ECT Our triune God


New member
Is all this to contend against the eternal uncreated ontological divinity of Christ as Theanthropos and Messiah? Or is there another point you're bringing out.

(This thread has been dormant for a short period, and I'm not sure where you're jumping into the ebbed flow of the OP.)

You left off part of my post... It has your answer!

This is one the most important things about the Trinity that doesn't get enough mention or emphasis. Nowadays, anybody can interpret this title in whatever way they see fit, "God with us." But how did the Church from the earliest interpret it? That our Lord Jesus Christ is our Maker, in the flesh. There was no alternative, again, from the earliest.

I was answering fzappa13 question…. Now re-read my post with this in mind... :think:



Well-known member

You left off part of my post... It has your answer!

I was answering fzappa13 question…. Now re-read my post with this in mind... :think:


Man, this is a long thread and I'm 60 ... I really don't recall having said that. Could you refresh my memory?

Cross Reference

New member

You left off part of my post... It has your answer!


There can be no question the Author of creation was God-*Word of Himself (John 1:1,14 KJV). However, according to Paul in speaking of the man Jesus, the Author of our salvation, he wrote: ". . it pleased the Father that in him [Jesus of Nazereth] should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him [again, Jesus of Nazareth], I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." Colossians 1:19-20 (KJV)

*"Word" of Himself who became flesh, that seperate unity emptied of Divinity that He be made vulnerable to failure as Adam..

Question: Who is God referring to if not a seperate entity who protected/preserved the union with Himself while in mortal flesh, preeminence over all things being His reward? Jesus, the man now Glorified in Whom the complete Godhead is now worshipped.
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New member
There can be no question the Author of creation was God-*Word of Himself (John 1:1,14 KJV). However, according to Paul in speaking of the man Jesus, the Author of our salvation, he wrote: ". . it pleased the Father that in him [Jesus of Nazereth] should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him [again, Jesus of Nazareth], I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." Colossians 1:19-20 (KJV)

*"Word" of Himself who became flesh, that seperate unity emptied of Divinity that He be made vulnerable to failure as Adam..

Question: Who is God referring to if not a seperate entity who protected/preserved the union with Himself while in mortal flesh, preeminence over all things being His reward? Jesus, the man now Glorified in Whom the complete Godhead is now worshipped.

I'm sorry, but I was responding to a single question from fzappa13. Your response has nothing what so ever to do with that question? :think:

So why are you posting like a child... pounding their chest and claming my mommy says.... what ever your trying to say...

Perhaps you have a question regarding scripture too? :think:

Stop ranting like a spiritual infant and ask a honest question one verse at a time so you can get a understanding of your ignorance that you post! :readthis:

If I can help fzappa13... I'm sure I can help you too, but you need to focus! Your all over the place!

Calm Down my friend!

Cross Reference

New member
I'm sorry, but I was responding to a single question from fzappa13. Your response has nothing what so ever to do with that question? :think:

So why are you posting like a child... pounding their chest and claming my mommy says.... what ever your trying to say...

Perhaps you have a question regarding scripture too? :think:

Stop ranting like a spiritual infant and ask a honest question one verse at a time so you can get a understanding of your ignorance that you post! :readthis:

If I can help fzappa13... I'm sure I can help you too, but you need to focus! Your all over the place!

Calm Down my friend!

I have no questions for which I believe you have answers.


Well-known member
There can be no question the Author of creation was God-*Word of Himself (John 1:1,14 KJV). However, according to Paul in speaking of the man Jesus, the Author of our salvation, he wrote: ". . it pleased the Father that in him [Jesus of Nazereth] should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him [again, Jesus of Nazareth], I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven." Colossians 1:19-20 (KJV)

*"Word" of Himself who became flesh, that seperate unity emptied of Divinity that He be made vulnerable to failure as Adam..

Question: Who is God referring to if not a seperate entity who protected/preserved the union with Himself while in mortal flesh, preeminence over all things being His reward? Jesus, the man now Glorified in Whom the complete Godhead is now worshipped.
Have you changed your position to being Triune recently?


Well-known member
I'm sorry, but I was responding to a single question from fzappa13. Your response has nothing what so ever to do with that question? :think:

So why are you posting like a child... pounding their chest and claming my mommy says.... what ever your trying to say...

Perhaps you have a question regarding scripture too? :think:

Stop ranting like a spiritual infant and ask a honest question one verse at a time so you can get a understanding of your ignorance that you post! :readthis:

If I can help fzappa13... I'm sure I can help you too, but you need to focus! Your all over the place!

