Planned Parenthood caught selling body parts of aborted babies


Well-known member
PP's consent forms for harvesting organs are insufficient to cover the illegal practice of changing the abortion midway to better harvest certain organs.

Yes. Companies like Stem Express evidently had product quotas to meet, so PP would alter abortion schedules and methods to best meet those quotas which, in turn, maximized PP's profits, just as the Stem Express ads promised.

Quotas for the organs of murdered babies.

I'd like to see just one (R) candidate take this and boldly run with it, but somehow I expect none will.


Well-known member
Can anyone provide sources that would document PP counseling abortion seekers to delay their abortions for weeks or a month? I know there are states that have mandated delays; I'm curious of PP itself has ever counseled waiting.


Well-known member
Just as a matter of curiousity: the exact same objections raised on this and similar threads were being raised at the same time on comment boards on blogs all over the place. Coincidence? I seriously doubt it.

Also...over the past two days, every pro-abort drone out there flacking on this has been offended ONLY that the woman was secretly recorded and that her words are now public knowledge. Not one of them, that I have seen, has shown any sign of genuine concern with what she actually said.
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New member
Hall of Fame
I don't understand what's so unsettling (unless you're already "unsettled" at the notion of abortions overall).

Generally, Joe Blow isn't really aware of fetal tissue research or would be (understandably) taken aback by her casual attitude over lunch. Having known my share of RN's and EMT's, I understand (as you do) how completely matter-of-fact these folks can be when discussing their work. (Want some real fun? Catch a meal with an undertaker.) As selectively edited as the video is, "unsettling" is exactly what they were shooting for.

What things? That fetal tissue can be donated for research? That issue has been in the news before, e.g., with the last Pope issuing a statement saying that even though some vaccines were originally developed using fetal tissues, it's OK to get vaccinated now since they don't use fetal tissues any more (the tissues were only used to develop the vaccines).

Or the matter of stem cells, which are small potatoes compared to this. My point being that this isn't a subject that's discussed terribly often.


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Do you really think these mothers walked into an abortion clinic and said; "I want an abortion, but I want you to be careful with the forceps and crush my child above and below the trunk and remove him carefully so I can donate his organs to science".

Do you really think that?

Whether you like it or not they have to sign off on any donations, so, it's still their decision. Like I said yesterday: You need to be outraged with the women who chose to donate this material if you want to be consistent. While you're at it you also need to oppose any medical research and innovations whatsoever enabled by fetal tissue research.


Well-known member
Whether you like it or not they have to sign off on any donations, so, it's still their decision. Like I said yesterday: You need to be outraged with the women who chose to donate this material if you want to be consistent. While you're at it you also need to oppose any medical research and innovations whatsoever enabled by fetal tissue research.

You assume much about what the women signing the release would know.

Granted, some (maybe many) are so depraved that they wouldn't care if they did know it; such are the times in which we live. But do you really think PP explained in their boilerplate release forms that the aborted children's organs would end up on a pricing menu, and that PP could increase profits the more they sold? No way.

Also...what's to keep PP from selling usable body parts from children whose mothers did not sign the release? Who would ever know? No one. Only the crushed ones need go for true disposal. Remember, the lady herself said local affiliates could do what they had to within the rules to maximize their profits.


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Hall of Fame
Whether you like it or not they have to sign off on any donations, so, it's still their decision. Like I said yesterday: You need to be outraged with the women who chose to donate this material if you want to be consistent.
You mean the women who are having their children killed?
Sure I'm out raged at them, why would you think that would be a problem? Is there anyone else I should be outraged at? My outrage supply is pretty deep.

While you're at it you also need to oppose any medical research and innovations whatsoever enabled by fetal tissue research.
No not quite, there are ethical means to do these things.
The government handles bald eagle remains thru the National Eagle Repository and dispenses them to Native Americans for their religious ceremonies. We treat dead birds better than our own children.


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Hall of Fame
You mean the women who are having their children killed?
Sure I'm out raged at them, why would you think that would be a problem? Is there anyone else I should be outraged at? My outrage supply is pretty deep.

I don't agree that "outrage" is the appropriate response when it comes to women in this situation, so we may have to set that aside.

No not quite, there are ethical means to do these things.
The government handles bald eagle remains thru the National Eagle Repository and dispenses them to Native Americans for their religious ceremonies. We treat dead birds better than our own children.

