Mean TOL members


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
You are right now, not once have you bothered to tell beanieboy what Gos really thinks of his life.

Nineveh, you blind guide.

I got it. You think God hates me and pukes at my life.
You want me to leave some imagined "lifestyle", and then kill me.

I got it. I think you are a hate filled, unloving person that is probably more in need of God than I am.

I will pray for your hardened heart, and ask God to have mercy on your soul.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

Do you or do you not want the death of all homosexuals?

You are a vile liar.

I would support recrimalizing homosexuality, yes. It's a crime. It was for a very long time.

Tell me beanieboy, if it were a crime punishable by death, would you be doing it? Why do you see the governement putting a limit on homosexuality as such an evil thing, but your own lifestyle costs hundreds of thousands of lives, but that's ok?

*Thanks for pointing out I mispelled God :)

Cyrus of Persia

New member
I'm dissapointed that Nin is not replying to some interesting questions Beanieboy asked. Like how about those who violate Sabbath? I would appreciate if Nin would reply to it.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

I got it. You think God hates me and pukes at my life.

God loaths you.

I got it. I think you are a hate filled, unloving person that is probably more in need of God than I am.

Ok, so I'm a hate filled unloving person, but I'm a hate filled unloving person that wants to see you saved from the deathstyle you are in, and saved for eternity.

I will pray for your hardened heart, and ask God to have mercy on your soul.

Pagan gods don't like me either :)


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Cyrus of Persia

I'm dissapointed that Nin is not replying to some interesting questions Beanieboy asked. Like how about those who violate Sabbath? I would appreciate if Nin would reply to it.

Make a thread on it.


Blessed beyond measure
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Originally posted by beanieboy

It's rather interesting that I don't start threads about homosexuality. christians do. And then when I respond, I am attacked.
It's a trap. It's dishonest, really. It's on countless threads, and from what I see on TOL, should make up at least 30% of the Bible.

And you are surprised that I would respond?
Who said anybody was surprised that you responded? And you are not attacked because you respond it's what you have to say that is attacked. You know, stuff like, "I'm a good enough person for God to love me on that alone. I don't need His Son or the Sacrifice He made." Or when you use the bible to justify what you have to say and yet you, yourself, don't believe in it. Or how about when you're thinking that God is perfectly fine with homosexuals though He calls them an abomination. Yes, blatent absurdities like that should be addressed.

Originally posted by beanieboy

But why stop by condemning homosexuals? Why not go threaten people going to temple? They don't acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God, the unrepentant sinners! Are people who are Muslim? Scream in their face. Very effective. And hindis? Tell them they are going to hell, and then add a couple of "well, y'are"s to it. Very effective. Stand outside of bars, and yell, "Drunkards! Unrepentant drunkards!" I'm sure it will make you feel superior.
Where to you get the idea the only homos should be addressed? ALL who have not accepted Christ, should be addressed. You should have spent enough time on TOL by now to see that. And there are different means by which somebody should be addressed. If one is an unbeliever and yet has questions over salvation and is asking them sincerely, then he should be given sincere answers and encouraged to accept Christ so that he doesn't live an eternity apart from God. Then there are ones like you who have been given more than your fair share of sincere answers. I've seen people on here encouraging you to accept Christ and turn from your sin and they are nice about it. Does this work? Have you accepted Christ? No. You continue to mock Him, thinking that God can love you and you have no need of a sacrifice to cover that filth you live in. Those that mock God in the bible are themselves mocked as well.
I would NOT allow somebody to get away with saying lies about my Earthly father and drag his name through the dirt. I would confront them, bigtime! What makes you think I'm going to do anything less concerning a Father who loves me more than any Earthly father could and sacrificed His Son for me?

Originally posted by beanieboy
Yesterday, I decided to try out the Poly method.
Be a jerk to people, mock them, respond with "Wahhhh, Baby want her bottle" to see how effective it was.

