ECT MADists don't follow Paul


Well-known member
Jesus preached the mysteries in parables.

The seals were unsealed and given to John. The seals didn't contain mysteries of the kingdom, they contained what was about to happen to the Jews, Judah, Jerusalem, etc.

in Acts 1:7 KJV why does Jesus tell them they were not to know this? Hence how do we resolve the difference first one says that these mysteries have been spoken,known then Jesus tells them (even after the d.b.r.) that they don't,,,who do we believe?

Cross Reference

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Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post
Hey TeT, where did you pick up that preterist false doctrine?
Where did you pick up yours? "Easy believism-cheap grace", isn't in the scriptures.
Salvation cannot be for anyone who is not desirous of knowing God as Father.


In Acts 2 when they did receive the Holy Ghost do you think they received it at that time and understood?

Yes, Pentecost was the beginning for understanding the mysteries of the kingdom.

From Pentecost until Paul's last epistle, we are taught the mysteries of the kingdom and the New Covenant.

Grosnick Marowbe

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When't the last time one of your posts contained a verse from the Bible?

I use Scripture to make a point, etc. Some on TOL use Scriptures
to call posters names or to supposedly make claims they are not
saved. Scripture shouldn't be used to beat people over the head
with or call names. It's a Holy Book and ought to be treated with
respect and honor.

Some posters on TOL use random Scriptures that have nothing to
do with the discussion.


Well-known member
Yes, Pentecost was the beginning for understanding the mysteries of the kingdom.

From Pentecost until Paul's last epistle, we are taught the mysteries of the kingdom and the New Covenant.

In Acts 11:16-17 KJV why does Peter say that "then I remembered..." and why was he shown this? why does it say "doubt,,nothing doubting" if he already knew it from acts 2 as you say?


In Acts 11:16-17 KJV why does Peter say that "then I remembered..."

Because Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do that.

(John 14:26) But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.


(John 14:26) But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

The above verse is yet another verse that proves Paul didn't preach a different gospel.

In John 14:26 Christ Jesus tells the Disciples that the Holy Spirit would teach them ALL things.

Yet, MADists claim Paul preached something the Disciples were not taught by the Holy Spirit.


Scriptures shouldn't be used just for the purpose of using it to sound Holy.
Anyone today can copy/paste all kinds of verses. However, they should be
used to make a point.

How many verses from the Bible do you think it will take before you realize Paul didn't preach a different gospel than Peter?

How many verses do we have to keep showing you before you realize Darby and Bullinger were wrong?

Stop following Darby and Bulliinger, and believe what the Bible says.


Well-known member
Because Jesus said the Holy Spirit would do that.

(John 14:26) But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Did the comforter remind him of this in Acts 10 or in Acts 2?,,,when did Peter understand it and realize that the gentiles were also to receive the Holy Spirit?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
When was the last time you made a post with a verse from the Bible?

In checking your posts, the last 100 posts by you do not have one verse from the Bible in them.

You must think highly of old GM, in order to do such an investigation?
For someone you despise, I sure get a lot of attention from you. You
claim I have an IQ of 70. Are you privy to my personal scholastic information?
Or, was it just an uneducated guess? (hypothesis)


Did the comforter remind him of this in Acts 10 or in Acts 2?,,,when did Peter understand it and realize that the gentiles were also to receive the Holy Spirit?

Peter quoted Joel at Pentecost:

(Acts 2:21) And everyone who calls
on the name of the Lord will be saved.