christ and his Gospel.

It is the preaching of the Gospel that brings people to Christ, not religion. The law does nothing for the Christian. If you have the Holy Spirit the law is not needed. We glory in Jesus Christ, not the law.


New member
If you don't have the message of the Gospel then people just think that you are just another religious nut case.
people think lots of things...most people are results oriented though...either to mock and further scorn or to be assured “it works” and give it a try...

Its like losing weight you can talk all day but people wanna see it...

A good witness for Christ has a life that will backup what he believes.
well well well...that’s what I was just going to say...a life backing up the talk...confirming the transformation from what one was prior to how one lives now IN CHRIST...people really are impressed...and if the transformation is great they remain suspect but do give the talker a chance and some time to demonstrate he be for real...backing his talk with his walk...ya see it sometimes people claiming “I am saved!” and then they go and do things just like before or other things not in accordance what one typically expects from one claiming they want to be more like jesus...wearing WWJD t-shirts or crucifixes or cross their fruits we know how successful that grafting Paul talks about took place...similar fruits indicate success as they are within the same family...can’t graft apples on orange stalks if ya dig...

There are a lot of religious people that are hell bound because they don't have faith in Christ and his Gospel.
that is true but the tricky thing is confirming that faith...I mean believing in Jesus and having faith IN HIM is always easily claimed declared testified but even demons have it Satan himself does...proof is in the puddin’ they say...meaning the’s faith is internal in the inner man’s circumcised heart and mind...but that has immediate and direct VISIBLE manifestation...

even the theif of the cross was promised paradise after his faith was demonstrated...he acknowledged his crimes and accepted his punishment admonished a mocker to defend the faith and publicly declared his allegiance...imagine his life had he been able to come off the cross...radially different from that before...his talk would be backed by his compels expression...motivated by gratitude

It is the preaching of the Gospel that brings people to Christ, not religion.
that is true...but even Paul knew his walk was important to back it did the Man he all things

The law does nothing for the Christian.
that is not a shadow it points to the good things still to come...and what to expect...operates as a self evaluation and assessment tool to keep one honest and true to all the walking and talking a Christian does...

and helps others too...allowing them to gage if the talk is backed by the walk...the law also advertises standards quality controls stats performance features...kinda a consumer digest feature for any out there shopping around in hopes of finding something better in life...

If you have the Holy Spirit the law is not needed.
hard to explain the Holy Spirit to others without evidence demonstrated and proved...just saying “I GOT THE HOLY SPIRIT” is attention getting to be sure but now what?

We glory in Jesus Christ, not the law.
sure...and because of Who HE is and WHAT HE DID AND STILL DOES AND WILL DO we wish follow Him and do what He did and copy Him...and when they ask why...well we got some answers we can actually demonstrate...the betterment of our lives...clean and holy...our bodies too a temple in the worship service to Him its creator who really knows what’s best for us to do and gave not only a witness but an owner’s manual how to guide...

Robert Pate

Well-known member
people think lots of things...most people are results oriented though...either to mock and further scorn or to be assured “it works” and give it a try...

Its like losing weight you can talk all day but people wanna see it...

well well well...that’s what I was just going to say...a life backing up the talk...confirming the transformation from what one was prior to how one lives now IN CHRIST...people really are impressed...and if the transformation is great they remain suspect but do give the talker a chance and some time to demonstrate he be for real...backing his talk with his walk...ya see it sometimes people claiming “I am saved!” and then they go and do things just like before or other things not in accordance what one typically expects from one claiming they want to be more like jesus...wearing WWJD t-shirts or crucifixes or cross their fruits we know how successful that grafting Paul talks about took place...similar fruits indicate success as they are within the same family...can’t graft apples on orange stalks if ya dig...

that is true but the tricky thing is confirming that faith...I mean believing in Jesus and having faith IN HIM is always easily claimed declared testified but even demons have it Satan himself does...proof is in the puddin’ they say...meaning the’s faith is internal in the inner man’s circumcised heart and mind...but that has immediate and direct VISIBLE manifestation...

even the theif of the cross was promised paradise after his faith was demonstrated...he acknowledged his crimes and accepted his punishment admonished a mocker to defend the faith and publicly declared his allegiance...imagine his life had he been able to come off the cross...radially different from that before...his talk would be backed by his compels expression...motivated by gratitude

that is true...but even Paul knew his walk was important to back it did the Man he all things

that is not a shadow it points to the good things still to come...and what to expect...operates as a self evaluation and assessment tool to keep one honest and true to all the walking and talking a Christian does...

and helps others too...allowing them to gage if the talk is backed by the walk...the law also advertises standards quality controls stats performance features...kinda a consumer digest feature for any out there shopping around in hopes of finding something better in life...

hard to explain the Holy Spirit to others without evidence demonstrated and proved...just saying “I GOT THE HOLY SPIRIT” is attention getting to be sure but now what?

sure...and because of Who HE is and WHAT HE DID AND STILL DOES AND WILL DO we wish follow Him and do what He did and copy Him...and when they ask why...well we got some answers we can actually demonstrate...the betterment of our lives...clean and holy...our bodies too a temple in the worship service to Him its creator who really knows what’s best for us to do and gave not only a witness but an owner’s manual how to guide...

Copying Jesus is a work of the law and counts for nothing. If you are not serving Christ out of love and gratitude for what he has done to save you, it counts for nothing.

Evidence of the Holy Spirit is that the Christian will glorify Christ and his Gospel, John 16:14.


New member
Copying Jesus is a work of the law and counts for nothing. If you are not serving Christ out of love and gratitude for what he has done to save you, it counts for nothing.
yup...we are to serve with love and gratitude...if you love Me keep My commandments...serving Christ is serving Him as He wishes to be served and NOT with false worship...allowing false fire into our temples or making golden calves of offering produce when it should be lambs...

Service is obedience

Evidence of the Holy Spirit is that the Christian will glorify Christ and his Gospel, John 16:14.

And to provide that evidence is why we copy Him for these reasons.


Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me. The one who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and reveal Myself to him."

John 14:23
Jesus replied, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him.

John 15:10
If you keep My commandments, you will remain in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and remain in His love.

1 John 2:3
By this we can be sure that we have come to know Him: if we keep His commandments.

1 John 5:3
For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome,

2 John 1:6
And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. This is the very commandment you have heard from the beginning, that you must walk in love.

Later John writes about the rewards He brings for this obedience and works...service and and faithfulness
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The Holy Spirit will not cause you to sin, but the law will, Romans 7:7-12. As long as you are under the law you will be subject to the law and will sin.

It is only when you are free from the law that you will be able to live a more righteous life.

The Gospel frees us from the law. Jesus fulfilled it and abolished it so that you can now live by the Spirit and not the law.
He didn't abolish it, He paid the eternal penalty for breaking the law, even though He Himself "knew no sin." 2nd Corinthians 5:21 KJV :) Now that we know He has done that, we should be in full communion with the Church, and we are to refrain from receiving Holy Communion, when we are not in full communion with the Church, due to grave transgression of the law. The Church doesn't desire that anybody not be in full communion with her, but she refuses full communion with those who are committing grave sins against the moral law. Her sacrament of reconciliation or penance is for when we sin gravely, but wish to be in full communion with the Church again.