Rapture Ready


Well-known member

1 Pe 1:13

There is no shortage of grace now, but if you think I have ignored something future, there is glorification with Christ, which obviously has not yet happened for those of us alive now. This does not displace the grace of God now justifying us as sinners.


New member
There was a piece some years back about how it was possible to travel from California to New York in 15 minutes via underground tunnels but; for the then overwhelming cost of building them.


New member

Typo: I'd meant 45 minutes; not 15.

Another development, by the way is the following...

Remember that movie "The Fly" - in which a scientist develops a means of transporting an object from within one chamber in his lab, into another one?

Well that has actually been developed: thus far though; to a limited degree.

Thus far, they have only been able to transport a laser beam fired into one chamber into another chamber; continues its' flight, from within said other chamber.

Just a matter of time before the level of said technology is such that it will wipe out millions of transportation jobs, the world over; literally...overnight...express...



God is obviously not going to destroy the world with His own people in it.

At the final moment, when this Earth is purged, God will protect His people from His wrath.

It's as simple as that- that passage you hang onto is not an evidence of your rapture :plain:
New testament was written as a prophecy of future events, not actual events that happened : jesus symbolized the last gen to come to christ, triggering the tribulation. But there was no jesus and all are damned.

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New testament was written as a prophecy of future events, not actual events that happened : jesus symbolized the last gen to come to christ, triggering the tribulation. But there was no jesus and all are damned.

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god has no people to protect

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Well-known member
New testament was written as a prophecy of future events, not actual events that happened : jesus symbolized the last gen to come to christ, triggering the tribulation. But there was no jesus and all are damned.

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Jesus of Nazareth lived in Galilee and Judea in the first 3 decades of our era. He was a historical figure among other things, and he spoke of events at the end of the generation he left behind, which also took place with sufficient and unmistakable precision. He was condemned unfairly and crucified along with many enemies of Rome, but he arose 3 days later, for which his greatest opponents have no explanation. One leading Pharisee, Paul, was commissioned to end any Christian groups he found in the region and was intercepted by God, who also brought him into contact with up to 500 eyewitnesses of Christ being resurrected.

He was therefore the best public figure to advocate the Christian faith, and God also taught him the historic meaning of the resurrection--in terms of Israel's overall history; that it was the realization of the historic promises to that group.

Further, Paul's collected account of Christ was transcribed by Luke (the gospel account) and features more detail than the others on Christ warning that generation about the events to take place 40 years later.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Jesus of Nazareth lived in Galilee and Judea in the first 3 decades of our era. He was a historical figure among other things, and he spoke of events at the end of the generation he left behind, which also took place with sufficient and unmistakable precision.

There you go again, making foolish statements. The things of which the Lord Jesus foretold were in answer to what will happen at the end of the age. And at the end of the age there will be a world wide harvest where unbelievers will be taken out of the world and only unbelievers will remain (Mt.13:38-42).

That has not yet happened so there are many things of which the Lord Jesus spoke which remain in the future.

You have been deceived!
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Well-known member
There you go again, making foolish statements. The things of which the Lord Jesus foretold were in answer to what will happen at the end of the age. And at the end of the age there will be a world wide harvest where unbelievers will be taken out of the world and only unbelievers will remain (Mt.13:38-42).

That has not yet happened so there are many things of which the Lord Jesus spoke which remain in the future.

You have been deceived!

Yes, he made the distinction at 24:29. Everything before that is 1st century Judean--look at the places mentioned, the Sabbath police etc. But after that is worldwide and it was expected 'right after' the destruction of Israel, although an allowance is made and confirmed by 2 Peter 3.

Most eschatology fails by seeking the wrong time frame on either side of v29.

You do have to know the events of the 1st century too. Because he meant everything in the ordinary sense: you (disciples) will see these buildings ruined (not X000 in the future). He locked all this in Lk 23, saying the babies nursing then would see those destructive events as adults.

There is no prospect of a race/state/land restoration in the NT. It is always about the NHNE without any race-strings attached, Rom 11 showing that it is already here in Christ.

Everything we say about this must match Heb 12:22+ and D'ism/futurism simply does not match. They tear all of that apart.


Well-known member
RD's fav objection to what I just said is his goats and sheep verse in Mt 25. He thinks the term 'nations' means the 200 some nations we now know as legal entities. It never does in the OT/NT. It means everyone else, as individuals. Yes there is a judgement day at the end of time, and the melting of this earth into the NHNE, but there is no 'Israel' period in the middle of that or complicating that, because of the finality of things said in Hebrews, Lk 21, I Th 2, Acts 3, etc.

Right Divider

Body part
RD's fav objection to what I just said is his goats and sheep verse in Mt 25. He thinks the term 'nations' means the 200 some nations we now know as legal entities. It never does in the OT/NT. It means everyone else, as individuals. Yes there is a judgement day at the end of time, and the melting of this earth into the NHNE, but there is no 'Israel' period in the middle of that or complicating that, because of the finality of things said in Hebrews, Lk 21, I Th 2, Acts 3, etc.
IP's favorite tactics are:
  • Silent cancelationlism
  • Ignoring guaranteed promises that God made to Israel (repeatedly)
  • Ignoring crystal clear text, like Hebrews 8
  • Perverting any scripture that doesn't fit his "story"
  • etc. etc. etc.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Yes, he made the distinction at 24:29. Everything before that is 1st century Judean--look at the places mentioned, the Sabbath police etc. But after that is worldwide and it was expected 'right after' the destruction of Israel, although an allowance is made and confirmed by 2 Peter 3.

So the things which were foretold before Matthew 24:29 have already happened, including the great tribulation. So according to your dumb ideas the Lord Jesus was wrong when He said the following:

"Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Mt.24:29-30).​

According to you the Lord was wrong because those things did not "immediately" come to pass after the great tribulation!

You have been deceived!