I read several of the affidavits.
I noticed that some deponents admitted that the police were called to remove them from the premises and I don't think the police would have been called unnecessarily,
I noticed affidavits where whole paragraphs were crossed out and neither initialed by the deponents nor the Notarys.
I did not read any affidavit which clearly identified people who were a alleged to have broken rules.
Some Republican challengers' affidavits showed that they had been interfering with the vote counts by getting in the way of the vote counters and other staff.
I stopped reading after 9 or 10 affidavits because they just did not provide clear exact evidence of vote rigging. None of the affidavits which I read showed direct conversation to and from the deponents..... that's no good where I live and I doubt its any good in Michigan counties.
Anybody can scribble a statement and swear it in front of a Notary. Notaries are paid for each statement that they witness and countersign..... the contents can be a fairy tale and Notaries only have to ensure that the first sentences, ID of deponent and signatures are true. + money in cash register.
I suggest that you collect another 40,000 affidavits, then at least the Noraries can have a weekend in Las Vegas or something.