Pastor Cook hung up on me. Why?

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Knight said:
Pastor Cook, why did you hang up on me? :(

I thought we were having a fantastic conversation on your live show and I am sure your listeners found value in our discussion. So why did you hang up on me in mid sentence?
There can only be one answer, and no one has said it yet . . . He hung up on you because he was frustrated with you . . . and it was predestined from before the foundation of the world for God's glory.


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GuySmiley said:
There can only be one answer, and no one has said it yet . . . He hung up on you because he was frustrated with you . . . and it was predestined from before the foundation of the world for God's glory.


Nathon Detroit

LOL... I just listened to the show to hear how it went....

That was so funny!!! :rotfl:

Gene said my argument about Jonah was from silence! :rotfl: It was Gene's argument that was from silence, he is the one that said Jonah probably said something other than.... "Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!”


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Poly said:

Alright!! He's finally seeing the light! :bannana:

Knight: "You said, God decreeing everything is different from making somebody do something."
Pastor Cook: "Yes."
Knight: "How is that?"
Pastor Cook: "I don't know" :freak:

Great, now he's back in the dark! :doh:

UNBELIEVABLE! This guy gets his head handed to him on a plate and then takes a cowards way out in hanging up. He was so busted over what he said over the whole prophecy situation it was painfully obvious he was desperate to end the call. :loser:

Awesome call, Knight! :up:
I just heard this part. :rotfl: Oh my!


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Knight said:
Pastor Cook, why did you hang up on me? :(

I thought we were having a fantastic conversation on your live show and I am sure your listeners found value in our discussion. So why did you hang up on me in mid sentence?
Maybe he hung up on you for the same reason he deleted my comment(s) on his silly blog.

I'm actually quite surprised my latest post has survived as long as it has.

Did anyone else notice how rude Cook was to Bob during the cross examination phase of the debate?

At one point he said, "I'm asking the questions here." as though he was some sort of trial lawyer speaking to some hostile witness. And at another point he quipped "Did you have a question, Bob?" as though Bob was the trial layer and he was the presiding judge.

Who came up with the debate format anyway? Bob did a terrific job but because of the format there was no way that Cook was going to come away not being able to declare victory. The format was as intellectually dishonest as was his arguments. With such a format the quest should have at least been given the opportunity to go first. But then again, who wants to volunteer for a bath in his own theological blood? Both the phone call and the debate are great examples of typical Calvinist cowardice, if you ask me.

Resting in Him,


Formerly Shimei!
Knight said...
Although keep in mind... if you are right about God exhaustively settling the future... even open theism is part of His plan and for His glory. :)

1:22 PM

Gene Cook, Jr. said...

I agree! Open Theism, Mormonism and even Islam. Yep, all for His Glory!


1:24 PM

Gene is a total loon.


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Clete said:
I'm actually quite surprised my latest post has survived as long as it has.

Oh great!

How are they supposed to hear any great Clete smack if you go and get yourself banned right away? Don't you think the ol' "...catch...flies....honey...." idea might work for just a little while anyway? :chuckle:


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Poly said:
Oh great!

How are they supposed to hear any great Clete smack if you go and get yourself banned right away? Don't you think the ol' "...catch...flies....honey...." idea might work for just a little while anyway? :chuckle:
What do you mean? That was the sweetest honey I've got!

:kiss: :kiss: :kiss:


Patron Saint of SMACK
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Knight said:
I guess maybe I am guilty as charged? :idunno:
The truth is you were talking overe him! You were talking over him because he made it obvious that you were not going to get to make your point unless you did! If you are ever going to go up against that guy again you need to practice this phrase. "that's not what that means. You have to believe the Bible!" Remember he is not going to give you a chance to say what it does mean, so say it louder than he does!


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The discussion is still going on over there on the blog.

The blog about the open phones (with the toilet picture).


New member
Knight said:
And now they banned me from posting on their site. :rolleyes:

The following is what I was trying to post.....

Pastor Cook.... your website features a picture of a filthy toilet accompanied by the words... "What does Gene really think about Open Theism?"

LOL, that's funny! I appreciate your humor.