The result?
Poly got angry.
"Got" angry and defensive? beanie, I've been nothing but angry and defensive with you for your homosexuality and thinking you know better than God. And as far as "stopped responding", puhleeze! Run from you? Apparently you and smaller are arrogant enough to think that worlds revolve around you but they don't. I have children and a household that I must run and they come first. Even as we speak I should be studying up on a Geometry lesson I'm giving my boys today but what can I say, I love truthsmacking.

Originally posted by beanieboy

Poly wants me to be under her control.
She wants me to believe exactly as she does, and I don't, so she throws a temper tantrum like a 2 yr old, cause she can't have her way.
Are you really that dense or so desperate to make your case that you must lie? Poly wants you to quit thinking that you know better than God and realize how perverted and disgusting your lifestyle is and that a sacrifice is needed to cover that filth. Christ is that sacrifice but you reject Him and choose not to accept Him. How arrogant is that?

Originally posted by beanieboy

Doesn't the bible say, "for God so loved THE WORLD"?

According to Poly, whoever wrote this is a liar, and doesn't really care about unbelievers.
Why don't you read all of the verse? Yes, God so loved the world. He had pity on it because there was no way that "it" could save itself. It was a world deserving of death for it's wickedness, so what does he do? Read on!

"...that he sent His only begotton Son". You like this verse so much yet you seem to think nothing of this great act of sending "His only begotton Son". That's HUGE! Keep reading, "...that whosoever believes on Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life." So, beanie, do you "believe on Him"? No. So, since that is the condition here, you are not part of the whosoever so you perish. Is it because Poly says so? Nope, here it is in black and white. GOD says so.

Originally posted by Chileice
The sin that Jesus most attacked was self-righteousness. He came to save sinners, not those who were "healthy" in their own eyes. I feel bad for Poly because I believe she is being deceived
by people who are leading her astray.
Just who is self-righteous here, Chileice? Have you ever seen one post that I've submitted, saying that my righteousness comes from anything I have done to earn it? NO, and you never will! I have claimed nothing but Christ alone and His sacrifice for my righteousness. On the other hand, beanieboy claims that he does not need Christ. He thinks that he can be "good enough" for God to accept Him apart from Christ. I'd say that is pretty much a slap in the face to God, wouldn't you? I seem to recall the Pharisees thinking that they didn't need Christ as well and that their works would make them good enough. Yes, Christ came to attack self-righteousness. So what makes beanieboy exempt from this?
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New member
I'm done.

I decided to participate in this thread, and show Poly how awful it is to take off the kid gloves, and start name calling, mocking with everything by saying, Wahhhhh, boohoooooo.

It accomplishes nothing, and if anything, makes the person even more resistent.

There is a story about a competition between the sun and the wind to see who could take a man's coat off. The wind blew hard, and the harder he blew, the tighter the man wrapped it around his body.
Exhausted, he told the sun to try, and the sun simply came out, and shown down on the man, who became hot, and took off his coat.

There is a moral to be learned there.

But I was eating in my favorite Vietnamese Pho restaurant, and saw this book about the Kaballah of The Lord's Prayer. I thought it odd, so I read it. And it said, "Holy be thy name" was about the chakra related to the mouth, about holiness, and purity.
Jesus said, when condemned for not washing his hands before eating, that dirt passes through the body, but that which comes out of the mouth, when it is vile, and evil, and spiteful, and harmful, dirties the soul - and does not pass through.

I feel that, while I may believe these things - that one may be a blind, arrogant boob, or a liar, or what have you, that the more I used these words, the more I was filled with rage, and the more resentment I had toward these people. At times, even when I knew it was wrong, I would think of the thread of "Man kills christian girl" and think "well, there's a step in the right direction." I was filled with anger. I was filled with anger at people, even wanting the deathsquad christians to be killed themselves. In short, it was a cancer that started turning me into one of them.

So, I'm done.

As for anyone else, you have free will.
Listen to my words, and take them or leave them.
It's your soul, and your decision.

It seems that this spiteful way of conversing not only is futile in helping others to turn to God, but also seems to destroy and muddy your own soul, and turn you away from God yourself.



Merely Christian
Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself.


