ECT Our triune God


TOL Subscriber
Since the Holy Spirit can only be the teacher of Truth,

Since the Holy Spirit is not "only" the Teacher of truth, this makes no sense.

where do you think you fit in given your cessationist' approach to understanding?

What does this even mean? There's no such thing as a "cessationist approach to understanding". Are you talking about gifts?

I'm not a cessationist. But I also can't condone the garbage that's going on in the Third-Wave Charismatic and New Apostolic Reformation cults that are passing off psychological phenomena and hybridized syncretic false doctrines as "gifts" that are works and a test of fellowship and maturity, etc.

Talk more. I don't know what you're saying or asking.

Cross Reference

New member
Since the Holy Spirit is not "only" the Teacher of truth, this makes no sense.

You presume that to be accurate. You are wrong.

What does this even mean? There's no such thing as a "cessationist approach to understanding". Are you talking about gifts?

I am talking about the cessation of Pentecost as being the only valid unction to function as a believer in Christ.

I'm not a cessationist. But I also can't condone the garbage that's going on in the Third-Wave Charismatic and New Apostolic Reformation cults that are passing off psychological phenomena and hybridized syncretic false doctrines as "gifts" that are works and a test of fellowship and maturity, etc.

Talk more. I don't know what you're saying or asking.

Then why prejudge what I wrote? Why say you are not something and follow with remarks that speak you are?

I wrote that the Holy Spirit was the only teacher of the Truth, with a Capital "T". You certainly aren't an option being the cynic you are.


TOL Subscriber
You presume that to be accurate. You are wrong.

So... You consider the ONLY function of the Holy Spirit is to teach? Really?

I am talking about the cessation of Pentecost as being the only valid unction to function as a believer in Christ.

Odd wording, but why would any Believer deny that? And why would you presume I do?

Then why prejudge what I wrote?

I can only attempt to interpret what anyone means by what they say. You don't realize how nebulous English expression is, especially for those with minds conformed to the word by the Spirit.

Why say you are not something and follow with remarks that speak you are?

I don't know what "remarks" you're referring to and misinterpreting.

I wrote that the Holy Spirit was the only teacher of the Truth, with a Capital "T". You certainly aren't an option being the cynic you are.

No, you wrote "the Holy Spirit was ONLY THE TEACHER OF TRUTH". Here's the quote:

Since the Holy Spirit can only be the teacher of Truth,

Upper or lower case is not the issue. You inverted your statement.

Now you've made it clear that the Holy Spirit is THE ONLY TEACHER OF TRUTH. Big difference, and who would disagree? The Logos (Son) and the Spirit are one; and the Last Adam was made a quickening spirit. So why would anyone disagree with that?

That's the problem. Everyone thinks they're taught of the Holy Spirit (especially in the Third-Wave Charismatic and New Apostolic Reformation cults that convert gifts to hyper-works that aren't even the gifts), but they don't even comprehend the basics of the authentic historical and orthodox faith... taught and revealed by the Holy Spirit throughout the ages.

Modern Charismania is so anthropocentric and laced with false autonomy, it isn't at all representative of the teaching of the Holy Spirit. It's mostly psychological phenomena giving way to every false religion in the history of mankind being hybridized subtly into all those groups and "movements".

The Holy Spirit is THE Teacher. The false and shallow "community" and "unity" of modern false-Continuationists is not the historic Christian Faith, but Montanism run amok in total apostate anarchy.

One cannot revere one's perception of the Holy Spirit and disdain scripture. They are one and the same, for the Spirit teaches the Word.

Are you one of the modern Hyper-"Pentecostals" (Word of Faith, Rhema Church, Bethel, Vineyard, etc.)?

patrick jane

Only because you must believe I am "one-ness" to you accuse me. I am NOT one-ness but every bit a Trinitary you can't/won't recognize because YOU DEEM unfit to be exceptable, by your learned [Calvin] conception, my expressed understanding of the scriptures... One more time: I am NOT one-ness and I have never given you reason to believe otherwise. Therefore, your willful misunderstanding lies with you. . . and for reasons I don't understand if you are a confessing Christian. Perhaps if you had paid better attention to what I was saying and not be so quick to prejudge to make yourself look good, we might have been able to discuss as brothers.

what is oneness CR ?

Cross Reference

New member
So... You consider the ONLY function of the Holy Spirit is to teach? Really?
I didn't say that. Stop twisting what others say or do you feel you need to do so to gain advantage?

Odd wording, but why would any Believer deny that?

Ask them. You do.

And why would you presume I do?

Your "opinion" screams it.
I can only attempt to interpret what anyone means by what they say. You don't realize how nebulous English expression is, especially for those with minds conformed to the word by the Spirit.

And you? What about you? What makes you think you are more correct when the Greek doesn't even get alomg its self?

I don't know what "remarks" you're referring to and misinterpreting.

Of course you do. You wrote what you wrote. You contradicted yourself. Words do indeed mean something. Do re-read of your own.

