My Experience of a Far Left, SJW Infested University Campus


Well-known member
I would take exception to this comment from his opening post:

"it is also treated as an immutable fact that we live in a rape culture. This in turn leads on to the presumption that all men are potential rapists who need to be "taught not to rape".

Considering the recent degeneration and scorn towards rape victims that we have recently witnessed in several threads, it's fairly obvious that rapists need to be taught and repeatedly told that rape is never acceptable and purely the fault of the rapist.

Rape victims were not denigrated or scorned. Pointing out that strippers and prostitutes can very well contribute to their being raped is a fact.

AND repeatedly telling rapists that rape isn't acceptable will never teach rapists not to rape. This is exactly the foolishness that Pete is talking about. Thanks, Rusha, for providing us with proof that such thinking exists.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Ah yes, a "liberal tilt" (Note how TH downplays the intolerant-jack booted thug-leftwing indoctrination of youth on college and university campuses by using the term "liberal tilt").

Nothing like rationality to make a thing plain as can be. And that was certainly nothing like it.

Call it what you like ("a liberal tilt") the fact is that college and university campuses (as shown through the 3 websites that I posted) are leftwing indoctrination centers. If you can refute that statement, do so.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
There is no need to talk about homosexuality, as you've been very open about your beliefs on that subject:

Here's what you wrote then and my response to it as noted:

Try and twist your debate with Huckleberry on
homosexual 'marriage' all that you want, the evidence has been provided (on numerous occasions) that you defend it.

I could show all of the LGBTQ clubs on college and university campuses, but then that wouldn't be talking about your favorite subject:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd love to talk about how colleges and universities are defending the barbarians who call themselves "Muslim". Care to engage in a debate over that subject?

You haven't demonstrated the ability to debate or to even differ honestly. Why on earth would I do more than I'm doing now in relation to your nonsense?

I'll close by commenting on what originally caught my eye in your first post: Being a "lamb".

As mentioned before, lamb's (sheep) are herded. They're followers not warriors. If Pete and anyone else who stands for decency want to change our current immoral climate on college and university campuses, he'll need to be an outspoken warrior, not a herded sheep.


I would take exception to this comment from his opening post:

"it is also treated as an immutable fact that we live in a rape culture. This in turn leads on to the presumption that all men are potential rapists who need to be "taught not to rape".

Considering the recent degeneration and scorn towards rape victims that we have recently witnessed in several threads, it's fairly obvious that rapists need to be taught and repeatedly told that rape is never acceptable and purely the fault of the rapist.

It's because of things like the atrocious idea that men should be taught not to rape which leads men to not really care about women being victims. A man doesn't get any support for violence done to them- they are men. But when a woman is assaulted, we're supposed to be assumed as savages to be trained not to assault them?

Perhaps we should teach women to not be oppressive idolatresses and slatterns. You and other feminists might actually get somewhere if you stopped with this nonsense.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Call it what you like ("a liberal tilt") the fact is that college and university campuses (as shown through the 3 websites that I posted) are leftwing indoctrination centers. If you can refute that statement, do so.
I don't have to refute a point that hasn't been had you attended a decent university and taken a statistics course along with a course in logic you'd realize what you haven't accomplished and why (see: distinguishing rules from anecdote and the importance of source material).

Try and twist your debate with Huckleberry on
homosexual 'marriage' all that you want,
I don't have to and you're the one desperately reading in while ignoring a fairly plain response to you on the point and one I've made many times in discussing the subject.

Rejecting poor arguments within the framework of the law isn't an attack on moral objection. I don't pander, which is why I get called a liberal by you and an apologist for the Christian right by Pure.

the evidence has been provided (on numerous occasions) that you defend it.
What's clear is my reason and my moral position have been stated repeatedly and you simply don't have an answer for it, so you try this sort of dishonest thing.

I could show all of the LGBTQ clubs on college and university campuses, but then that wouldn't be talking about your favorite subject: you.
So far you're the one mostly talking a great deal about me. I don't think you're altogether altogether.

I'll close by commenting on what originally caught my eye in your first post: Being a "lamb".
In approach. It helps when you have a context. Like this, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:6

As mentioned before, lamb's (sheep) are herded.
Answered prior and above.

They're followers not warriors.
Skirting blasphemy noted.
If Pete and anyone else who stands for decency want to change our current immoral climate on college and university campuses, he'll need to be an outspoken warrior, not a herded sheep.
You just don't know, literally don't understand what was said. Your bias blinders won't allow it. And that's a tragedy a good education could have helped you avoid. By the way, most of the greatest conservative minds going have survived and prospered from a liberal education, taken tools from it they employ to their benefit.


Well-known member
I don't think he is biased. He has suffered oppression.
Haven't we all?

When we're the 'odd man out' we all think we're being oppressed. Hyper-conservatives think everyone else is hyper-liberal. When really most everyone else is moderate, with a few hyper-liberals thrown in. And I think this is what's happening, here.

