I'd love to see a breakdown by demographic, considering that the demographic most vaccine hesitant is African Americans, and the demographic that overwhelmingly votes Democrat is also African Americans.
Yeah, totally believe this one. Doesn't surprise me at all.
I concur Tomo. This is a bad parody or a real Trumpist making a fake charge who is beyond parody.I know the left is out of hand but unless she's willing to identify which School System, I call Bull.
Like @Rusha they're getting their talking points from others, "influencers" on social media, talking heads on the MSM
With loony leftists--and loony Trump!--being unable to define the word "woman," I'm not surprised.
“There are people who are destroying the Earth (…) All artists, think of the Earth. That’s why I did this. Think about the planet,” said the man in French.