Muslims murder in Denmark


Well-known member
In other words, even though you can see with your eyes what predominantly funadementalist muslims do to those who don't believe their faith, you think christianity is as dangerous without any evidence other than the thoughts of a few people on a forum, is that about right?

So based on what you actually know and have witnessed, you think they are the same. Right. Can you say intellectually dishonest?

Seems a bit irrational to me as well. But we all know AcW and Nick would use the letter of the law (government) to scare the beejjebus out of Shagster. Unlike those Muslims, who have no government sponsorship.


New member
In other words, even though you can see with your eyes what predominantly funadementalist muslims do to those who don't believe their faith, you think christianity is as dangerous without any evidence other than the thoughts of a few people on a forum, is that about right?

So based on what you actually know and have witnessed, you think they are the same. Right. Can you say intellectually dishonest?


I'm saying I want neither.

I'm saying both are undesirable.

I'm saying they are both nightmares.

I'm saying that I'll fervently fight both.

You are stuck on trying to get me to concede that Christian fundamentalists are a couple steps up from Muslim fundamentalists, and maybe they are. But it doesn't really matter when they are still so bad.

You are basically trying to convince me that living in the outer ring of Hell is better than living in the pit of it. Who cares?


New member
Hall of Fame

I'm saying I want neither.

I'm saying both are undesirable.

I'm saying they are both nightmares.

I'm saying that I'll fervently fight both.

You are stuck on trying to get me to concede that Christian fundamentalists are a couple steps up from Muslim fundamentalists, and maybe they are. But it doesn't really matter when they are still so bad.

You are basically trying to convince me that living in the outer ring of Hell is better than living in the pit of it. Who cares?

I asked you if you had to live in one of the 2 communities, which one you think you would best be able to keep your family safe in.

Sorry you are unable to be honest enough to answer my question.


New member
I asked you if you had to live in one of the 2 communities, which one you think you would best be able to keep your family safe in.

Sorry you are unable to be honest enough to answer my question.

And I've said neither.

I believe I'd be killed or jailed by both.


New member
Well since you see us as so dangerous, do you start quaking in fear when you sign in to TOL?

Why do you hang out with people you find so fear inducing?

I don't consider you a fundamentalist.

I don't fear real fundamentalists either. It would be dangerous if they were in power. Fear and danger are not the same.

patrick jane

If fundamentalist Christians were allowed to rule like the fundamentalist Muslims are in the middle east? Tough choice.

Luckily we have a secular government that allows me to not have to make that choice.

Having said that, the city I live in has a huge muslim population. The US government sends Somalian refugees here for some stupid reason. Probably because they can all work at the JBS beef plant for cheap.

But the only difference between the fundamentalist groups is that the government where the wacko Christian population is (the west) mostly keeps them in check, whereas the governments where the wacko muslims mostly reside (middle east) does not.

Imagine aCW running things in this country. I would certainly not feel safe.

good answer - :patrol:


New member
Don't break the law?

Doc, now you're being a bit dishonest. You know as well as I do, since we have so many historical examples, that if fundamentalist Christians ever got their idea of an"Christian nation", where they were in charge, the law would look nothing like what we have now. Burning at the stake for such subjective crimes as heresy would return quite quickly. Zealots of any kind aren't interested in truth or justice; power and control through fear is their endgame. Religion only gives them a means to their end.


Are you going to be one of those posters who ignores context and simply reads intent into every post?
No, but you are. The poster was simply told that he should have no fear if he doesn't break the law. He accused that person of being a member of a terrorist organization. The poster apparently lacks any respect for law. You apparently lack any sense.


New member
No, but you are. The poster was simply told that he should have no fear if he doesn't break the law. He accused that person of being a member of a terrorist organization. The poster apparently lacks any respect for law. You apparently lack any sense.

To start out, you're new, so I'll cut you some slack.

Next, Shaggy and Doc are quite familiar with each other's positions. The context was Shaggy had been hounded about who he felt safer around, fundy Muslims or fundy Christians, and he repeatedly answered, neither, especially if they were to run the government. Doc earlier had stepped in in partial support of Shaggy's point, but later made the statement in question, "Don't break the law?", but posed it as a question to illicit a response. Shaggy's method of response was phrased, "I think you just quoted the Taliban.", indicating that Doc's statement is exactly what the Taliban would say, and since a fundy Christian government's laws would look much different than those we have now, those laws would be similarly oppressive. In earlier posts Shaggy had made the point that living next to individual fundamentalist Christians in America is no different than living next to fundamentalist Muslims in America since the secular government keeps the crazies in check. This is considering context. I understand this. Shaggy understands this. And, knowing how Doc thinks I can pretty much guarantee he knows this as well. There are some here who tend to be regularly contentious and would want us to believe that they don't get it. You do not need to become one of them. Thought and research are appreciated here. So try to keep up. If you're not sure go back and review prior posts for context. With time you my begin learning individual's positions and some of the subtlties of their writing styles. Even then it is still not a good idea to presume that you know what someone else is thinking.


Shaggy's method of response was phrased, "I think you just quoted the Taliban.", indicating that Doc's statement is exactly what the Taliban would say, and since a fundy Christian government's laws would look much different than those we have now, those laws would be similarly oppressive.
Wild assumption noted.


New member
Really? Only Muslims are for laws? You want to do away with all laws? In your world rape and murder are good things?

Don't be stupid. I didn't say only Muslims are for laws or that I want to do away with laws. I'm saying that a "don't break the law" motto can be applied to any group in charge. So what? Doesn't make it all better.


Don't you want shariah law to be universal?
And, I cannot quote the Koran, but aren't you allowed to lie to save your skin or something like that?

Just askin'

Yes of course I want the will of God done on earth.

Taqiyya is not mentioned or hinted at the Quran but in Sunni Islam we are allowed to lie about our faith if we fear persecution or intolerance. That is we can act non-Muslim in word and deed to avoid death, torture or damage to property. Its better to die a martyr though, if there is nothing much to gain by lying.