

TOL Subscriber

Yep. I almost posted that myself.

The outrage has little to do with Native Americans. Most outcry that includes them was installed by the liberal mindset.

Anyone who has an issue with the Redskins name is a self-absorbed moron.

The Barbarian

And Snopes is still a joke, with truthful and fictious facts mixed ad infinitum.

It's their habit of citing sources that gets you riled, um?

You're lost in the rabbit hole, Alice.

A Humpty fan, um?
When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Yep. I almost posted that myself.

The outrage has little to do with Native Americans. Most outcry that includes them was installed by the liberal mindset.

Anyone who has an issue with the Redskins name is a self-absorbed moron.
The gentleman in question is the outgoing president of the Navajo Nation, whose council voted 9-2 against his position. He's a bit of an unsavory character who had a recent embezzlement scandal that had something to do with his ouster.

And your willingness to call most Native Americans self absorbed morons (a majority aren't comfortable with whites using the term to describe them, a flaw in the initial methodology of polls regarding the term among Native Americans) doesn't surprise me. Also you belief that they were led, child like, by liberal elements is similarly condescending and patronizing.

While that gentleman was sitting next to Snyder there was a protest of Native Americans going on outside of the stadium. Not a picture you'd find interesting though.


Proffered: if you don't mean to offend a person and find the term by which you call them does in fact offend you should change how you address them.

proffered: a solution

the Washington Redskins, who chose the team name because of its association with a group of people known as proud, fierce, strong, stoic warriors, should make it unequivocally clear that they are not referring to the offended whiny complainers with easily hurt feelings

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
proffered: a solution

the Washington Redskins, who chose the team name because of its association with a group of people known as proud, fierce, strong, stoic warriors, should make it unequivocally clear that they are not referring to the offended whiny complainers with easily hurt feelings
Leaving aside the juvenile description of a majority of Native Americans (who when polled on how they feel about non Native Americans using the term to describe them responded over sixty percent to the negative) I don't know that many are suggesting the Washington team or owner meant to offend. I suspect it is to him exactly as he has purported it to be, a continuation of a tradition he sees as honoring those Native Americans. I'm fine with crediting him with the best of intentions and in lauding his outreach to help struggling Native American populations.

My point has always been this: if you don't mean to offend. If you instead mean to praise and find yourself offending the very people you meant to honor, the reasonable thing to do, in keeping with that sentiment, is to refrain from continuing to offend.


My point has always been this: if you don't mean to offend. If you instead mean to praise and find yourself offending the very people you meant to honor...

you don't read so good, do you?

that group of people known as proud, fierce, strong, stoic warriors don't take offense

and who cares about the whiny attention seekers?

well, aside from feminized males like you who are closet libs

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
you don't read so good, do you?
Of course not. No lawyer does. That's how you get into school, by an exhaustive test that demonstrates your inability to "read so good". :rolleyes:

that group of people known as proud, fierce, strong, stoic warriors don't take offense
That's simply not true. You've had time to familiarize yourself with the topic and thread. In fact, one in ten are offended by the name in any context and that larger percentage is offended by it's use outside of Native Americans. I linked to recent studies on point in this very thread.

and who cares about the whiny attention seekers?
I wasn't speaking about you, but I was speaking about the issue and to the larger group of individuals who actually mean to praise and should then reasonably care about offending the people they meant to compliment or assumed were complimented by being represented in that fashion. Now anyone who bothered to read the judgement of the patent court and it's review of the historical evidence related to the use of the term should be clear on the reasonableness of the objection even before getting to my links about the response.

And those people should then act in accord with their intention and refrain from using the term while finding one that doesn't share its history if they still feel compelled to offer a broad compliment.

Now be a good fellow and show everyone why I mostly haven't bothered to have a conversation with you over the last several months.
well, aside from feminized males like you who are closet libs

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

perhaps you don't understand the meanings of the words proud, fierce, strong, stoic and warriors
That's simply not true. You've had time to familiarize yourself with the topic and thread. In fact, one in ten are offended by the name in any context and that larger percentage is offended by it's use outside of Native Americans. I linked to recent studies on point in this very thread.


imagine that you name a team "the celtic warriors" to honor the fierceness and spirit of those ancient peoples

and then suppose whiny complainers like sinead oconnor started claiming to be offended by the usage

an intelligent person would understand that, 1) you weren't referring to whiny people like her and 2) she should shut up

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
imagine that you name a team "the celtic warriors" to honor the fierceness and spirit of those ancient peoples

and then suppose whiny complainers like sinead oconnor started claiming to be offended by the usage

an intelligent person would understand that, 1) you weren't referring to whiny people like her and 2) she should shut up
Imagine you wanted to make a buck and so you found a popular subject of the day, one routinely characterized in a way that no reasonable person would find complimentary but whose savagery appeals to the violent nature of the thing you mean to slather it with and the interest in that distortion is sure to generate money for you.

