Movies watched


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My neighbor won a contest and gets 30 free movies.

Been watching about 2 a day for the last several days.
Thought I would give my review on the one's I've seen.

13 Sins
A suspense thriller.
A young man down on his luck ---- just lost his job and has a pregnant wife, his retarded brother can no longer reside at the facilities that care for him so he has to move in with his brother and pregnant wife for them to take care of him.
(BTW, his wife is black, he is white).
His racist father becomes ill and also has to move in with his son and pregnant wife.

He get an anonymous phone call saying that he has been chosen to play a game with 13 tasks to complete.

His first task is to swat the fly that is buzzing around him.
He does, and his phone rings to let him know that $1000 has been accredited to his bank account.
And then reveals the next task --- eat the fly --- and he will receive $2600 to clear his credit card debt.
He eats the fly, and the phone rings announcing that the money has been accredited to his bank account.

The next the phone rings with his 3rd task, he is in a park having a picnic with his wife and her parents.
The task is to make a little child cry within 5 minutes for $5000.

Each task presents itself as even more uncomfortable for him to do than the last.
The tasks become more criminal and sadistic in nature.

If he completes all 13 tasks, he will be financially set for life.
If he fails any of the tasks, he is dropped from the game and loses everything he has gained so far.

The game was created by a select few of the most wealthy, and continues throughout the years all over the globe.
The game was first created in Rome many years ago.
It was designed to prove that anyone could be turned into a monster if they were desperate enough.

Oh, and BTW, it is promised that if he completes all 13 tasks, any criminal charges that occur while completing the task will vanish.
If he does not complete all 13 tasks, he's on his own.
But he is not told this until after he has completed several of the tasks, in which he has already accumulated over $1,000,000.

That's when things start getting really creepy.


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Kingsmen: The Secret Service

Action movie.

It's a very secret secret service that fights evil.

A young street kid is approached by a refined Englishman to recruit him for training for this secret service society.

It's like 007 on steroids!!!!!

Pretty good.
I would watch it again.


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A thriller.

A young woman is brutally attacked and raped by 4 young men.
She loses her dignity, lives in shame, and does not report it or go to the hospital.
It changed her drastically.

She meets a woman that tells her she can regain her power, and even be more powerful than she ever was before so that no one can ever take her dignity from her again.

Her drastic change becomes even more drastic as she applies her new-found wisdom.

It's kinda a mix of The Brave One and Catwoman. With a hint of The Untouchables --- as in the concept of "If one puts you in the hospital, put them in morgue".

Does this change her for the better or for the worse?

One of the catch phrases of the movie is "Evil has no mercy".

Good movie plot.
But it is not for kids.


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Exodus: Gods and Kings

A story of Moses and the Exodus of Israel from Egypt.

I liked this movie.

Although I think there will be some Christians that will object to God appearing to Moses as a young boy (around 10 years old looking), I didn't have a problem with that.
Even when Moses first has doubts (because this God is a boy), the boy then asks him, "Maybe you could tell me what I'm supposed to look like".
Good question!

The plague scenes were spectacular, as was the Red Sea moment.


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Gone Girl

A 'who done it' starring Ben Afflect.

He comes home to find his living room is disarray and his wife missing.

While she cannot officially be tagged as missing person yet, the mess in the living room does suggest something criminal happened. So the police do start to look into it.

And the secrets of their life together begin to unfold.

Good movie.


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Now You See Me

Not so much a 'who done it', but rather 'how'd they do it'.
A modern day Robin Hood story.

A group of magicians form an act together as a team.

Somehow, money is taken from the rich and powerful and distributed among the audience while they perform their act on stage.

An old magician (Morgan Freeman) tries to help the police figure out how they do it.

But the real question is not how they do it, but why.

Very good movie!


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Action movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The leader of a DEA special task force is sent to a raid on the world's deadliest drug cartels.

Their members are starting to be picked off one by one, as if someone is leaking inside information.
Who among their team is the culprit?

Not a great movie, but worth watching.


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Edge of Tomorrow

Action thriller starring Tom Cruise.

The world is being taken over by alien beings.

This movie has the concept of Groundhog Day where you get to live the same day over and over, and able to make adjustments by the mistakes leaned the previous time.

But this time, the action doesn't repeat until you are killed.
You then wake up to beginning of the action. But this time you have knowledge of what went wrong before, and can change your course of action.

Learning all the mistakes made helps Cruise take a different action each time to avoid the trap he fell into the previous time.
This helps him get closer and closer to the main threat in hopes of destroying it.

