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☕️ SOMETHING ISLAND ☙ Thursday, March 9, 2023 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠
Project Veritas drops a new éxpose and it's a pretty good one; DeSantis trolls groomer media; Redfield tells on Fauci; and Florida backpedals on a medical freedom bill.

In the middle of a life-or-death struggle with and public divorce from its popular founder James O’Keefe, Project Veritas released a new exposé yesterday. Parents will be satisfied that the new story confirms another alleged “conspiracy theory,” so you can check another box off your 2023 bingo card. It’s getting hard to find any remaining conspiracy theories to root for, maybe it’s time to look at the flat earth thing again.
Anyway, before I describe Project Veritas’ terrific new production, remember: corporate media has repeatedly called conservative parents conspiracy theorists for claiming that public schools are trying to secretly indoctrinate and groom their children.
Well, thanks to Project Veritas reporters, we are now past that debate.
Project Veritas’ investigative reporters secretly taped David Casamento, the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction at East Meadow Schools in Nassau County, New York. Thinking he was safe, and with a drink or two under his oversized belt, the chatty Superintendent loquaciously explained that the only way to get around parents is to secretly slip LGBT, DEI and CRT material into kids’ educations materials a little at a time, without anyone noticing:
“Educator” Casamento admitted several other reprehensible things that all right-thinking people should shun him for, such as that “politics is basically my job now,” and that he is “political in every conversation [he] has.” He also bizarrely claimed that his sexuality was important to his ability to “connect with” children, whatever THAT means. Maybe worst of all, Casemento explained he helped create and enforce a “rubric” that guarantees conservative teachers and administrators can never be employed in the district.“Here’s the thing with DEI work — if you push too hard doing the work and you get this pushback, it will be decades before you can do the work again. So, it needs to be incremental. Every district [in Nassau County] is doing it [DEI] covertly.”

Project Veritas @Project_Veritas
East Meadow School District is in Nassau County, on Long Island in New York. Dr. Dave Casamento has worked as the Asst. Superintendent since July 17th, 2017. He claims his “sexual identity” helps him make “connection with kids…”
5:08 PM ∙ Mar 8, 2023
As you can easily imagine, Nassau County parents were appalled and last night’s raucous school board meeting was LIT:

Project Veritas @Project_Veritas

3:17 AM ∙ Mar 9, 2023
It’s getting pretty hard to keep up with everything that’s being uncovered these days because news ones keep coming so fast. This story, which SHOULD be a national story — but won’t be, since corporate media is 100% controlled — will surely be political dynamite in Nassau County and maybe all New York. It’s because it uncovered a clear and present danger to kids (another one!) and it will activate all honest people’s primal responses to protect children, not to mention fueling lawsuits from conservative teachers who were denied jobs in New York.