Although keep in mind... if you are right about God exhaustively settling the future... even open theism is part of His plan and for His glory. :)
Maybe it was a computer "glitch" I will try to post it again later.
You know there is a second coming; at God's discretion. There is a judgment of the dead; at God's discretion. So yea, the future is settled. He told us what it will be. It is what men do between here and there that is unsettled. :hammer:

Nathon Detroit

elected4ever said:
You know there is a second coming; at God's discretion. There is a judgment of the dead; at God's discretion. So yea, the future is settled. He told us what it will be. It is what men do between here and there that is unsettled. :hammer:
Hey e4e did you know we open theists agree with what you just said?

Open theism is the argument against an exhaustively settled future. (the word "exhaustively" makes all the difference).

Were you aware of that?


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Knight said:
Hey e4e did you know we open theists agree with what you just said?

Open theism is the argument against an exhaustively settled future. (the word "exhaustively" makes all the difference).

Were you aware of that?
I think Cook was trying to make a case against Open Theism on this point during the debate with Bob. He was arguing that the future cannot be both settled and open, which is true as long as you don't make the categorical error (Cook's apparent favorite logical fallacy) of thinking that a just because a closed door can't also be open that therefore an open door must be complete wide open and removed from its hinges.

A point which is certain to be lost on anyone who thinks that Cook won that debate.

Resting in Him,


New member
Clete said:
I think Cook was trying to make a case against Open Theism on this point during the debate with Bob. He was arguing that the future cannot be both settled and open, which is true as long as you don't make the categorical error (Cook's apparent favorite logical fallacy) of thinking that a just because a closed door can't also be open that therefore an open door must be complete wide open and removed from its hinges.

A point which is certain to be lost on anyone who thinks that Cook won that debate.

Resting in Him,
there is only one area where Open Theism is wrong and that is in the area of free will after salvation.. If one remains in the flesh then one exercises free will but if one is of the spirit then there is no free will in the spirit. At least as we define it in the flesh. As lone as we remain in this mortal body our minds will operate on the free will principle and that is the principle that the spirit strives against. That is why I wont to go home so badly. There I will not have to wrestle with right and wrong because the wrong will never be a choice there.


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I think Pastor Cook gave you lots of time. He was about as patient as someone who is arguing the wrong side can be. I don't think any other outcome was likely.


Truth Smacker
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elected4ever said:
there is only one area where Open Theism is wrong and that is in the area of free will after salvation.. If one remains in the flesh then one exercises free will but if one is of the spirit then there is no free will in the spirit. At least as we define it in the flesh. As lone as we remain in this mortal body our minds will operate on the free will principle and that is the principle that the spirit strives against. That is why I wont to go home so badly. There I will not have to wrestle with right and wrong because the wrong will never be a choice there.

This comment of yours just doesn't make any sense!

Without a will, good and evil become meaningless words. And that's just as true for the believer as it is for the unbeliever. If we cannot do otherwise then what we do has no moral component attached to it any more than does the falling of a series of dominoes. If we cannot do otherwise we cannot love our neighbor or God or anyone else because love is a choice by definition. Without choice the whole Christian life becomes a meaningless academic exercise.

Resting in Him,


New member
Clete said:

This comment of yours just doesn't make any sense!

Without a will, good and evil become meaningless words. And that's just as true for the believer as it is for the unbeliever. If we cannot do otherwise then what we do has no moral component attached to it any more than does the falling of a series of dominoes. If we cannot do otherwise we cannot love our neighbor or God or anyone else because love is a choice by definition. Without choice the whole Christian life becomes a meaningless academic exercise.

Resting in Him,
I understand why you feel this way and why it does not make sense to you. It is not our human experience. It is outside the boundaries of of our human creation. Never the less I believe it to be true.

God is not a man that He should be thought of as a man and He is not the created, we are. We have no other way of expressing and relating to the acts of God except through human means and experience. Someday we will know for sure but not in this created condition.


New member
Knight said:
Hey e4e did you know we open theists agree with what you just said?

Open theism is the argument against an exhaustively settled future. (the word "exhaustively" makes all the difference).

Were you aware of that?
That is not the way it comes across at times. Sometimes it comes across as an exhaustively unsettled view which I think is equally as wrong as exhaustively settled view. :eek:
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