So you adopt it, dress a few white women in cartoon approximations of actual Native American garb and have them do equally distorted versions of religious ceremonial dances to entertain the folks scarfing down dogs and beer.

Decades go by and you eventually sell the team to a guy who came up removed from the population you traded on and who considers the name only as a symbol of a great team and who, if pressed would think of the symbol and term as an honorary title and mean it.

Now imagine the people represented don't find it that way. One in ten loath the term and usage and well over half find it offensive when people outside of their race use it to describe them. You go to court and have experts lay out the history of the usage when your predecessor had his great idea. You learn about the reaction from that population when someone like you uses the term.

What do you do? I think it's pretty clear that whatever that is it will tell everyone what your intent is and where your interest actually rests...and that's why the statute of limitations for cutting Snyder slack on the point has run.

You? You never rated it.



ah well, looks like you're not interested in understanding why you're such a over sensitive sissy mary, just focused on hammering your lame point home time after time

i suspect that was just the way you were raised, what you grew to learn as "normal" down there in the inbred moronic south :idunno:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
ah well, looks like you're not interested in understanding why you're...
Looks like you still need a hug.

i suspect that was just the way you were raised,
By Godly, intelligent people. Thanks. :thumb: I've always been lucky that way.

what you grew to learn as "normal" down there
Reasoned positions and civil discourse, the sort of thing you may have read about. :)

in the inbred moronic south :idunno:
Well, we know how to use a comma here, you peculiar, frustrated, authority seeking missile you. :)
Last edited:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
to provide a point of comparison for your "intelligence"?
To note that for all your claims of further education, when it comes right down to it I think you're just another little green man, sans the moon. I think your life must be an unhappy and frustrating thing, whatever you claim of it...and I think, watching how you treat others, that it simply couldn't happen to a nicer fellow.

I will, upon reflection, likely consider the multiple times I was the root of your being sent on forced vacation to have been the greatest gift I ever gave the good folks at TOL. :)

And with that, back you and Toto go while I think fondly of your last implosion and imagine each notice of a post I won't be seeing as you hammering at the glass again.



To note that for all your claims of further education, when it comes right down to it I think you're just another little green man, sans the moon. I think your life must be an unhappy and frustrating thing, whatever you claim of it...and I think, watching how you treat others, that it simply couldn't happen to a nicer fellow.

I will, upon reflection, likely consider the multiple times I was the root of your being sent on forced vacation to have been the greatest gift I ever gave the good folks at TOL. :)

And with that, back you and Toto go while I think fondly of your last implosion and imagine each notice of a post I won't be seeing as you hammering at the glass again.


i suspect this is town's way of once again pretending to put me on ignore

:mock:town, the man whose self-control check is in the mail


TOL Subscriber
The gentleman in question is the outgoing president of the Navajo Nation, whose council voted 9-2 against his position. He's a bit of an unsavory character who had a recent embezzlement scandal that had something to do with his ouster.

And your willingness to call most Native Americans self absorbed morons (a majority aren't comfortable with whites using the term to describe them, a flaw in the initial methodology of polls regarding the term among Native Americans) doesn't surprise me. Also you belief that they were led, child like, by liberal elements is similarly condescending and patronizing.

While that gentleman was sitting next to Snyder there was a protest of Native Americans going on outside of the stadium. Not a picture you'd find interesting though.

No, it doesn't matter. I'm not a liberal promoting the false culture-sculpting of tolerance, etc.


TOL Subscriber
It's their habit of citing sources that gets you riled, um?

No. It's their agenda disguised as a non-agenda.

A Humpty fan, um?

Not really.

When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."

Yes, that's the cognitive manipulation mantra of the liberals and antichrists via low-context language and culture.