Greetings CoP

Credit to you for persistence.
Rom 3:23: "since ALL HAVE sinned and fall short of the glory of God". It talks about HUMANS who are sinning, not about the sin within us that is sinning.

I understand that you cannot see the difference between MANkind and what MANkind is bound with. Romans 7:17, 20-21 is A GOOD LOOK. Paul NEVER called himself SIN but identified SIN INDWELLING as NOT HIM.

NOW when you can MAKE PAUL say HE WAS SIN INDWELLING then you will have your first point. It cannot be done.

Secondly IF YOU INSIST that you are THE SINNER then you should read 1 John 3:6 and then tell me IF YOU KNOW GOD. John should STOP YOU IN YOUR TRACKS.

You have your assignment Agent Cyrus.

quote from smaller
I do not deny eternal torture NOR do I explain it away. It was always meant for the devil and his messengers.

The passages are written AGAINST sin indwelling and evil present. The spiritual meaning is not against mankind.
The literal is.

Thank you. You are getting better at this.
But it doesnt mean that i agree with that.

It doesn't matter if it is the truth.

quote from smaller
This is only how you are allowed to see it. Jesus saw these things dwelling in people and spoke to them continually and cast them out. He ALWAYS separated SIN from PEOPLE. That is why ALL SINS including blasphemy will NOT be held against people and it was JESUS who said so. What more do you want?
When Jesus said "go and sin no more", He was not talking with Sin indwelling in person, but with person himself.

In the LIGHT of His Word we are allowed to SEE SIN and WAR with it. The Victory is gained IN HIS LOVE TO ALL first to ourselves, and then to others. There is no other reason to follow Jesus apart from His Love to ALL. His Love is ALL that has mattered. All that matters. All that ever will matter. God IS Love.

quote from smaller
Listen, I'm not going to listen to your grovel. The Truth is written on this matter and your imaginations where you are led astray by SIN INDWELLING and EVIL PRESENT is OF THE DEVIL. Your "thoughts" are subject to being LED ASTRAY and manipulated by THESE THINGS.
And you think that your spiritual interpretation of the topic is not the fruit of your own thoughts?

I have provided WORD positions only. This is not something I have magically come up with. It was this way from the beginning.

quote from smaller
And you are trying to JUSTIFY HOMOSEXUALITY. Sorry, this cannot be done using God's Word. Sorry.
Not with the Bible, yes.

Again BRAVO.

Now if you want to stray from The Word on this subject that is your prerogative. I have no interest in what MEN think.
But as we see changes in NT understanding about The Law (of course if we are able to see them), then we are made to quess: did the changes ended with closed NT canon, or is God speaking us in new way even today?

That is what think YOU SEE. Nowhere is BREAKING THE LAW EVER condoned in the N.T. ever. Better men then you have tried to make this case BECAUSE THEY CANNOT PERFORM UNDER IT so they DENY IT.

This is a FALSE WAY and a DEAD END.

quote from smaller
If that were the case The Law is passed BUT that is not what Jesus said either nor did Paul nor did John. The Law Stands and it CAN AND IS fulfilled IN US BY US.
Jesus clarified the Law. Paul said: "For Christ is the end of the law, that every one who has faith may be justified" (Rom 10:4) and "So that the law was our custodian until Christ came, that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian" (Gal 3:24-25).

Ah ha. But you see SIN INDWELLING US and EVIL PRESENT with us REMAINS under the law. If you do not believe this try murdering someone and SEE HOW FREE FROM THE LAW you really are.

quote from smaller
I am not going to take the time to cite you the MULTIPLE TEXTS that show homosexuality A SIN. If you have not got that far on the subject you are over your head anyway.
Have i said ANYWHERE that homosexuality was not sin in biblical times?

If you want to make your case APART FROM THE WORD then you are making a POSITION OF THE WORLD.

I am not interested in such things. What do I care of trying to CONTROL SIN. The MORE the LAW is applied to it THE STRONGER IT GETS and THE MORE IT MULTIPLIES.

And APART FROM THE LAW it grows as well. Satan does have children and WEEDS REPRODUCE as well eh???
But i did NOT asked about homosexuality here. I asked to what LAW are you referring all the time. Why dont you answer to it finally?