College students tend to be ideological, because they're young, and because they can afford to be idealistic while they're still single and not working every day to raise a family. That doesn't mean they're bad. It just means they're young and idealistic. And most young idealists tend to be liberal. Especially those who have access to higher education. So naturally a hyper-conservative like LMOHM is going to see himself as being surrounded by hyper-liberals, in college.

But it doesn't really mean a whole lot. It's just the bias of each perspective, clashing. I don't think he's being "oppressed". I think he's just feeling intimidated because he's the 'odd man out'.


And a good education could have helped you avoid being so pompous, I'm sure. That's another thing these liberal colleges produce.

LOL! It would be interesting to see a list of courses that TH took at the liberal indoctrination center that he attended. I doubt "How to avoid being pompous 101" is on the list.


I think when you go in expecting to find demons hiding behind every bush, and lurking is every phrase you hear, then you will find exactly what you expected. Because you set yourself up to ignore everything else.

And to a misogynist, everything will look like "feminism". So perhaps you should spend more time considering the bias in your own eyes, and less time focusing on the bias in everyone else's?

Feminism is one of the golden calves of SJW's, and they all attempt to connect to each other. I even saw a video of two girls, one white and one black, talking about how black women suffer worse sexism.

Down the rabbit hole of SJW absurdity, everything looks like 'racism' and 'sexism'.
But, not 'misandry' or hatred of whites, right? :doh:


New member
Haven't we all?

When we're the 'odd man out' we all think we're being oppressed. Hyper-conservatives think everyone else is hyper-liberal. When really most everyone else is moderate, with a few hyper-liberals thrown in. And I think this is what's happening, here.

College students tend to be ideological, because they're young, and because they can afford to be idealistic while they're still single and not working every day to raise a family. That doesn't mean they're bad. It just means they're young and idealistic. And most young idealists tend to be liberal. Especially those who have access to higher education. So naturally a hyper-conservative like LMOHM is going to see himself as being surrounded by hyper-liberals, in college.

But it doesn't really mean a whole lot. It's just the bias of each perspective, clashing. I don't think he's being "oppressed". I think he's just feeling intimidated because he's the 'odd man out'.

I think you don't know the whole story.


like marbles on glass
My 'unorthodox' viewpoint has become what they define me by.

So as a result of your experience, I imagine you'd find it much easier to empathize with someone who's been marginalized for their own 'unorthodox' viewpoint?

Slowly but surely, people who considered me a friend at the start of the course are dropping like flies.

After only five months, could it be possible they were more acquaintances and fellow students than friends?

This is just some of my experience of life at university so far. If it's happening here in the UK, I'm pretty sure it's happening over there in the USA too.

My campus has about 35K students. Near the end of the last semester I passed a couple of guys standing with a big banner saying something to the effect that people were going to hell if they didn't repent. I wanted to stay and see how things went for them (I was definitely thinking of TOL), maybe even talk to them, but I had to get to class. As I passed by, there were a couple students chatting with them, and everyone else was doing what I was doing - just walking by. No oppression, no verbal abuse. That's been my experience here, while that there are a lot of different opinions, students overall are pretty tolerant of the differences between.


Down the rabbit hole of SJW absurdity, everything looks like 'racism' and 'sexism'.
But, not 'misandry' or hatred of whites, right? :doh:

Type "college courses on racism and sexism" into a internet search engine and see what you come up with, and then tell us that the left's obsession with those subjects is just a figment of our imagination.


Well-known member
I think you don't know the whole story.
I think LMOHM isn't seeing the whole story, and so is not conveying the whole story to us. And then some of us are taking that ball of vagueness and running with it. As is often the case with such stories.


like marbles on glass
I think LMOHM isn't seeing the whole story, and so is not conveying the whole story to us. And then some of us are taking that ball of vagueness and running with it. As is often the case with such stories.

Sometimes it can be a bit of an eye-opening experience for a white Christian male to experience a little marginalization.


...My campus has about 35K students. Near the end of the last semester I passed a couple of guys standing with a big banner saying something to the effect that people were going to hell if they didn't repent. I wanted to stay and see how things went for them (I was definitely thinking of TOL), maybe even talk to them, but I had to get to class. As I passed by, there were a couple students chatting with them, and everyone else was doing what I was doing - just walking by. No oppression, no verbal abuse. That's been my experience here, while that there are a lot of different opinions, students overall are pretty tolerant of the differences between.

Such a heartwarming story anna. And now for the truth:

Edit. I removed the video due to profanity. Too bad, as it was informative.


Sorry, not interested. I already know what it's like on a college campus.

It's certainly not the horror you want it to be.

You are correct anna: I don't want college campuses, i.e. politically correct leftwing indoctrination centers to continue to be the horrible institutions that they are.

Kudos to Pete for bringing this subject up.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
And a good education could have helped you avoid being so pompous, I'm sure.
No, my education would have had no appreciable impact on your judgement or manners.

LOL! It would be interesting to see a list of courses that TH took at the liberal indoctrination center that he attended. I doubt "How to avoid being pompous 101" is on the list.
That reminds me...

I won't feed my good friend TH's ego by making this thread about him.
That was funny. :plain: Do it again.

Darned if you didn't. :D