In the sense that we don't go looking for and pose dead eagles to use for propaganda purposes? Yes, in that, we agree.


New member
If stem express and PP are completely innocent why would they shut down their website today.

According to the National Catholic Register, StemExpress makes a considerable amount of money selling the aborted baby body parts:

One of the buyers of fetal material from Planned Parenthood mentioned in the exchange is StemExpress, a business that sells fetal liver cells from anywhere between $488 to $24,250.

A representative of StemExpress informed the Register Tuesday that the company is aware of the video and will be following up with a response.

lastly, there are no costs to be reimbursed it's all profit for the harvesting mills.
On the video Nucatola is heard talking about pricing, that “specimens” would range from $30 to $100. It is expected that Planned Parenthood will claim these charges are merely for their services and do not include a profit. Daleiden told Breitbart News that there are no extra services because companies like StemExpress are there at the facility to harvest the organs on order and walk out with them, not even shipping charges.

Daleiden said that while the practice goes on around the country, it is especially hard to prosecute in California because of the political power of the abortion industry.

The buying and selling of human body parts is illegal under the U.S. Criminal Code though companies can charge for expenses. The question becomes how a “multi-million dollar” for-profit company buys fetal body parts and sells them but makes no profit.

Repeated calls to StemExpress for a comment have gone unreturned. The company website crashed sometime today.

now the last point(easy to implement program) in the flyer makes much more sense. PP killers don't have to spend any money on storage or shipping at all, just dismember and separate the valuable body parts .


Well-known member
If stem express and PP are completely innocent why would they shut down their website today.

lastly, there are no costs to be reimbursed it's all profit for the harvesting mills.

now the last point(easy to implement program) in the flyer makes much more sense. PP killers don't have to spend any money on storage or shipping at all, just dismember and separate the valuable body parts .

It's being sanitized. Futile effort. The internet is forever.


Well-known member
...probably because they've been mobbed with threats. Seriously.

So take the webpage offline? No. Just deactivate email links and remove any physical addresses, and report threats and IPs to the FBI. Taking the whole website down is pointless just because of threats.


New member
Hall of Fame
So take the webpage offline? No. Just deactivate email links and remove any physical addresses, and report threats and IPs to the FBI. Taking the whole website down is pointless just because of threats.

...or the site itself's experiencing more traffic than it can handle, which is also a real good possibility.


New member
finally we have some specific numbers PP's cut of the profits
On January 10, 2013 StemExpress procured 22 specimens from the Mar Monte Planned Parenthood Clinic, most of which were “maternal blood.” Nine specimens, however, were from aborted babies, including two livers, one thymus, and the rest were what is called fetal chorionic villi, which are connective tissue that allows the flow of blood from mother to baby.

According to an internal rate-sheet apparently used at the time by StemExpress, Planned Parenthood would have received between $15 and $45 per specimen depending on the specimen provided and the over all number provided. Body parts like livers, lungs, hearts, testis, and rectums paid the most with umbilical cord blood paying the least.

Based on the documents provided by the Center for Medical Progress it is estimated that the San Jose facility took in $425 that day, including $240 for fetal body parts. This may seem minuscule, but it adds up. Assuming this was a typical day and that the facility is open at least six days a week, the facility could have made $1,440 a week and $74,880 each year on baby body parts.

According to David Daleiden of the Center for Medical Progress, there are other Planned Parenthood offices nearby in Sacramento, Fresno and Stockton, meaning the amount of money from StemExpress to Planned Parenthood for baby body parts could be enormous.

Desert Reign

Does anything like this even matter to liberals?? Their lust for blood seems unwavering. Part of me think liberals actually like this kind of stuff.

I shall just add my voice to the many others who have said how sick they are at reading this. That woman's birth certificate was an apology from the condom manufacturer.


New member
Hall of Fame
I shall just add my voice to the many others who have said how sick they are at reading this. That woman's birth certificate was an apology from the condom manufacturer.

Assuming you'd have granted her parents access to condoms in the first place.


Well-known member
stemsexpress markup of body parts up to 24K means this is a millionaire industry based on "donated" baby parts

Now if we can find out which politicians accepted campaign contributions from StemExpress and similar outfits, and of those politicians, which in turn defend PP and abortion in general.

Leftists call that "crony capitalism" but only when republicans do it, oddly.