Do your own word search on it.

Just plug in MEN LIE and you'll find it. Then you can name the law whatever you want. I am not interested in slicing and dicing the law with you. Ceremonial, Levitical, Noahide, whatever.

Jesus called these things THE LAW and THE PROPHETS and that they ALL SPOKE OF HIM.
And: "I understand The Law is a little overwhelming as a topic" is not the answer, because it could happen that we are talking about different laws unless you explain yourself.

You cannot make ANY of God's Word go away so IF your track here is to say that THE LEVITICAL LAWS are ONLY FOR THE FLESH OF ISRAEL you are wasting your time.

It is ALL GOD'S WORD and AS SUCH IT ALL STANDS as current for today as it was when it was delivered and it WILL STAND IN THE FUTURE as well.

quote from smaller
When a person eats pork sin indwelling them SINs in the flesh.
Are you blind? Can't you see that eating pork is not SIN in NT. How do you explain THAT?

IF ANY MAN falsely alters God's Laws they are in ERROR. If you think that PETERS SHEET denies the law it does not. If you think that because the Apostles did not REQUIRE THE LAW to be followed by the gentiles THIS DOES NOT SET ASIDE THE LAW either.

The Law stands exactly as written.
When i talk that death is the penalty of sin, i talk about the same thing, and still you opposed to this idea and said that sin within us is paying the penalty. It's all about language, while the essence seems to be same.

What you are saying is that for your TEMPORAL CRIME you should pay AN ETERNAL PENALTY? I say this type of measure is A FALSE measure.

Sin, evil, and death will be eternally PUNISHED/ANNIHILATED. It was GOD HIMSELF who created ALL THINGS. When He is finished USING THESE THINGS they will be set aside. They are not of the Eternal nor are they FIT to EXIST in ETERNITY as ETERNITY.

quote from smaller
When a person dies they are separated from their sins. (Romans 6:7)
If you read this verse in context you see that it is not talking about our physical death, but our death with Christ.

This is an accounted or reckoned position while we are still in the flesh, but it is a reality of the flesh as well. He was talking about PHYSICAL DEATH. The SAME PHYSICAL DEATH that JESUS suffered.
As He died in cross, so did we. As He was rised from the dead, so were we. We are identified with His death and resurrection.

Exactly the point, but you see nowhere is the threat of SINNING in the believer (or anyone else) REMOVED while we are still attached to OUR MORTAL BODIES.
And you say that you are one of those absolutists, who think that they own the truth and those who oppose their ideas are wrong?

I understand you are looking for the FLAWS in this position. You have made your attempts to DENY the law. You have made your attempts to DENY THE WORD. You have made your attempts to MAKE HOMOSEXUALITY not be a SIN. In the end you will ACCUSE me of being various things for whatever reason. I am only interested in what THE WORD has to say about all these things.
IF so, then you arent better than any fundy and it's useless to waste our time on this matter, because you are so right in your own eyes.

Are you going to condemn me to burn forever now CoP??? I see God's Wisdom in these matters. What is that to you?

quote from smaller
So are condemned ALL humans, because ALL have sinned, but God loves us even if we are sinners. That's why He payed the prize in the Cross so we all might recieve mercy.

God BOUND men TO disobedience. You want to BLUR these lines. I do not have to. I see ALL PEOPLE as GOD'S CHILDREN and as such THEY ARE PERFECT, even while they are BEING PERFECTED by this exercise of TEMPORAL LIFE bound with our ENEMIES. Longsuffering is not a short lesson.




Greetings NIN

Originally posted by smaller
Can you find a SINGLE PLACE where I have CONDONED HOMOSEXUALITY? Why do you attempt to accuse me of such?
You are right now, not once have you bothered to tell beanieboy what God really thinks of his life.

God HAS CONDEMNED ALL SIN, including YOURS. I do NOT condone homosexuality NOR promote it. YOUR false attempt to SMEAR me on this just shows you as a typical pharisee.