No, you wrote "the Holy Spirit was ONLY THE TEACHER OF TRUTH". Here's the quote:

Yes, He is.

Upper or lower case is not the issue. You inverted your statement.

NO! You inverted my statement! And Upper and lower case defines Who I am speaking of, i.e., Jesus Christ Who said that He [Holy Spirit] would. Need scripture for that?

Now you've made it clear that the Holy Spirit is THE ONLY TEACHER OF TRUTH. Big difference, and who would disagree? The Logos (Son) and the Spirit are one; and the Last Adam was made a quickening spirit. So why would anyone disagree with that?

Why did you? You wrote that He was not the only [T]eacher of truth as a come back for my saying that He was the ONLy teacher of [T]ruth.

That's the problem.

And you are guilty as charged.

The Holy Spirit is THE Teacher. The false and shallow "community" and "unity" of modern false-Continuationists is not the historic Christian Faith, but Montanism run amok in total apostate anarchy.

One cannot revere one's perception of the Holy Spirit and disdain scripture. They are one and the same, for the Spirit teaches the Word.

I am not interested in all that ..! Stick to this discussion.

Are you one of the modern Hyper-"Pentecostals" (Word of Faith, Rhema Church, Bethel, Vineyard, etc.)?

I am a full gospel Pentecostal who does not agree with alot of what is going on the church. Better we let God do the judging. He doesn't need our help since He has been using much witnessed to reveal Himself to those He foreknows will be true to Him. And what is discussed should be between those who God has given discernment and not to those who condemn without knowledge, the Greek lexicons notwithstanding. I am well aware of what Jesus spoke of in Mat 24 to make it my way of life. Do you think I need to understand Greek for that to be made effective in my life?


Literal lunatic
All Catholics, Eastern, Western, and Oriental, are Trinitarians...

EVERY Apostolic Church founded by the Apostles of Christ has always been and now is Trinitarian...

The historic record is without contradiction...


She still is, and always will be...
She is therefore also the Mother of all Christians


Christians are members of the Body of Christ...
She is the Mother of Christ according to the flesh [body]...

THAT teaching is Apostolic, uncontradicted, and true...


You might wanna pay attention to this Apostolic contradiction.

Galatians 4:26
But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all.


TOL Subscriber
How is knowing and understanding Paul's epistles and his dispensations, satanist ?

You don't know and understand Paul's epistles, and you don't even know the meaning of the word rendered "dispensations".

Seriously... Paul's dispensations? You have no idea what the word means, but that's par for the course for mind-numbed Englishizers. Paul's dispensations? LOL.

Anything that is not from God is Satanist. Dispensationalism is in that category.


TOL Subscriber
You don't know and understand Paul's epistles, and you don't even know the meaning of the word rendered "dispensations".

Seriously... Paul's dispensations? You have no idea what the word means, but that's par for the course for mind-numbed Englishizers. Paul's dispensations? LOL.

Anything that is not from God is Satanist. Dispensationalism is in that category.

A word or message given is either Truth, or it is a lie from the devil.

There is no middle ground . . .


Literal lunatic
The Word Jesus who was not vulnerable to failure, emptied Himself to become the man Jesus who was. The success of the man Jesus is what makes Him so praise worthy of the Father and is our example of how a son is brought unto glory cf Heb.2:10 (KJV). Redemption is something God could never have done of Himself from His Throne. One might say that God subordinated Himself to the Flesh of Jesus. Need more scripture? Here:

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

One more: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, [on the Mt Transfiguration] the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:1,14(KJV)

Have you ever entertained the idea that Jesus could have changed the meaning of scripture to satisfy his own will?

He could have asked the Father for them legions of Angels and taken the kingdom.

The Father would have complied even against his own will.

The one thing Jesus could not ask, was for the Father to change his will by taking the cup from him.

It was either follow all the way through or do his own thing.

Either way he would have had the Father's blessing.

He chose the Father's will, which as you know is best for everybody.

This is truly what makes him worthy of our praise, is it not? :)
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Lazy afternoon

The Word Jesus who was not vulnerable to failure, emptied Himself to become the man Jesus who was.

The word never emptied himself.

The man Jesus did, and only of the right to order his on life as other men have.

Something His brothers also are called to do as suggested in the verses--

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:



Literal lunatic
The word never emptied himself.

The man Jesus did, and only of the right to order his on life as other men have.

Something His brothers also are called to do as suggested in the verses--

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:


He emptied himself of the glory he had with the Father in the beginning.

You are in error here, LA

patrick jane

Have you ever entertained the idea that Jesus could have changed the meaning of scripture to satisfy his own will?

He could have asked the Father for them legions of Angels and taken the kingdom.

The Father would have complied even against his own will.

The one thing Jesus could not ask, was for the Father to change his will by taking the cup from him.

It was either follow all the way through or do his own thing.

Either way he would have had the Father's blessing.

He chose the Father's will, which as you know is best for everybody.

This is truly what makes him worthy of our praise, is it not? :)

No free will, everything is pre-destined