Worth watching.


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now you see me - 2nd viewing was good too
I thought about that. It's one of those movies where the pace moves so fast that you notice little things you missed in the first viewing.

I would definitely watch it again.


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John Wick

Action movie starring Keanu Reeves.

A hired killer that quit after marrying his wife.
Their life together was short lived. She contracted cancer and died.

Just a couple days after the funeral, the arrogant son of a Russian mobster stops at a gas station and spots a man driving a 1969 Ford Mustang Mach 1.
He asks to buy it.
The man says no. (The man is John Wick, but the mob son didn't know that.)
The mob son later takes a few of his thugs to John Wick's house; steals the car, and kills the dog (a beagle pup - the last present his wife gave him before she died).

When the mob father finds out what happened, he calls his son into the room to relate his disappointment.
This is when you learn just how fearful everyone is of John Wick.

He tells his son that it is not WHAT he did, but WHO he did it to.
John Wick was know in the mob circle as Baba Yaga (Russian for boogyman).
But not because they saw HIM as the booogyman, but because he was the one you called when you needed to kill the boogyman!!!!

The son tries to convince the father that he can fix it.
The father hugs him close and whispers into his ear ---- "You will do nothing, because there is nothing you can do about it. John Wick WILL come for you". And then kisses his son (as if to say 'goodbye').

John Wick comes out of retirement, but not as a hired killer, but for personal revenge. And the carnage begins.

Good movie.
I liked it.


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The Other Woman


A wife and a couple of mistresses get revenge on the cheating husband.

The movie stars Cameron Diaz as one of the mistresses.
Kate Upton plays the other mistress.
But the most striking character of the movie is the wife (played by Leslie Mann).
She is absolutely hilarious in this movie!!!


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Some TV series I've watched on Netflix and Amazon recently, and liked:

Boardwalk Empire - Steve Buscemi runs Atlantic City during prohibition. Steve Buscemi is fantastic, and the period detail is very good.

Justified - redneck cops and robbers, but with excellent actors and good writing (dialogue, especially). Walton Goggins is excellent as Boyd Crowder. But the whole cast is good.

The Good Wife - it's another lawyer drama, yes, but with excellent actors and really great writing. It's the 'gold standard' for TV drama. I'm hooked.

The Fosters - standard family drama, but with modern PC twists (gay parents, adopted and bio. kids, etc.). Yet it works for some reason. Good young actors playing the kids, and honest problems for them to grapple with from the writers. The writing is good, but could be better.

Longmire - a modernized version of "Gunsmoke". Not as good as the old Gunsmoke, but not bad, either. If you liked the old westerns (I do), this will fit the bill.

Sons of Anarchy - anarchy in that you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys, because they're all bad guys. Except when they're good. Occasionally. Nevertheless, I found it to be an interesting dynamic, with some very interesting characters.

The Inexplicable Universe - a short series of talks by Neil Degrasse-Tyson. This is an excellent series about the limitations of man's knowledge of the universe, and the wonder that inspires. Any atheist who thinks science has it all worked out really ought to watch this, because Neil has a whole 'nother think coming, for them.

House of Cards - an intense political drama, very well acted and well written. A bit dark, and dour, but nevertheless it's oddly fascinating.

Rake - an Aussie dramedy with a classic Aussie 'larrikin' as the quintessential good/bad scoundrel and hero. Richard Roxburgh does a great job playing Cleaver Greene, a bottom-feeding barrister who defends the likes of people who are charged with cannibalism and beastiality. Lots of wonderful guest stars to add to the fun.

Foyle's War - a detective show set in England during WW2. And an excellent series with good actors, excellent writing, and detailed historic sets and costumes. What TV should be!

Magic City - a bit of a 'Madmen' copycat, set in a Florida seaside hotel. Yet the period costumes, sets, and general early 60s ambiance keep it interesting.
Now You See Me

Not so much a 'who done it', but rather 'how'd they do it'.
A modern day Robin Hood story.

A group of magicians form an act together as a team.

Somehow, money is taken from the rich and powerful and distributed among the audience while they perform their act on stage.

An old magician (Morgan Freeman) tries to help the police figure out how they do it.

But the real question is not how they do it, but why.

Very good movie!
I loved this movie and did not see the ending coming. Great flik.
If you haven't seen it, watch The International. Topical story with one of the best shootouts I've ever seen. Great visuals on a world wide stage, from Turkey to New York.