Some people sins (like beanieboys) come before him. Some follow after, but sooner or later ALL is revealed. You think yourself FREE FROM SIN??? Then you are SORELY DECEIVED.

quote from smaller
Are you SINLESS little Ms. Condemnation of others???
Thank God I met the Law before I met you, or else I would still be in my sin, unsaved, and a stranger to Christ. I have been humbled, washed and forgiven. You?

I believe what John wrote was TRUTH. We cannot say WE HAVE NO SIN.


If you think your are SINLESS then your are DECEIVED. It might make you "feel clean and sqeaky" but it is NOT THE TRUTH.





New member
And there are different means by which somebody should be addressed. If one is an unbeliever and yet has questions over salvation and is asking them sincerely, then he should be given sincere answers and encouraged to accept Christ so that he doesn't live an eternity apart from God. Then there are ones like you who have been given more than your fair share of sincere answers. I've seen people on here encouraging you to accept Christ and turn from your sin and they are nice about it. Does this work? Have you accepted Christ? No. You continue to mock Him, thinking that God can love you and you have no need of a sacrifice to cover that filth you live in. Those that mock God in the bible are themselves mocked as well.

When will you get it through your thick skull that it is your version of the Good News that is in error - it is you who have rejected Christ, and it is you who thinks that being belligerent towards people and bringing reprisals to yourself is an indication that you are a follower of Jesus... Jesus was offensive - and if you read your Bible you will find that Jesus was most offensive to people like you!

I am writing this for the benefit of beanieboy - it would take about six months of deprogramming yourself Poly to be able to see clearly what is actually in the Bible - you are so full of piss and vinegar, you may need a lifetime of being an atheist to clear the slate so your mind could properly digest Spiritual Truth - I give up on you, but with God all things are possible - do you ever notice that some people who post here say that once they were of the same mindset as you - but by the help of a very special person they pulled out of their misconceptions - It is a long haul for you to get back to the surface - I will remember you in prayer.

With Christ's Love



New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

Since he heard the sound of the trumpet but did not take warning, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself.

And some of the seeds feel on hard ground, and did not grow, and were eaten by birds...

You may want to do some introspection, my friend.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by smaller


The Law lead me to that conclusion, not you. You are too busy telling folks they don't need to repent. You are busy telling Poly and others to hush about this fact. I was convicted by the Law, not "tolerant" Christians.

I do NOT condone homosexuality NOR promote it. YOUR false attempt to SMEAR me on this just shows you as a typical pharisee.

Why on earth are you telling me?! Tell beanieboy! Better yet, leave you out of it and tell him what God says.

Some people sins (like beanieboys) come before him. Some follow after, but sooner or later ALL is revealed. You think yourself FREE FROM SIN??? Then you are SORELY DECEIVED.

I'll follow Paul's example, "should we continue in sin so that grace might abound? No." Unfortunatly though, beanieboy chooses to be outside of even God's grace by denying Christ.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by beanieboy

And some of the seeds feel on hard ground, and did not grow, and were eaten by birds...

I tend to think the Gospel falling on your heart is exacly as you just described.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

I tend to think the Gospel falling on your heart is exacly as you just described.

Thank you for your concern.
I will pray and meditate on it, and ask God to show me Truth.

May the Spirit be with you.


Merely Christian

May the True and Righteous Creator God send you His Spirit to lead you into all Truth. I hope you will meditate on His Words He had written down that speak directly to you.


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh
Why on earth are you telling me?! Tell beanieboy! Better yet, leave you out of it and tell him what God says.

I believe he is trying to take a speck out of your eye.
He is trying to edify you.

But instead, you point to me.
I've made it clear, I deny Jesus, I deny your version of God, etc.
But yesterday, I thanked my version of God for the sweet smell of lilacs, and for the warm summer breeze on my face, as ww had, and I was so happy just being with God.

Now, while, in your opinion, I'm taking a subway to hell, can you also not see that it is possible that you have some imperfection, if only a slight one, that may make you a better tool for God to use?

Don't walk away from criticism, or try to assuage guilt by pointing to another. Take it or leave it, but listen to it at the very least.

God may be speaking to you.