Why does He need to wait?
You assert that God is durational. To wait is nothing else than to extend from moment A to moment B in time. It is 11:15 AM. I must wait 5 minutes for it to be 11:20 AM of the same day. Necessarily, if the Open Theist is right, God must wait.
He decides to move, so He moves. :idunno: There is no dilemma there. No matter where God is on the "timeline", He decides to create and so He does.
I think you've missed the point. Ok. Imagine a timeline that extends infinitely in both directions. Let moment A be the moment that God creates the world. I'll ask you whether God existed at moment B (a moment before moment A). You say yes. And I'll keep going back and back, and you'll say that God existed. I'll ask if there is any possible point on the timeline prior to A that God did not exist. You'll say "no." Therefore God existed in an infinite number of moments prior to A. Therefore God must traverse them all. But it is impossible to traverse an actual infinity. Therefore, God is still waiting for moment A to come.
Worse: Do you assert that God can experience any moment? Let A be a moment that God experiences. The same reasoning above applies. Therefore, God experiences no moment.
Worst: Do you assert that God exists in any moment? Let A be any moment in which God exists. The same reasoning above applies. Therefore, God exists in no moment.
Do you see? By your own premises, your God does not even exist. Knight, if you are to be consistent with yourself, you must admit that you are an atheist, for at any possible moment at which your God might exist, an infinite number of moments precede.
However, here is a dilemma for you. If God created time (as you assert), prior to the point where God created time there was no time, i.e., no succession of events. How then could God ever create time? How could there be a time before time if without time there was no succession of events? You can't get from then to now if time doesn't exist.
There is no temporal priority to the creation of time. There's only a logical priority. Consider reading book XI of Confessions or book V of the Consolation of Philosophy (you can find both texts online). God eternally creates time in a single eternal "moment" of creation.
Said in another way... you can refute the notion that God created time with a simple question.... how long did it take God to create time? :chuckle:
It didn't. The very least that we can say about God is that He is self-subsistent being. He's not able to be really divided.