Name The Song With 1 Line


Well-known member
O Jesus, my Lord and Saviour,
Who gavest Thy life for me,
No room in my heart for pleasures
That have not their trust in Thee;
Earth has no abiding city,
Not here is my place of rest,
I seek for a brighter country,
A home with the pure and blest.

The world like a dream will vanish,
The hope like the years decay,
Its beauties like dewy blossoms
Will wither and pass away;
But Thou wilt abide unchanging,
My sure defense wilt be;
O Jesus my Lord and Saviour,
I'm trusting alone in Thee.

O what are the toils and labors,
The crosses that now I bear.
Compared with the crown immortal
Laid up for my soul to wear?
'Twill matter to me but little,
What conflicts I have passed,
When, after the strife is ended,
I rest at Thy feet at last.

And O, when my course is finished,
And victor's palm I wave,
To Thee will I give the glory,
O Thou, who art mighty to save,
To Thee will I give the glory,
O Thou, who art mighty to save.
—Fanny Crosby


Well-known member
O fathomless mercy, O infinite grace
In humble thanksgiving the road I re-
Thou never hast failed me, my Strength
and my Stay;
To whom should I turn for the rest of
the way?

Through danger, through darkness, by
day and by night
Thou ever has guided and guided
I have trusted in Thee and peacefully
My hand in Thy hand for the rest of the

Thy cross all my refuge, Thy blood all
my plea
None other I need, blessed Jesus, but
I fear not the shadows at the close of
life's day
For Thou wilt go with me the rest of
the way.
—Laura Kern Sawyier

George Affleck

TOL Subscriber
What a wonderful Saviour!!!

Christ has for sin atonement made
What a wonderful Savior!
We are redeemed, the price is paid
What a wonderful Savior!


What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Jesus!
What a wonderful Savior is Jesus, my Lord!

I praise Him for the cleansing blood
What a wonderful Savior!
That reconciled my soul to God
What a wonderful Savior!

He cleansed my heart from all its sin
What a wonderful Savior!
And now He reigns and rules therein
What a wonderful Savior!

He walks beside me in the way:
What a wonderful Savior!
And keeps me faithful day by day;
What a wonderful Savior!

He gives me overcoming power
What a wonderful Savior!
And triumph in each trying hour
What a wonderful Savior!

To Him I’ve given all my heart:
What a wonderful Savior!
The world shall never share a part:
What a wonderful Savior!