Calm Down my friend!
This bit has to stop. This thread has been moved into ECT. One rule here is discussion rather than banter (which a good much of this is). It can slip through without infraction, but this thread is not about overt contesting of a triune view. If I remember, CR is one-ness. You'd both have to be considered guests in thread. Ask, then ask about counterpoints that don't make sense to you. Ask for explanation, but remember it isn't up for attack any longer in this section, like other threads on TOL. Each of you may have one thread in the religion section against the triune view (again not the ECT section). Other than this specific one, however, your other posts are fine as far as not necessarily supporting, but not detracting from the thread intent. I would ask that it be kept to a minimum out of courtesy. It is supposed to be a supportive and reference thread. -Lon


TOL Subscriber
PP, come down to earth. No one can follow you. Too much mental energy has to be put into figuring out whether you are for or against it.

I am for the eternal uncreated ontological divinity of Christ as Theanthropos and Messiah.

I am for the authentic and historical orthodox Trinity doctrine, yet with specific challenges to internal minutiae of terminology.

I am against Arianism, Unitarianism, Sabellianism, or any other formulaic that denies the appropriate representation of the deity and humanity of Christ.

I am against obfuscation and those who haven't a clue what words in their own lanugage mean, or in the original languages of scripture that were translated.


TOL Subscriber
He is against English and against every poster here

Incorrect, but you're a master at misunderstanding and misrepresenting posters and subject matter.

I'm against English that is employed in utter ignorance of its structure and semantics when attempting to represent what scripture actually say in translation; especially regarding Greek articular and anarthrous nouns being misunderstood as English definite and indefinite artcile nouns.

I'm only against posters who are ignorant and insist they aren't, instead clinging to their fallacies in cognitive dissonance. It's unfortunate that you're one of those; and it's sad that it's such a huge majority of professing Believers, including on TOL.


New member
This bit has to stop. This thread has been moved into ECT. One rule here is discussion rather than banter (which a good much of this is). It can slip through without infraction, but this thread is not about overt contesting of a triune view. If I remember, CR is one-ness. You'd both have to be considered guests in thread. Ask, then ask about counterpoints that don't make sense to you. Ask for explanation, but remember it isn't up for attack any longer in this section, like other threads on TOL. Each of you may have one thread in the religion section against the triune view (again not the ECT section). Other than this specific one, however, your other posts are fine as far as not necessarily supporting, but not detracting from the thread intent. I would ask that it be kept to a minimum out of courtesy. It is supposed to be a supportive and reference thread. -Lon

I have been posting in this thread since May of 2011.... But now I should consider myself a guests in thread? Who died and made you GOD? :think:

Oh, are we now a liberal site... ? Have you created safe zones so no one can actually express an idea that differs from yours or others... :vomit:

I have been a way for a while... Yet I had no idea TOL went full on liberal! :shocked:

You want to outlaw guns too I bet?

Another Hillary/Sanders voter...:think:

God help this country...

Lazy afternoon

*"Word" of Himself who became flesh, that seperate unity emptied of Divinity that He be made vulnerable to failure as Adam..


The Word never emptied Himself of Divinity.

The man Jesus emptied Himself.

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

Cross Reference

New member
The Word never emptied Himself of Divinity.

The man Jesus emptied Himself.

The Word Jesus who was not vulnerable to failure, emptied Himself to become the man Jesus who was. The success of the man Jesus is what makes Him so praise worthy of the Father and is our example of how a son is brought unto glory cf Heb.2:10 (KJV). Redemption is something God could never have done of Himself from His Throne. One might say that God subordinated Himself to the Flesh of Jesus. Need more scripture? Here:

Php 2:5 Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Php 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
Php 2:7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
Php 2:8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Php 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:
Php 2:10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

One more: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. . . . . . And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, [on the Mt Transfiguration] the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:1,14(KJV)
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Cross Reference

New member
This bit has to stop. This thread has been moved into ECT. One rule here is discussion rather than banter (which a good much of this is). It can slip through without infraction, but this thread is not about overt contesting of a triune view. If I remember, CR is one-ness. You'd both have to be considered guests in thread. Ask, then ask about counterpoints that don't make sense to you. Ask for explanation, but remember it isn't up for attack any longer in this section, like other threads on TOL. Each of you may have one thread in the religion section against the triune view (again not the ECT section). Other than this specific one, however, your other posts are fine as far as not necessarily supporting, but not detracting from the thread intent. I would ask that it be kept to a minimum out of courtesy. It is supposed to be a supportive and reference thread. -Lon

Only because you must believe I am "one-ness" to you accuse me. I am NOT one-ness but every bit a Trinitary you can't/won't recognize because YOU DEEM unfit to be exceptable, by your learned [Calvin] conception, my expressed understanding of the scriptures... One more time: I am NOT one-ness and I have never given you reason to believe otherwise. Therefore, your willful misunderstanding lies with you. . . and for reasons I don't understand if you are a confessing Christian. Perhaps if you had paid better attention to what I was saying and not be so quick to prejudge to make yourself look good, we might have been able to discuss as brothers.
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