McCabe fired


Well-known member
You think Tambora isn't serious on having laws that completely crack down on "sexual misconduct" GD? What, is she just having a laugh when she witters on about how people should be locked up for having sex outside of marriage?

How in the world would I know what a "witter" is?

Nobody, remotely, asked you to know any such thing.


You asked if she laughed when she "witters on"?

Now you tell me how I can answer that question? Maybe she laughs when she doesn't "witter on".

I'm not about to answer a question when I have no clue what it is you're talking about. :duh:


Well-known member
Oh, so you think Tam isn't serious about having laws that criminalize adultery and sex outside of marriage then? Really?

I didn't read her posts in context, so I can't answer that. I know how you boys twist stuff, though. I've seen how you've all managed to twist what you think I've said or believed, for instance. I doubt there is one among you who can get the story straight.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I didn't read her posts in context, so I can't answer that. I know how you boys twist stuff, though. I've seen how you've all managed to twist what you think I've said or believed, for instance. I doubt there is one among you who can get the story straight.

'In context' she's been about as clear as it gets. She supports making anything outside of heterosexual married relations a crime and you darned well know this. If not then get up to speed and see what your buddy actually represents cos if you're not on board with her views then you may as well be supporting "sexual misconduct".


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You asked if she laughed when she "witters on"?

Now you tell me how I can answer that question? Maybe she laughs when she doesn't "witter on".

I'm not about to answer a question when I have no clue what it is you're talking about. :duh:

No I didn't.


She may well do but I didn't ask any such question.

The Barbarian

"Worships"......are you boys having a contest to see who is the bigger dummy?

Tambora claims that she wants adulterers jailed. Trump is a serial adulterer, who has betrayed three wives in turn. Tambora wants Trump to be president of the United States.

Yep. Hero-worship in the first degree, as I said.

patrick jane

Tambora claims that she wants adulterers jailed. Trump is a serial adulterer, who has betrayed three wives in turn. Tambora wants Trump to be president of the United States.

Yep. Hero-worship in the first degree, as I said.
You and your protege jgard the cartoon boy despise your President. You try to take genuine respect and love for our President and turn it into something it's not. People don't worship Trump any more that you worship Obama the Kenyan. We have a healthy affection for Donald John Trump, you have an unhealthy obsession.


New member
You and your protege jgard the cartoon boy despise your President. You try to take genuine respect and love for our President and turn it into something it's not. People don't worship Trump any more that you worship Obama the Kenyan. We have a healthy affection for Donald John Trump, you have an unhealthy obsession.

I'm sure it looks that way to you. But there is a key difference. The things that people liked about Obama were based largely in reality, and the things (many of which you just mentioned) that people hated about him were fabrications. For Trump, it's just exactly the opposite.

patrick jane

I'm sure it looks that way to you. But there is a key difference. The things that people liked about Obama were based largely in reality, and the things (many of which you just mentioned) that people hated about him were fabrications. For Trump, it's just exactly the opposite.
Funny how that works. We both see the opposite in two different men.


New member
Funny how that works. We both see the opposite in two different men.

So, stop buying into the fabrications. It's not as if you can't figure out the truth, if you're willing to risk your political allegiance.

Would you abandon a political identity if it could be proven to you to be founded fundamentally on a lie?

patrick jane

So, stop buying into the fabrications. It's not as if you can't figure out the truth, if you're willing to risk your political allegiance.

Would you abandon a political identity if it could be proven to you to be founded fundamentally on a lie?
I would, but you don't. It's already been proven that the leaks are all from the dems and all the corruption found throughout the democratic party, DOJ and FBI are all your people, your heroes. There is NADA on Trump but you cling to your ideologies and political suicide mission.


New member
I would, but you don't.

That, in itself, is a fantasy. I do, and I have in the past, when it was warranted.

It's already been proven that the leaks are all from the dems and all the corruption found throughout the democratic party,


DOJ and FBI are all your people, your heroes.

That's just about the silliest thing I've ever heard. Virtually all of the people at the top of the DOJ and FBI are Republican Trump appointees. That you buy into Trump's obviously self-serving narrative that they're all Democrats is a function of your unwavering supplication, but there's no truth to it.

There is NADA on Trump but you cling to your ideologies and political suicide mission.

Again, this is clearly not true, and many of the things that I have told you were going to happen over the past year have come to pass (Flynn becoming a felon, for instance). You don't seem to be interested in the truth.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Tambora claims that she wants adulterers jailed. Trump is a serial adulterer, who has betrayed three wives in turn. Tambora wants Trump to be president of the United States.

Yep. Hero-worship in the first degree, as I said.

I'm with Tam, I want Trump for another term in 2020. So, what do ya think of me now? I expect you to answer, this one.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Um, none at all. Have you been hitting the bottle?! Or is it that you're just uncomfortable with the obvious context and want to distance yourself away from the crackpot views of your friend? This really the best ya got?

If you need any help with your version of so-called wit, give me a PM and I'll see if I can help you out?