On Rape


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Hall of Fame
Are rape victims at fault only if they put themselves in situations where the possibility of rape may be higher?

rape victims are at fault for putting themselves in situations were the possibility of rape may be higher

please read that carefully


Well-known member
So, only women are responsible for their behavior? A man is allowed to engage in reprehensible behavior if he is tempted?

Don't go near the deep end if you're' going to dive in like that. :nono:

I didn't even come close to saying anything even close to that, Bybee. The righteous indignation is misplaced.

I never claimed the victim was the perpetrator, but she most certainly can be at fault.

Do not tell me what to do.

Well then....let me try your method:

So, I am not allowed to tell you not to jump to conclusions like you did with my post? So, perhaps I should never post anything in case I slip up and say the wrong thing?


New member
rape victims are at fault for putting themselves in situations were the possibility of rape may be higher

please read that carefully

I do not blame the victim of a crime. But, I certainly instructed my daughters to be very careful where they put themselves. When they were dating I sat by the phone. They knew that we would be there in a flash if need be.


Well-known member
Are rape victims at fault only if they put themselves in situations where the possibility of rape may be higher?

Let's put it this way. I decide to walk through Harlem decked out in my diamonds and furs because I want to see how they live there. It's dark and the streets are deserted, so I should be safe. Oops, big mistake. I'm jumped, robbed of my diamonds and furs and thrown onto the ground like a piece of trash. Am I at fault? Of course I am. So are the guys that robbed me, but that does not take away my fault in what happened to me.

Common sense.


New member
I do not blame the victim of a crime. But, I certainly instructed my daughters to be very careful where they put themselves. When they were dating I sat by the phone. They knew that we would be there in a flash if need be.


New member
Let's put it this way. I decide to walk through Harlem decked out in my diamonds and furs because I want to see how they live there. It's dark and the streets are deserted, so I should be safe. Oops, big mistake. I'm jumped, robbed of my diamonds and furs and thrown onto the ground like a piece of trash. Am I at fault? Of course I am. So are the guys that robbed me, but that does not take away my fault in what happened to me.

Common sense.
No brainer.

What about frat parties?

All parties drunk and woman gets gang raped?


Well-known member
No brainer.

What about frat parties?

All parties drunk and woman gets gang raped?

Rape is never okay. That does not mean women aren't at fault when they make poor decisions.

Sometimes our poor decisions result in things we don't like, and we're just thankful we lived through it. We can drive home drunk and get a DUI. We can end up getting pregnant. Suffering the natural consequences for what we do is a very broad spectrum. People used to say, "Well, what did you expect would happen?"


Well-known member
You put these on the same level? Interesting....

No, that was the example I used to begin with. I was merely coming up with one example and look how much it's been blown out of proportion. They really do have frat parties with strippers and lap dances and pole dancing. That was my EXAMPLE of when women can be at fault. Not the sole fault...I never said that. I'm not putting anything on the same level....believe me, nothing is on the same level as pole dancing. :chuckle: